Hot Cars, Good Food, Fast Dancing. ((Open))
Drev drove them to the Mazda dealership on the out skirts of town and they took a few minutes to look around while waiting for a salesman. Wren spotted the little silver sports car from across the lot and headed over, Drev in her wake. It was perfect, like chocolate and a bubble bath perfect, and it screamed her name. She opened the door of the top-down convertible and slid into the felt-like-butter leather seat.
"Oh, Drev this is it. What is it?"
Wren looked around for the name and found MX-5 etched into the dash just about the glove compartment. As she was fingering all the little buttons, a man in a light gray pin-stripe suit approached.
"Hello! Welcome Ben Livitz Mazda. I see you've decided to check out the Miata MX-5. This is a lovely little machine, and might I say you love perfect in it ma'am."
Wren rolled her eyes and gave the man her best I-can-bullshit-as-well-as-you smile.
"I'd like to test drive this one."
"Sure thing, Miss. Let me go grab the keys and you and I can take her around the block." The man oiled his way back inside and Wren grinned up at Drev.
"If this thing drives as great as it feels on my ass, I'm buying it."

She winked at him, and pulled the visor down to fix her lipstick in the vanity mirror. She nearly let out a little squeal when it lit up and put a very flattering light across her face.
When the salesman returned, she took the keys from him and gave Drev an eyebrow wiggle as the engine purred to life. Oh man was she in love, if she wasn't careful she'd orgasm right then in there on the black leather seats. 'Non-committal, sure I can do that. Yeah. Right.'
The man slid into the passenger seat and buckled up, reminding Wren to do the same. She put the car into first and pulled it forward out of it's spot.
The salesman pattered at her as she drove, and since she wasn't paying him a bit of attention it was easy to stick to the script of 'that's nice.' and 'huh' that Drev had given her. They pulled into the lot and Wren was dead gone on the car. If she was smart she'd walk away go test drive the more sensible Honda and maybe a Chevy or Nissan, but she wasn't thinking about being smart, she was thinking about how much she loved the car she was climbing out of.
She was a little worried about the price, since all she'd really heard was "Blah, blah blah, torque. Blah, blah, blah device. Blah blah blah, Boise. So she had no idea why the car was priced at 29,143, but she would let Drev deal with that, she just wanted that car.

"You want it, don't you?" Drev asked when they were out of earshot. "It's a lot of money, Wren. Even with a five year loan, your payments are going to be five hundred bucks a month. And insurance won't be cheap either." That look in her eye made him sigh. He wanted her to have this car if she liked it that much. But he also didn't want her to go broke paying for it.[/i] "I can talk him down a little bit, but not more than a few thousand. It'll still be a lot of money.
"If you want, I can put up a heavy down payment for you; that'll slash your monthly payments, and save you a ton of interest. Then you can pay me back, interest free. I can garnish your wages or do some other such fiscal thing."

"Ok, I'll let you loan me the money for a down payment, but only so that my payments aren't so high. But I'm paying you back and I'm paying for the insurance. I can get a good rate, I've never had a ticket or an accident, or gotten any points on my license."
She let go of her lipstickless lower lip and smiled brightly at Drev. "Thank you."

Drev's breath caught in his throat when he realized what that statement implied. Would they still be... together... in three years? In five years? The idea of it made him nervous and excited. Before he could contemplate his feelings, he shook the thoughts away.
"Now, let's go play some hardball."

Since they had to drive back by the condo to get back into the right part of town they were going to drop off Drev's BMW and drive to Enzo's in her brand new toy.
She idled at the curb for him, while he parked and came back around to the front. Her fingers played over the buttons and knobs as she waited, letting the music from the surround sound wash over her. When Drev opened the passenger door she gave him a thousand watt smile and pushed the button on the radio she'd already programed and Frank Sinatra was pulled down out of the heavens to surround them.

His tongue slipped easily into her mouth, and he found himself kissing her with more desire, more lust, more (dare he say) love than he could remember showing her. He cupped her face gently with his right hand as he kissed her with every ounce of himself.
When he was finally able to wrestle himself away from her, he licked his lips and tried to refill his lungs. "Nice car," he said, still leaning over the center console, his lips still a mere inch from hers. His hand drifted down over her shoulder, her upper left arm, down to her hip, and took a meandering stroll down her left thigh. He gave her another hard kiss as he caressed her smooth leg.
"Did I mention how fuckably gorgeous you look tonight?"

She swallowed and tried to take a deep breath. What was meant to sound blase and sophisticated came out with a breathy tremble. "Always the gentleman. I shall take that as the complement you hid in there somewhere."
Wren took a deep breath, put the MX-5 into first gear and with Drev's hand playing lightly over her silky thigh, pulled away from the curb and pointed them into the heart of the city.

Luckily, Enzo's wasn't far. Before he could seriously reconsider his decision to keep his hand off her panties, they pulled up to the front of the restaurant. They got out, Drev tipped the valet, and they went in. They caught Enzo himself talking to the host. When Drev and Wren entered, Enzo smiled broadly and rushed over to the couple. He held Wren's upper arms as he politely kissed both of her cheeks, asking how they were, saying how good it was to see them, and if they were going to be dancing tonight. Drev assured him they'd be on the dancefloor as he shook Enzo's hand, exchanged a cheek-kiss of greeting, and then Enzo
showed them to the table they'd had both times before. He apologized for being so busy, but promised he'd stop by a little later as he went off to do whatever business was needed of him.
As they settled into their table, Drev was reminded of their first date. It hadn't been that long ago, but so much had happened since then, it felt like years. Their waiter came over then, poured each a glass of wine, and said he would return again when they'd had a chance to look at the menus.
"Seems like just yesterday that we had our first date here," Drev said with a chuckle.

"Seems like just yesterday that we had our first date here."
Wren looked up from the menu and slipped her hand into the one Drev had resting on the table. She smiled warmly at him and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
"There are times it seems like a day and time I feel like I've known you my whole life. Then there are times I wonder where all the days went and what we did with them."
Wren held his gaze and wondered again how she got so lucky.
((ooc: Edit: fixed broken italics))

"You are thinking about dancing with me. The band is playing one of our favorite songs and you want to feel my body sway against yours as they play it just for us. Am I close?"
She lifted an eyebrow in question at him as the band moved fully into Moonlight Serenade.

"I don't know how long I'm going to make it tonight," he said in a husky voice, and leaned forward to give her a slow, hungry kiss.

"Is the the part where I get to with hold sex to get what I want?"

Should she tell him all the crazy things going on inside? Or just let this sleeping dog lie? Her lips smiled knowingly at him, but she was sure that her eyes betrayed her. She hadn't quite gotten the eyes down yet.

He let it drop, though. The dance floor wasn't the best place to be discussing their feelings for each other. They'd get around to it one of these days, he supposed. But right now, his stomach was starting rumble. When the song wound down, he gave Wren a slow, deep kiss before leading her back to the table. The waiter met them almost immediately, and he took their orders. When he was gone, Drev sat back in his chair, idly swirling the wine in his glass, and looked at Wren with an almost secretive grin.

"Uh-oh, that look means trouble. Why do I have the feeling I'm not going to make it out of this restaurant with out being man-handled?"
She was grateful that he let the whole matter drop out on the dance floor. They would need to talk, but she wasn't sure she wanted to do it anytime soon.

"Hmm, yes I can see how that would be an incredibly difficult choice for you."
She pulled off a small piece of bread and laid it gently on her tongue. There were times when she was never quite sure Drev was kidding. This was one of those times.