=( It's been slow around here lately, dear. I suppose a lot of us are in the middle of other things right now, thus less RP'ing that could potentially include newer people into current storylines. You gotta figure, we opened just about a year ago and went hard core for about 9 months. I know my storylines have all but stopped and staff is currently finishing up the next expansion - we're hoping for a summer release.
I think that'll renew interest in the board, so even if you don't RP as much, I think the expansion will give everyone the opportunity to start new storylines and be more involved. =) IM me if you wanna chat more...and that goes to everyone.
aim - rozbeans
msn - [email]caitlinnvbran@hotmail.com[/email]
yahoo - mae2gurl
Thinking about quiting
First let me say I don't want to whine or complain about lack of intrest or anything like that, it's probably just me.
I feel really out of place on this board, I just don't feel I fit in and don't take part in anything, i'm either missing something, not looking close enough or just missing the whole point of this board.
Dont'get me wrong I like it here, you guys are all friendly and nice and the board looks amazing it's just that i feel like i'm standing on the side line looking in and i'm not part of it all.
So that is why I think it may be for the best if i left.. not sure what the point is in my staying on.
I wish you all a wonderful time here and see you guys around.

Ellis Duban
18 years ago

18 years ago
I'm not exactly sure what it is you feel you're missing, or what "all" of it is that you're not part of. It's been awfully slow lately like Roz said, which stinks for everyone involved.
And also slow RP makes for fewer opportunities for hanging out. However, I haven't noticed Alexandra in any situations that any of my characters would be free to join her in either, so I haven't had much opportunity to RP with you myself.
I very much hope no one has said or done anything to make you feel unwelcome, and I also hope you stick around and continue to hang with us, but not at the expense of your having fun! Perhaps when our 'expansion' comes out you will be able to join in the fun of starting a new race and being on the same footing as everyone else?
It out to be a howling good time.... yuk, yuk.

I very much hope no one has said or done anything to make you feel unwelcome, and I also hope you stick around and continue to hang with us, but not at the expense of your having fun! Perhaps when our 'expansion' comes out you will be able to join in the fun of starting a new race and being on the same footing as everyone else?

Ellis Duban
18 years ago
I guess we've never really articulated what the 'purpose' of the board is. We really didn't start off with one. Mai and Ellis met in the sewers and found a ring - that sparked off a huge storyline that involved all three clans, seeing how we were all leaders. It just went from there, but it's not the MAIN storyline of the board. Other than Nachton being run by vampires and 3 clans were at odds with each other - everyone's been welcomed start whatever storylines they wanted.
I suppose the question is, does Alex have a storyline of her own? Are you having problems establishing it, giving it life, maintaining its continuity? You're welcome to make up just about any story you want with Alex and Nachton. If you wanted to do something involving the clan, you needed to only just drop me a pm with your ideas. I'm open to anything, and I should add, my storylines do not have priority - yes my characters lead the clan but I am open to anything involving any of the other members. However my story with Ellis and the clan is pretty much decided, but that doesn't mean I can't incorporate other members and haven't in the past. I just asked that people respect my vision of Ellis' destiny, as well as my other characters.
That being said, I would love to do something with Alex and the clan. I'm sure everyone's open to rping with her as well. So the purpose of the board is - whatever you want it to be.
Hope that helps.
I suppose the question is, does Alex have a storyline of her own? Are you having problems establishing it, giving it life, maintaining its continuity? You're welcome to make up just about any story you want with Alex and Nachton. If you wanted to do something involving the clan, you needed to only just drop me a pm with your ideas. I'm open to anything, and I should add, my storylines do not have priority - yes my characters lead the clan but I am open to anything involving any of the other members. However my story with Ellis and the clan is pretty much decided, but that doesn't mean I can't incorporate other members and haven't in the past. I just asked that people respect my vision of Ellis' destiny, as well as my other characters.
That being said, I would love to do something with Alex and the clan. I'm sure everyone's open to rping with her as well. So the purpose of the board is - whatever you want it to be.
Hope that helps.

Thaddeus Grey
18 years ago
I pretty much agree with what’s been said as far as ways to integrate yourself into the community. Should you decide to come back your character will be here, as will we *grin*. We’re like a playground, got all the equipment set up for folks to give it a whirl

