Kobe's Sushi Bar
Kobe's Sushi Bar is a good sized place that sits right on a corner of the strip. It has a small glass vestibule before the black painted inner door opens to a tiny waiting area. The waiting area has a bronze wall mounted waterfall as its focal point as well as many plants of all shapes and sizes. The small host podium is near the entrance to the tiny restaurant side which offers elegant dining on traditional Japanese cuisine. The other side of the small rectangular room opens to the large bar area.
Immediately you walk into a sea of high tables with comfortable high backed stools on meticulously maintained pale wood flooring. The small tables give way to a long bar that can comfortably support five bartenders along it. The far end of the room houses a sushi bar with five chef's preparing in the open kitchen atmosphere. They put on a show occasionally but mainly it is simply skill that these fine chefs display when preparing any sushi item imaginable. The scent of fish is indestinguishable due to the quality and freshness procured by these experts. But they are not above having a variety of fresh lemons cut and clustered around the outer edges of their glass faced work area.
Patrons sit in the high stools, hook their feet in the modern chrome rungs, and lean back against the black faux leather seats while their drinks sweat onto the dark red tabletops. The tables are square and can support two comfortably but four if everyone is friendly and sharing or only drinking. Plants hang down from the ceiling and climb up the walls but never get close enough to interfere with the guests food or conversations. Small chrome sconces grace the walls and provide lighting to keep the bar not brilliantly lit but not dim. The overhead lights are hidden almost completely by traditional room screens made with pale wood and handmade creamy colored paper. Those are only turned on in case of emergency since the bar is open all night as per Nachton custom.
The traditional mirrored bar background was foregone for another large bronze water feature on each end. These bronze works of art ripple as if water themselves with a patina of brilliant golden, pale blue and tinges of green. The water slips down the metal smoothly to collect in the small rectangular tray only to be recyled and sent upwards once more in a never ending cycle.
The bar boasts over three hundred wines and a hundred beers from around the world as well as educated servers to prepare mixed drinks of all tastes. Since the main stock in trade is alcohol in this area the aroma of various wines permeate the entire bar. The napkins are small but thick and printed with the bar's name in black and red. Each table and along the bar there are glass upright soy sauce vessels shaped like tiny pitchers and small square bowls of wassabi peas. Chopsticks are normally handed out when an order is placed in front of a patron, one must ask for a fork if needed.
Finding the restrooms are easy, they seperate the bar from the tiny restaurant portion even further but are large and plush to accommodate many people. There are also small waiting alcoves along the hall to the lavatory that provide private waiting areas should the lines be overly long. All in all it was the perfect cozy but busy place for a vampires early evening snacking to begin.

Walking alongside Cyrus, until they reached the door, she entered ahead of him and waited for the host to seat them. Leaning towards Cyrus she whispered her delight.
"Oh, this should be fun...I've never had sushi before." Taking in the decor she especially loved the water treatments on the wall.
"You know, having a fountain like that in our suite would be nice, don't you think? It would look perfect in the lanai off the master bedroom or bath in the new house too. Just think of going to sleep and hearing that off in the distance...it would almost be like sleeping outside."
Squeezing his arm as they made their way back to be seated along the sushi bar, Fallon had decided she wanted to see the chefs create, her eyes were in continuous motion.
"This place kind of reminds me of your suite at the manor...with all the plants, and Asian cultural artifacts."
Sitting down Fallon smiled at the young couple seated to her side, and then to the young Asian man standing on the other side of the long bar. All thoughts of earlier concerns had totally disappeared. Whether she had gotten a second wind, or was just now truly waking up for the night ahead, she wasn't sure, but she couldn't have been in a better mood.

Taking in all the plants he almost missed the clerverly placed TV's high near the ceiling. Two near the bar played sports but without sound. The screen in the front corner showed stock tickers which pleased him to see, especially after speaking with his companies today.
The fountains were remarkable and he nodded while murmured appropriate sounds of agreement while holding a chair out for her, near the chef's as she wished. Taking his seat he smiled at his mate. "This is cozy. I like it."
While the bar was not yet as heavily populated like the House of Pain would be, it gave every indication that it could be become quite full as the evening wore on. Plus they openly served raw meat, what more could he ask. This was definately looking like a great place to frequent often.

