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A new thread in the weave

Livia made her way from the airport with her trunk and large shoulder bag. The taxi did not seem pleased to have to fit the oldfashioned steamer trunk into the vehicle but somehow it fit. In no time they were speeding through Nachton with the moon hanging above the city, looking full and close. Like an over ripe fruit clinging to the branch out of habit with the likelihood of it falling to the ground with a juicy splat.

She wondered how things had been in the last few years while she was travelling. A trip to Scotland always lasted longer than she expected. She had planned to only be away for a year, eighteen months at most. But the beautiful countryside had kept her enthralled for well over twenty-six months. Two years spent as a vagabond. Travelling from town to town, buying wool and selling her art. She had enjoyed the challenge and seeing the changes that had happened to the towns she had frequented three hundred years ago.

The night was almost over here, her flight being one of the many overnight types that arrived in Nachton. Still the darkness was minimal in the city with its streetlights, businesses open and lit and city ambiance. It was good to be back. She needed to check in with her caretaker just to let him know that she had returned. The small flock of sheep she had well taken care of should have created a huge pile of wool over the long months.

Soon the beautiful towers rose up into view, causing Livia to smile. She was finally home.

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