18 years ago
I cant count the number of times my characters have opened a thread in hopes of drawing others out to play but nothing happened. Such is Nachton. The point is to keep trying. Paint your corner or view of Nachton in such a way that people want to go there. Want to revisit that spot.
Certain informal places have been reused and I can see them as clearly as I can see the Manor or Qwerty Cafe or the Piazza. I created Flannigans and I can smell the dark imported beer, potatoes boiling and a faint hint of cabbage when I think of it. Other people have tried it out too. But I also see Enzo's and want to visit it like several others have. Visualization. Creation.
So maybe you just fell in love with an insane vampire. Why cant you also love to stop in a coffee shop that may get more business than Qwerty if you describe it in such detail that we know it better than our own kitchens.
This board is not just about the characters 'hooking up' while a lot of that is happening, there are also storylines blooming, characters developing and things happening. Albeit slowly. But thats ok. Because sometimes when things happen too fast, you miss out on all the little details, and those are what bring this town alive for me.
That and the nip.
You know, if nothing else this thread give us a wake up call. Nachton is what we make it. We are the ones that have to maintain the care and feeding else it wither and die. Personally? Im here to stay.
Certain informal places have been reused and I can see them as clearly as I can see the Manor or Qwerty Cafe or the Piazza. I created Flannigans and I can smell the dark imported beer, potatoes boiling and a faint hint of cabbage when I think of it. Other people have tried it out too. But I also see Enzo's and want to visit it like several others have. Visualization. Creation.
So maybe you just fell in love with an insane vampire. Why cant you also love to stop in a coffee shop that may get more business than Qwerty if you describe it in such detail that we know it better than our own kitchens.
This board is not just about the characters 'hooking up' while a lot of that is happening, there are also storylines blooming, characters developing and things happening. Albeit slowly. But thats ok. Because sometimes when things happen too fast, you miss out on all the little details, and those are what bring this town alive for me.
That and the nip.

You know, if nothing else this thread give us a wake up call. Nachton is what we make it. We are the ones that have to maintain the care and feeding else it wither and die. Personally? Im here to stay.

18 years ago
I think what I find most dificult on this board, having been on MANY other rpg boards (including 1 of myself) is that you can only be in 2 threads (3 if you count the personal journals) at a time, right now i'm kind of stuck in one thread outside the clan and there is as far as I can see nothing going on inside of Tacharan that would be a good thread for Alex to join into.
Just to get it out of the way, noone said or did anything to me to offend me, i'm pretty much still a newbie here, I come here everyday, read the stories (some are really fun to read) and that is it. nothing more for me and that annoys me cause I would like to be active, go on adventure but I have NO clue where to start.
Like I said this is probably me and this is a bad timing for me right now as I'm going on a 2 week holiday starting next week, I don't want to leave this place and i'm open for anything at the moment.
Got any ideas just yell i'm around
Just to get it out of the way, noone said or did anything to me to offend me, i'm pretty much still a newbie here, I come here everyday, read the stories (some are really fun to read) and that is it. nothing more for me and that annoys me cause I would like to be active, go on adventure but I have NO clue where to start.
Like I said this is probably me and this is a bad timing for me right now as I'm going on a 2 week holiday starting next week, I don't want to leave this place and i'm open for anything at the moment.
Got any ideas just yell i'm around

18 years ago
Have you thought about possibly creating a second character? Wanting more play time is one reason I created Fallon and Nic, and considering Shay is away atm, it is a good thing I have the other characters.
And, you can rp in the residential area, if there's nothing going on in Tach...or start something up in Tach...
When I first started here, it took a while before I could find anyone to play with...and then I became extremely fortunate and found a bunch of people who were really generous with their characters and storylines. I had a basic idea for all my characters going in though...a goal. Have you thought up what you want of Alex? Sometimes just having that bit of focus can help a lot.
And, you can rp in the residential area, if there's nothing going on in Tach...or start something up in Tach...
When I first started here, it took a while before I could find anyone to play with...and then I became extremely fortunate and found a bunch of people who were really generous with their characters and storylines. I had a basic idea for all my characters going in though...a goal. Have you thought up what you want of Alex? Sometimes just having that bit of focus can help a lot.

18 years ago
I created a second character, Michel but while doing so I changed my mind for a few personal reasons.. I might create a new character, someone who was recently turned maybe, not sure and like I said i'm open to anything at the moment, I love to rpg I just feel like i'm not doing any and the boards I was once part of.. well not going back there, don't ask way too long a story.

18 years ago
Well, Panos' player was kind of pregnant, after all... So it makes sense that she's not posting at the moment.
Start something.
I think what I find most dificult on this board, having been on MANY other rpg boards (including 1 of myself) is that you can only be in 2 threads (3 if you count the personal journals) at a time, right now i'm kind of stuck in one thread outside the clan
Well, Panos' player was kind of pregnant, after all... So it makes sense that she's not posting at the moment.
and there is as far as I can see nothing going on inside of Tacharan that would be a good thread for Alex to join into.
Start something.

