Gaia (Tàcharan)
[color=red]Basic Information [/color]
Birth Name: Gaiana
Aliases: Gaia
Place of Birth: Unknown
Age:(real and apparent) The closest memory she can remember is 400 years back. She appears to be 19/20ish maybe a bit younger.
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Commander in Tàcharan / Relic Hunter
Past Occupation: (If different from above) Unknown
[color=red]Appearance [/color]
Hair Color: White
Length and Style: Long straight (length varies depending on her mood)
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Dark Tan
Height: 6'1
Weight: 140
Nationality: Unknown
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Tall and muscular
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator (if a PC): Unknown (She doesn't remember)
[color=red]Personal Questions [/color]
1. Describe your character's personality
Gaia is 'The Trainer' and there for has an appearance to keep up. She is strong, serious and commands a quiet respect. She also commands fear in those around her and likes it that way. Being tall muscular and imposing she uses her eccentric nature to scare them and keep them on their toes. On the outside she seems innocent with youthful glowing olive complexion, pure white hair and angelic clear blue eyes but she has been anything but for the past 400 years. Gaia has a 'loner' attitude geared towards survival. She doesn't trust those unless they give her a large reason and has an even harder time liking them. Gaia prefers 'simplicity over anything else and abides by her own moral code. It may not make sense to most but to her it is more important then anything else, it means her survival and is the only thing she has had to guide her. Along with her eccentric nature she can appear irrational, short tempered, and illogical, and at times she knows she is but tries to use it as an advantage. Her being unpredictable to others leaves them always guessing what she may or may not do.
Not the first one to go to a formal party but if forced she is the type who would do things to annoy the others. Like wear bells in her hair. However Gaia does love to dance at the club and enjoys the beat of music pounding in her ears. Gaia thinks praying to the gods is foolish (praying to anything for that matter) that you are the only one who can take charge of what is going on around you. Gaia believes in centering on self through meditation. Which in her case has to be done often or she gets cranky. She hopes through meditation it would bring back her lost memories or life from before. Gaia always feels like a piece of her is missing. There is something she isn't fully getting because of the memory loss. For this reason no one really gets close to her.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
Gaia has a saintly looking face. Her white hair and blue eyes are misleading to those who see her. She wears her hair long straight with 2 small braids framing her face *look at av. She tends to wear form fitting easy to move in clothing. Gaia carries 2 Saï with her at all times. They vary from time to time. She has her 'fancy' jewel encrusted ones and then the basic old 'I am out to kill you' ones. When she is training others you could see her with a wooden Tonfa.
Casual wear she has a grunge look. Messy hair, baggy camouflage pants or cut offs and white or dark green shirt usually tank top. She likes to blend in with the teenage population. Sometimes you can find her in 'rave' gear when she goes to the club usually all white with a tie or some sort and on rare occasion a skirt.
Gaia looks like she stepped out of the pages of a comic book. Its all leather all time baby. She wears different shades to match her mood *boy look out when she is wearing red! Sometimes it is a fully body suit and others it could be shorts and a crop top, depending on the task of course.
To go with her grunge look she wears lots of jewelry like chain or other silver accents. Sometimes in her hair she wears bells or jingly things. On one hands he wears a large ring with a chain that goes to an intricately designed wrist cuff. On it is the sigh of C.T. for her clan.
Her nails are slightly longer then regular humans and pointed. She paints them black usually sometimes to shock others pink. She is also known to show up with streaks in her white hair of all different shades. If you get close to her you can smell the faint smell of soap usually rose scented even if she uses something totally different *really makes her mad since she has an aversion for roses.
3. What does your character like?
Gaia likes being left alone, pissing other people off, the hunt for relics, challenges that they say can't be done. Chocolate cupcakes, anything shiny and meditation two things she doesn't know why she does or likes them but does anyway. She also likes practicing with her Sai and accidentally slipping during training with her Tonfa (Although her partners may disagree.).
4. Dislike?
Gaia does not like being told what to do, people treating her like an outsider, not remember anything of her 'past'. She also doesn't like superiority complexes and watermelon (the smell makes her stomach turn.). Gaia calls anyone who grows rose's lunatics and dislikes them because it is such a waste of time.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears?
Well first off she dislikes the word 'fear' and secretly fears it too. Gaia is afraid of never remembering what she has forgotten and loosing her memory again. Gaia is afraid to look at herself because she isn't sure who she is most the time.
