How do you do it?

Once Palmer said "Nightsmen like it complicated" it was all over...

Nightsmen do it complicated
Nightsmen do it in the dark
Unspeakables do it silently
Anantya do it the old fashioned way
Empaths do it with feeling
Dreamwalkers do it while you sleep

Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Tacharan take what they can get
Perceivers watch it from afar
Blenders do it in the shadows
Shifters do it like an animal
Huntsmen do it to their enemies
Ellis does it to everyone! *hides*
Aishe 18 years ago
Suggesters are done before you know it.
Gliders like to be on top.
Contortionists - well, use your imagination.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
*raised eyebrows* oh, I do.

Rosemen do it in the bushes
Meridians do it on top
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Huntsmen do it with finality
Rosemen do it by the book
Nightsman do it in disguise *cough* cozplay *cough*

Anantya do it traditionally
Evenhet do it progressively better
Tacharan just do it....alot

Psychometrists do it by touch
Senders do it with a warning
Bloodlusters do it over dinner
Telekinetics do it with force
Blenders do it....did they do it? Are you sure?
Contortionists do it in tight places

Like an animal, Thaddeus? *shocked and scandalized*