Basic Information
Birth Name : Tabitha (Last name unknown)
Aliases: Tabi
Place of Birth: England
Age: Looks to be 18, but is really 189 years of age.
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Songwriter, painter and photographer.
Past Occupation: Guitarist
Hair Color: A deep black with purple streaks.
Length and Style: Tabithas hair end just above the waist. Never put up in a bun or pigtails. Tabithas hair is always straight and not put up.
Eye Color: Tabitha's eyes relate some what to the look of a cat's eye. Her eye color is ussually bright yellow but can at times change into a dull purple and yellow mix.
Skin Color: Extremely pale.
Height: 5'7
Weight: About 120 pounds
Nationality: English.
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire.
Body Type: Very thin, and ussually seen as very weak, yet Tabitha is extremely strong and can shock people with her strength.
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Tabitha was abandoned by her family and put into an orphan home at a young age. The son of her orphan parents had turned her into who she is today at the age of 15. The son, Damien, bit her for a reason unknown. Tabitha thought Damien turned her because he was angry with the new addition to the family.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality
Tabitha is ussually quiet and has many thoughts going through her mind. She day dreams often and is known to not speak very often. Tabitha is also tends to bottle up emotion. The results do not turn out so pretty. Tabitha is ussually nice to most who are nice to her and doesn't bother those who dont bother her. She will stand up for her friends if she has to and isnt afraid to fight even though it may seem that she is.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
Tabitha preffers to dress in a unique way. She ussually likes wearing corsets, pants, skirts and on some occasions a dress. Her dark clothing prefferance ussually matches with her way of thinking and her mood. People ussually underestamate her strength. Tabitha has a dark seductive look, most men and women (depending on their sex preffrence) think she is beautiful even though she thinks negitivly of her self.
3.What does your character like? Tabitha enjoys all forms of art. Painting, photography and music is at the top of her list. Other than art she enjoys going on walks through the cemetery ussually at night. Tabitha is one who enjoys drugs and alcohol but not to often. She loves sitting by the mausolium and smoking cloves and drinking a little booze either by her self or with a few friends. She also enjoys starting fires but keeping them under control.
4. Dislike? People with no common sense, getting to close in a freindship or relationship
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? One of Tabitha's biggest fear is trusting people and getting to close to them. She fears that she might get her heart broken or she might break someone elses. Another thing she fears is sunlight. Her eyes and skin are extremly sensitive to sunlight. Tabitha's home has not one bit of sunlight entering it. The only time Tabitha goes out is at night where the sun won't affect her.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? (please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character) A strength Tabitha has is her seductive look. Most people see her as very attractive and ussually will give her what she needs or wants. Also she has alot of strength in general and people don't see that in her and get often are extremely surprised with her strength. Tabitha has emotional problems and tends to bottle up her emotions and most people can't tell if she is mad, depressed or happy. She rarely smiles or crys. She also has trouble opening up to people, she preffers to keep to her self and not bother others with her problems, but she is a good listener and listens to other people's problems and gives others advise.
Hobbies & Skills: Tabitha is extremely talented in the music area. She plays guitar incredably and can write music and songs well. She is ussually found writing music or playing guitar. She is also a great photographer and painter
Abilities Strength, Agility, Perception
Flaws Pale skin, Smoking addiction, sensitive to sunlight
Cosmetic Traits Ears pierced a few times. Lip and nose piercings and has some tatoos. One of an ankhs on her neck, a dark dragon with fire going down her right arm and a gloomy cemetery scene on her lower back.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention Tabitha has a smoking habit, and ussually smokes alot when in a bad emotional situation. She will also drink alot of alcohol in the same case, but ussually tries to keep her alcohol consomption level low.
Personal History Born into a poor family and was put into an orphanage at a young age. Tabitha doesn't remember any of her family and only has the horrible memories of life at the orphanage. Tabitha was adopted into about three families and none where happy with her behavior. The longest she stayed with one family was at the ages of fourteen and fifteen whe she got bitten and turned into a vampire.
She was turned by the son of one of her orphan parents who was upset with her. A few months after Tabitha was bitten, right before her sixtenth birthday, she ran away hoping to find someone to live with and to understand the way she felt. She basicly lived on the streets untill she was about nineteen when she finally got enough money to rent an apartment. She worked as a muscial performer in a band and enjoyed it very much. Tabitha made a living off of that on top of some of her paintings and photographs. The band eventually broke up and she was alone again.
After years and years of depression from lost friends, and broken relationships she set off hoping to find a nice town to live in where she could make some friends and possibly find her love. It took her years to find a place and she hopes she has found the right one in Nachton.
OOC Checklist
Player name Corinne
Other Characters you play None
How you came to SA Found it while browsing the internet.
Have you read all the Rules? Yes.
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yes.
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Yes, I am over the age of 18.