The couple next to her said hello, and introduced themselves when she turned and glanced their way again. Though comfortable, they were all sitting rather close along the bar there. Leaning back a bit, so they could see Cyrus, she introduced him as well, and promptly leaned towards him and whispered.
"Maybe they would do for later?" Her hand rested on his thigh for support, and she gave it a light squeeze before sitting straight again. She looked into his eyes to see what he thought, then turned away when their drinks were delivered.
Holding her sake towards Cyrus, Fallon saluted him, and spoke in a soft, sultry voice.
"If I may...to new adventures?" She grinned as she tentatively made the toast. "And a wonderful future, together."
It wasn't too unique, but the words were heartfelt, and Fallon's heart was full of love, happiness, and excitement...and she felt a strong need to convey that to him right now.
Before she became too over emotional, the chef across from them spoke to the couples sitting there, introducing himself, and making some noise with utensils, as he began preparing food to serve them.

Ordering his favorite beer, Kirin, was not met with a confused look but with a pleased nod from their server. An indulgent smile tried to make its way to his lips at Fallon's order. He was pleased that she was enjoying this new experience and hoped she liked sushi. The toast was sweet even if he had not expected it. After the required clink and sip he picked up her hand and kissed her smooth skin.
"I think it will be long and wonderful as well, Kitten."
The chef's display was overblown from his point of view but he simply sat back and waited for his sashimi. Glancing around at the decor he remembered the samples of flooring they needed to pick from. Turning slightly towards Fallon he took a moment to pet the soft skin of her arm.
"Suki brought samples by yesterday for us to choose from. Indoor hardwood and front courtyard stone. The samples are on the upstairs coffee table for us to choose from."

A little enthralled by the chef's antics, Fallon glanced over at Cyrus to see he didn't seem impressed. She grinned, knowing in all his years he had undoubtedly seen such displays many times over. For her, on the other hand, it was new, and probably silly, but still entertaining.
At one point the chef motioned to Fallon, as he quickly rolled together a mouthful morsel just for her. His hands moved so quickly and with such accuracy that he almost made the process look like a work of art. When he finished he deftly placed the item on her plate and smiled, before going to work on pieces for the other diners. Fallon felt special that she was served first.
Picking up the chopsticks, Fallon cast a skeptical eye at Cyrus, not sure if she should be attempting such a difficult operation. On the other hand, she really did want to learn how to use them, and had no intention of asking for a fork, and using her fingers, though she guessed was fine, just didn't seem game.
Nodding at his mention of flooring, she smiled.
"Oh that will be fun to look at later, when we get home. But Cyrus...could you..um...show me how to use these things?"

"Hold the top like a pencil and the bottom like this. Use them to pick up the sushi and dip it gently in the soya sauce then eat in one bite. Do not worry, I wont let you drop anything." He added the last sentence very quietly so she would be more comfortable and kept part of his attention on whatever she picked up in her chopsticks so that it stayed within their grasp until she let go.
Pouring a very small amount of soya sauce into the tiny square bowl provided for her, he was pleased to note the chef bringing over his plate of sashimi as well as Fallon's sushi. Since they had only asked for the sushi they got to skip the formal miso soup and salad filler, which made him very thankful.
Looking down at his plate of raw tuna and mackerel, he smiled. Carefully pouring himself just a few drops of soya sauce in his dipping bowl before he picked up his slice of maguro and barely touched it to the sauce. Handling the chopsticks like a professional he placed the entire piece in his mouth and savored the taste. Venison was ok but tuna was delightfull.
Bowing his head respectfully to the chef in appreciation before he turned more of his attention to Fallon. "What do you think?"

Looking at her plate first and then to Cyrus, she could see distinct differences in the things they had been served. While most of the objects on her plate seemed to be rolled around rice, or covered in seaweed...she assumed that was what the thin, green substance was...Cyrus appeared to have a plate of different types of raw fish. Seeing she did have a couple items that were tucked underneath, and resembled the fish Cyrus had, she picked one up and gave it a glance before placing it on her tongue as well. The meat was a very deep burgundy red in color, and had a very tender, but firm consistency. She thought it might be tuna that she was eating, but found whatever it was, it was delicious.
"It's really good, Cyrus! In fact...it brought an idea to mind...do we have a creek on our land?"
Though she knew if they did it would be fresh water, and not going to be a home to tuna, the idea of eating fresh fish suddenly seemed very appealing, and might make an interesting change the next time they took a night out in their den.