18 years ago
If you are in threads that are stagnating perhaps speak to a mod and ask for it to be put on hold temporarily til the other people in the thread can return to take it back up. Perhaps try to send them an PM and ask if it can be /out'd so you can live some more.
The timeline of Nachton is screwy. It gets me every time and I have to keep track of things really carefully so I know whos when and what they knew then not what they know now. That timeline can only get more skewed if the mods opened it up to more than 2 threads.
Tach may be your home, but you can play in residential as long as your not in a tach thread. They are both "home" for vampires in my eyes. (Someone correct me if I am wrong please!!)
Please do take some time and think about a second character. Let them grow as they wish. Sometimes you realize they are nothing like the original idea and they grow way beyond the bio.
The timeline of Nachton is screwy. It gets me every time and I have to keep track of things really carefully so I know whos when and what they knew then not what they know now. That timeline can only get more skewed if the mods opened it up to more than 2 threads.
Tach may be your home, but you can play in residential as long as your not in a tach thread. They are both "home" for vampires in my eyes. (Someone correct me if I am wrong please!!)
Please do take some time and think about a second character. Let them grow as they wish. Sometimes you realize they are nothing like the original idea and they grow way beyond the bio.

Thaddeus Grey
18 years ago
*nods* There are three general areas - Residential, Clan, and Public; you can be in any two at one time.
I think Cyrus explained it best as far as the reasons for the two thread limit.
I think Cyrus explained it best as far as the reasons for the two thread limit.

18 years ago
AWwwww!!! Look at the cute little chibi Thaddeus!! *pinches cheeks*

18 years ago
*is kind of glad to NOT have graphics on at the moment*

Thaddeus Grey
18 years ago
And thank you SHAY, it is good to be appreciated *squishes teh birthday chibi*

And thank you SHAY, it is good to be appreciated *squishes teh birthday chibi*

Ellis Duban
18 years ago
Tacharan being quiet is my fault. On a personal level, I'm wrapped up completely in my daughter right now with my husband away. She's a social gal O_O There's so much I want to write, but honestly I don't have the time to do it. When I sit down here, it's usually WW stuff I'm working on or at work...watching tv. 
Maybe it's time for another raid! =D

Maybe it's time for another raid! =D

Alec Devereaux
18 years ago
The board just goes through cycles, like most things in life. The primary thing that this board requires is an active interest of each player - SHOW people why Alexandra is an interesting chica and people will be on your doorstep waiting for it to open and interact with her. The biggest things is making contact with both characters and players - characters with common mindsets (in Clan, usually), and players with common thought processes or ideas here in Traffic, then in an instant message service. Once you can scheme offline, it guarantees that you can keep online rolling.
The thing that I enjoy about this board is that it is so open - the mods do not railroad, no one forces content. It all evolves naturally. At the same time, that means the players each have to bring a compelling story as well.
Sometimes characters just stop talking to their players, too. Alec was a 3-6 post a day character for awhile, then he clammed up. All part of the cycle. If Alexandra isn't chatty for you, then maybe Michel is a good idea.
The thing that I enjoy about this board is that it is so open - the mods do not railroad, no one forces content. It all evolves naturally. At the same time, that means the players each have to bring a compelling story as well.
Sometimes characters just stop talking to their players, too. Alec was a 3-6 post a day character for awhile, then he clammed up. All part of the cycle. If Alexandra isn't chatty for you, then maybe Michel is a good idea.

18 years ago
*ponders the Chibi in Rachyl's av*
....uhmm hmmmm
Well I know that we've been in a few threads together and I thought those were going along fine in both cases from what I read of them. I guess it all depends on what you're looking for.
....uhmm hmmmm
Well I know that we've been in a few threads together and I thought those were going along fine in both cases from what I read of them. I guess it all depends on what you're looking for.

18 years ago
Is that what it's called?
I must not have gotten the memo.
I probably threw it out with my TPS reports cover sheets.
*ponders the Chibi in Rachyl's av*
....uhmm hmmmm
Is that what it's called?
I must not have gotten the memo.
I probably threw it out with my TPS reports cover sheets.

18 years ago
"Chibi -
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chibi is a noun originated in the Japanese language to describe a short person or child."
There ya go Rachyl!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chibi is a noun originated in the Japanese language to describe a short person or child."
There ya go Rachyl!

18 years ago
The thing is I don't really know who Alex is, she's very new to me and other then her bio she has no real past, sure she has a past she's been around since the 16th century but i'm not sure how to really deepen her, right now she's alot like me with a darker side and I don't drink blood and kill on a daily basis
but other then that I'm not sure...
I feel like i'm kind of whining here which is not what I want to do, like i said before I love this place and you guys are great i'm just kinda stuck, i think i will try and deepen her, maybe start a thread in tacharan that is open for who ever wants to join in.

I feel like i'm kind of whining here which is not what I want to do, like i said before I love this place and you guys are great i'm just kinda stuck, i think i will try and deepen her, maybe start a thread in tacharan that is open for who ever wants to join in.