7. What are your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Gaia lives day by day. She doesn't take anything for granted and enjoys 'life' *no pun intended, in her eccentric way. This can be both a strength and weakness. She doesn't plan ahead and her eccentricity has led her in to trouble before. No one really knows her because she is weird and covers up what ever she doesn't know with odd behavior leaving her very singled out. Gaia has a strong sense of herself and her moral code. Others do not understand why she does what she does but she can't let that stop her. When she sets her mind to something *good or bad she does it.
Hobbies & Skills:
Gaia may not seem the type but she reads poetry. It calms her and allows her to get past issues like her missing memory. She only does this alone however. She has great skill with her double Sai's and spends a lot of time practicing with them. Gaia is really in to self defense but only with her Sai's and more traditional 'tool' weapons. She does not like big swords or shields or modern weapons like guns. Although she is not beneath using them they do not interest her.
Bloodlust, Blending, Dreamwalking
Bad Temper, Amnesia, Won't feed on
Cosmetic Traits:
Her nails grow pointed sharp and slightly longer then most. They are extremely hard and only break under extreme stress.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention:
Gaia twirls her hair around her finger when she sleeps *leaving it in a knotted mess usually. She has 1 rope burn scar on her left wrist that she rubs when thinking. When walking by beggar children she randomly hands out money. Sometimes not just to the poor ones either
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
Gaia can only remember the last 400 years of her life. She woke up dirty alone in a corn field in Europe somewhere with a Sai in her hand and rope binding her legs. She was nearly naked her body covered in a torn up night dress. As she stood she held out her arms and observed a number of cuts scratches and welts. Before her eyes they disappeared. This scared her and Gaia repeatedly tried to hurt herself only to have the wounds heal. Not sure what to do she wandered the fields for 3 days with nothing but the Sai in one hand and the trail of rope leading behind her.
A gypsy like woman stopped her and took her in to her wagon. Gaia had no idea what year it was who she was or what she was doing. The woman being wise knew exactly what she was and finding a tattoo on her inner calf with the word Gaiana on it she received the name Gaia for short. The Gypsy woman named Tarka taught her how to feed how to survive. She instructed Gaia in meditation that could help her recover her memory. The old woman did not believe in worshiping gods and as they traveled through Europe showed her the foolishness of people who prayed and grew roses. It was a waste of time when so many other things could be done. The old woman also showed her how to use her Sai and other farm tools that no one would suspect as weapons.
One day Gaia had gone to a near by town to retrieve cooking supplies. When she returned the old woman was dead and a group of people were running away in the distance. Gaia felt something in her chest... a responsibility. She found a number of clues in the area leading her to towards the men she had seen running away. After baring the woman Gaia took the horse and went after them. She tracked them all the way to the new world. Gaia deftly hunted them through the 'new world' and finding 3 she got the last to confess where the 4th man was. He was hiding in a town called Nachton. Finding her way there Gaia hunted down the murderer and ended her spree. She was left with nothing and no where... no goal. She wandered around the new world for 350 years stealing and hiding mostly until she found herself back at Nachton. This city was special. It was crawling with people like her but she was a loner preferred to be left that way. She observed them and their culture. One evening she had been out at a club and was now looking for a meal when she was cornered by vampire harvesters. They seemed to be renegade not aligned to the clans she learned lived here. They tended to pick off the vampires that were not aligned and she wasn't. her 10 adversaries circled here and Gaia pulled out her Sai's as the battle began she could smell the smoke of a cigarette and see tendrils of smoke float from the shadow. As she fought Gaia wondered if it was another enemy? In her moment of distractive through 2 enemies got the better of her and suddenly the figure emerged from the shadows. The woman had dropped her cigarette and took out one of the foes. Gaia finished the other with a few simple strikes. 10 bodies lay around them they seemed to be human. Gaia thanked her savioress and a relationship had formed. Gaia's gypsy teacher had taught her loyalty and Gaia pledged hers the woman who she would later know as Ellis. 40 years passed and Gaia along the way had become a member of Clan Tàcharan. Gaia has also become very interested in relic hunting when it did not interfere with her duties.
[color=red]Odd Questions[/color](To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response?
It deserves a response?
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do?
Gaia may seem te cold hearted killer but she would help the child... and probably give her/him a coin.
3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do?
Gaia would jump in if it looks good!
4.What animal does your character most identify with?
Gaia is very much like a white wolf. She is the alfa female of her pack but also does very well on her own.
Player name (online is fine) Sharia
Other Characters you play Océane Émond
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) Friend