"We can check, though I think coming here frequently may be nice as well."
The fish was exceptional and he made short work of it without hurry. By the time he got to his last piece the tiny bowl of soya sauce was empty. Still he swirlled the fish over it to collect any last drops and then replaced his chopsticks in their holder. Once his place setting looked exactly like it had originally he was satisfied. Bowing his head to the chef once more he spoke quietly. "Gochisosama"
Sipping his beer after refilling Fallon's saki cup, he relaxed and looked around. The main bar area was filling up and the chef no longer had time to do his silly knife crap while preparing but did bow deeply in respect to Cyrus' thanks for the meal. Apparently this is where young professionals came after work as many were in business attire. Finding a willing blood doner may be a bit more work than the HoP but it may be worth it for the food here.
Smiling at Fallon he resisted the urge to stroke his thumb down her jaw and kiss her long and hard while in such a public place but the urge shone clearly in his eyes. "Good food here."

She had no idea what it was he said to the chef, but assumed it was some form of thanks. She placed a soft hand on his thigh, and caressed him tenderly, as she smiled, and sat back a little in her chair. Drinking more of the sake, Fallon could now feel the effects the potent liquor was having on her. Though no where near tipsy, she did feel a nice fuzziness surround her, almost cocoon like.
"Very good. This was an excellent choice for this evening."
And seeing the look in his eyes, Fallon gave his upper thigh a squeeze. It was a little bit naughty on her part, knowing she could get away with teasing him a bit more than he could with her, but feeling so confident in their relationship these days, Fallon didn't think she was risking anything.
"And...for dessert? See anything promising?"
After she spoke the words, and listened to them, she could see where they could have two meanings. First, they had yet to feed, and while she wasn't at all starving for blood yet, it was still something they had to address. Secondly though, her words could also be construed to mean she was offering up herself for dessert. Both options viable, and both options she hoped he would take her up on. It just hadn't been planned that she would make the question two fold.

Breathing in the wonderful scent of his mate he tried not to look at her like he wished to consume her whole. Though she did make him lick his lips at the thought of her for dessert. Picturing her sprawled naked on their bed and him feasting at her warm core and femoral artery made his body tighten as blood raced to his groin.
"Dessert sounds lovely. Did you see anything offered here you may want or would you rather enjoy something from home?"
The bar was pretty packed now. They could entice someone for a quick bite or indulge in bottled and eachother in bed. Trying to keep himself as in check as possible he stopped the rumbling growl that wished to escape and kept his eyes half shut to prevent people from noticing the reflective quality. Still the mental image he had created a moment ago made his fangs ache as he stroked the back of them with his tongue. His hand strayed from the back of Fallon's chair to the nape of her neck, petting the smooth skin lightly with his fingertips.

Though she was sure he tried to downplay his interest and desire, she was learning to read certain things about him, very well. The fact that he wanted her, as much as she wanted him, was so recognizable to her now that she had to acknowledge it.
Yet before they could be together again, they still had the matter of feeding.
Fallon was enjoying her food more these days, both varieties, but still thought of food as more of just something that had to be done to survive. Whether it was sushi, or blood, cooked or raw, bottled or fresh, she didn't care. For her it was the new experiences and being around people that she often found fun and exciting. Cyrus was the connoisseur, and it was because she wanted him to have an enjoyable meal tonight that she went along with his need to get out. She wasn't about to turn tail and head home now...when he still hadn't fed.
Looking around the room, while loving the feel of his hand on her neck, Fallon saw a woman who seemed to be a lot like the types of women she had seen Cyrus with before. Turning her face to his, she brushed his lips with hers in a soft peck that wouldn't have looked inappropriate to anyone, but that captured his attention. With a subsequent nod towards the woman who sat alone at the end of the bar, Fallon waited for Cyrus to size her up. Fallon had also noticed that even though the woman sat at the end of the bar, she didn't appear to be drinking alcohol. Having gotten the idea that Cyrus liked his donors to be free of any such things that might taint their blood, she thought the woman was perfect.
Question was...would Cyrus?

