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Choosing Werewolf Abilities and Flaws

Abilities and flaws work a bit differently for werewolves. Because werewolves are mortal, abilities and flaws are not distributed based on age. To allow the most diversity while promoting fairness in distribution, we have assigned each ability and flaw with a point value.

Each character has 20 points to spend on abilities. (Pack Alphas get 25 points, just like vampires they need the slight edge.)

You may spend them as you wish, within the following parameters:

-You may have no more than 3 points left over when you have finished selecting abilities and flaws (please make a note of your remaining points under abilities in your bio)

-You do not need to spend the same number of points in flaws and abilities, but you should have no more than 1 point of difference when finished.

There are three tiers of abilities and flaws, based on their relative strength. Tier One Abilities and Flaws cost 2 points, Tier Two Abilities and Flaws cost 5 points, and Tier Three Abilities and Flaws cost 10 points.

-You may distribute your points differently in abilities and flaws. For example, you might choose to have 5 Tier One Abilities and 1 Tier Three Ability, but you could choose to have 4 Tier Two Flaws.

-You are limited to 5 Tier One Abilities or Flaws.

-You must spend 5 points minimum in your Pack Only Abilities and Flaws.

In addition to a broad choice of Abilities and Flaws, there are also many possible point combinations to offer unique and personalized characters.