I will be scarce soon

Well, I saw my Orthopedic specialist today from 8am to 9:30am for my Pre-Op appointment. Surgery is on the 25th. The likelyhood of me being on much is slim. My appologies, I will try to wrap up threads I am in but if not feel free to put them on hold and do other things.

They are going to reopen the scar from last surgery and keep me in the hospital overnight. The main procedure in this surgery is to move a piece of the tibia bone and screw it into place so that it aligns the knee better. They may use some of my hamstring tendon to lash the kneecap to the inside of the femer or they may just tighten ligaments again.

I get to wear a knee immobilizer (hinged possibly) for SIX weeks. I wont be driving for 2 weeks and stairs are not recommended as they want the bone to be immobilized. So once I get into bed upstairs I may not be down for a week.

We need to bring crutches to the hospital with us, we have 3 pairs so thats not a problem, and I will be on those for SIX weeks. Luckily I did get a brace today to put on the Right knee so that it doesnt dislocate with all the pressure I will be putting on it.

I have lots to do prior to the 25th and I dont know how much time and brain I will have to spend here. My apologies ahead of time!

Fallon 18 years ago
Oh sweetie! Good luck with the surgery, and I hope you have a speedy recovery, but please take whatever time is necessary and don't push yourself...I'll send you tons of good thoughts! We'll certainly be here when you get back.
Alexandra 18 years ago
Take all the time you need hun, don't rush yourself and I hope this won't be too painfull for you, I know how hard it is to have surgery on your legs (been there done that), hope you have a speedy recovery /hug
Rachyl 18 years ago
G'luck kiddo, many positive vibes be flying to you!

*big hugs*
Mathias 18 years ago
Luck - I know the knee surgery route (different procedure) and I will say prayers for your speedy recovery
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Ouch >< Good luck!
Alfarinn 18 years ago
If you find the crutchs to much of a pain on your arms or other knee a walker might help. Granny looking though it is. They aren't good for getting up and down stairs but then crutchs and stairs aren't the best of times either.

Be safe and well
Aishe 18 years ago
Good luck with it, from one surgery survivor to another. Hopefully you have a swift and relatively painless recovery. /hugs!
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
I found the "scootchie butt" technique to be the best for stairs, though it looks absolutely ridiculous. As long as no one is watching, I highly suggest it over other methods. Don't overtax yourself and heal up quick! We'll be here when you get back.
Ginnie 18 years ago
Scootchie Butt FTW!!!

Concentrate on recovery, and get back to us when you can. I'll keep you in my prayers. *huggles*
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
scootchie butt indeed!!! Especially if you have cats and dogs always underfoot when you're trying to navigate the stairs, home alone. I've had a hurt knee before so you have my deepest sympathies and fervent wishes for a speedy recovery!!!!!!!! And get a laptop so you can stay in bed and we can keep your mind off of it =)
Cyrus 18 years ago
I will have my work laptop, so I can come here but no surfing pr0n for me.

Though I will be drugged up on percocet so I dont know how coherant I will be either! Thanks for the well wishes all.
Cyrus 18 years ago
surgery went well
percocet is good
pain is insane
at least im home now to drive everyone crazy since getting out of bed is nigh on impossible.
Aishe 18 years ago

Hope you are feeling better soon! Painkillers are your pal... for now, anyhow.
Fallon 18 years ago
Yay!!! Glad to hear the cutting went well You just stay in bed and let everyone cater to you...that opportunity doesn't come along that often HUGS!
Alexandra 18 years ago
Good to hear it went well drive everyone crazy and rest
Cyrus 18 years ago
So I am stuck pretty much in bed. Percocet lucidity comes and goes. So guess you may see more of me than I figured.

I now have everyone waiting upon me hand and foot, muhahaha!
Fallon 18 years ago
Bored out of your mind huh? lol -- Just glad to hear you're not in pain. Enjoy whatever you can get for as long as you can get it!
Alfarinn 18 years ago
It is good to hear that everything went well. Enjoy the service!
Addison 18 years ago
Glad to hear the surgery went well! Much luck with the pain but good to hear about the room service. Get plenty of rest and catch up on movies/tv while you can relax