Happy Birthday Ambrelle!

Thaddeus Grey
18 years ago
*bounce* Happy Birthday!

18 years ago
Bestest wishes to my new Anantya sister! ! !

Panos Mehalitsenos
18 years ago
happy day amby!

18 years ago
Happy happy day my fellow feline.
Passes Amby some nip. Enjoy!
Passes Amby some nip. Enjoy!

18 years ago
Happy Birthday! I hear Alec bought a bra for you, to celebrate.
Of course... he's wearing it himself, but hey, we all celebrate in our own special ways!
Of course... he's wearing it himself, but hey, we all celebrate in our own special ways!

18 years ago
Many happy returns!

18 years ago
Happy Birthday

18 years ago
Happy birthday

18 years ago
Happy Happy birthday!

Amberelle DeEspionne
18 years ago
thanks everyone =) Amby turned the big 3-0. (The birthday is actually my lil sis's, same year and all)

Alec Devereaux
18 years ago
Oh...well, I hope she likes the bra then. 
*glares at Aishe*

*glares at Aishe*

Amberelle DeEspionne
18 years ago
no fair! I get the bra she got the cake how about that?

Alec Devereaux
18 years ago
I can put cake in the bra if you like. *wiggles eyebrows*

Amberelle DeEspionne
18 years ago
I'd say only if you intend to eat it out, but then Ginnie would kill me

18 years ago
Look what I started!

Alec Devereaux
18 years ago
*smacks Aishe with a cake-filled bra*
Had to use it for something, if I can't plant my face in it for tasty buffet opportunities!
Had to use it for something, if I can't plant my face in it for tasty buffet opportunities!

18 years ago
You think I mind, pal? Well let me tell you, I've been hit by better cake-filled bras than anything YOU could sling at me!
... yeah!
... yeah!

Alec Devereaux
18 years ago
*hires a professional batter-flinger to go to work on Aishe while smacking Amby with a cakebra*
(some tasks are best left to professionals)
*hires a professional batter-flinger to go to work on Aishe while smacking Amby with a cakebra*
(some tasks are best left to professionals)

Amberelle DeEspionne
18 years ago
mmmmmmm... cake-bra........ I hope it's whip cream frosting!!! YOu know I read that post and I was like "F-LIIIING batter batter..." lol!
Oh, and you know I am going to smear anything that gets on me all over your face, right? *beaming smile*
Oh, and you know I am going to smear anything that gets on me all over your face, right? *beaming smile*

18 years ago
Oh, the potential.