Better early then late right?
Just wanted to give you guys head up that I will be gone for 2 weeks from the 22nd of june till the 7th (8th) of july, i'm going on holiday and have no puter access (unless i would go to an internet cafe which I'm not planning on doing).
Going to the lovely island of Tenerife, I'll bring you guys back some sun :teehee

18 years ago
Woot vacation time!! Hope you have lots o fun!!

18 years ago
Yay! Vacation...but keep the sun...we've got plenty here

Ellis Duban
18 years ago
ooooooh an island! Take pics!

Panos Mehalitsenos
18 years ago
swim lots for us!

18 years ago
Thanks huns /hug and I will my little girlie loves water so I think i will be in the pool more then out of it
and I'll take plenty of pics

18 years ago
Ok huns that time has come for me to wave and say see you in 2 weeks, i'm leaving thursday afternoon, won't be around much tomorrow do to final packing and clean my house lol, i'll be back on the 8th of July see you all then 
For those in a thread with Alex, feel free to do whatever to her as long as you don't hurt or kill her off

For those in a thread with Alex, feel free to do whatever to her as long as you don't hurt or kill her off

Amberelle DeEspionne
18 years ago
you just gave carol permission to do whatever with you,...? *imagines a steamy girl-girl scene* 
Have a wonderful trip and enjoy your holiday/vacation!

Have a wonderful trip and enjoy your holiday/vacation!

18 years ago
Lmao Ooo now that sounds fun

Alec Devereaux
18 years ago
"I'll be in my bunk." - Jayne Cobb

18 years ago

Ellis Duban
18 years ago

18 years ago
Have fun hun!!

18 years ago
Thanks hon /hug I'm sure I will with that pool and those temperatures

18 years ago
Have fun and dont try to smuggle any Nip! Ya can go to jail for that kinda stuff.

18 years ago
I'm back, all tanned and lovely, will be getting back into action soon

18 years ago
Welcome back!
I'm jealous!

Amberelle DeEspionne
18 years ago
WB =)