One of the waitresses came up to ask if they needed anything else. With the way she almost climbed into his lap she figured that the petite server was offering herself as well as menu items. With a lazy smile he turned his attention from the patron to the young lady. She was tastey looking in a young and clean way, and best of all she was willing. Perhaps she thought to take him away from his lovely caucasian date.
"Just the check please." He said, and watched her scurry off, ignoring other customers trying to get her attention. Leaning over he whispered in Fallon's ear. "Looks like dessert is free. I wont be but a moment and will get enough for both of us."
Under her hair, his finger tips stroked the soft skin of his kitten. While he would rather just go home with her, if he fed now, she could feed from him later. Making her meal much more potent for her. Wishing to kiss his love deeply but unwilling to risk scaring off dessert, he simply massaged her skin until he saw his meal half way to them.
Making eye contact with the girl, he smiled and stood. With one brow arched in challenge he deliberately made his way to the restroom areas. As he predicted she followed. In no time at all he had her pinned facing a dark corner, while he sucked on her neck. The mark would mask the punctures and still be hidden by her uniform. Slipping a large bill or two into her apron with a thank you he continued into the mens room to wash his hands. His meal was still standing limply in the corner breathing hard when he emerged. Luckily her eyes were closed and he slipped past unnoticed.
Returning to Fallon he offered her a hand up out of the seat. His excitement at returning home with her pushed his disiterest in his meal away. "Ready to head home, love?"

Surprising was the way she felt when the cute little Asian waitress almost threw herself at Cyrus. Knowing full well his intentions when he offered the bit of encouragement he had, she still would have liked to have taken the woman in the back somewhere, and shown her what she could have done. But being jealous and irrational like that wouldn't gain either her or Cyrus what they needed. So putting the green eyed monster back into her cage, Fallon just smiled and nodded as Cyrus left the table.
Her eyes glittered with love and delight at the site of Cyrus making his way back to her. She almost giggled at the self satisfied smile he seemed to be wearing, then guessed she was probably reading more of her own feelings into his face. Cyrus never seemed self satisfied about anything, being the humble gentleman that he was. And once again he had shown just how much he loved her, by coming back to her. Fallon's knew her self image shouldn't be built upon what Cyrus did or didn't do, but for now it was a start, and it was working.
"I'm always ready to go home with you, love." She whispered into his ear after standing up and putting an arm about his waist. And after speaking she nipped his earlobe softly, and then kissed it, now not caring who thought what. She was still fairly discreet, and doubted her actions would cause a scandal...besides she didn't mind a little bit of PDA.
"Was she a good choice?" She asked, once they passed through the doors leading outside. Looking into Cyrus' eyes, and again brushing her lips against his.
She wondered if either of them would make it home fully clothed.

"Free meals are good. Going home with you is much better though." His hand gently smoothed her hair as he smiled at her. The car rolled up to them and he was handing his mate into the vehicle before the driver could make it around to the back. With a quick request for "home" he climbed in behind Fallon.
In the car his hand traced random patterns upon her silk clad thigh while he counted down the minutes until they were home, naked and in the bed they now shared. While the petite asian food source was tastey, he hungered for the woman beside him despite their diferences. Their similarities simply made it all the sweeter. Reigning in the need to lick his tongue up her soft skin and surround himself with her scent he sat, still tracing gentle touches along her thigh with only a low rumbling whispering his desire.

Once in the car, Fallon rested against Cyrus, and let his hands have freedom to roam where they wanted. Her own hands mimicked his, and she stroked along his legs. Her body was beginning to tingle with anticipation as to how their evening would proceed, once they got home...already seeing their arms and legs intertwined on their lovely new bed. And to feed from him only made the excitement that much more poignant. That it was courtesy of the trampy little waitress was immaterial at this point.
"After...well, after we get home...and...after..." Fallon laughed, hoping his mind was on the same page as hers. "Do you think we could run again...just a bit? I don't really want to stay out all night, nor sleep in the den, but I really changing, and running."
She'd turned in his arms to ask the question, and now smiled coyly, doubting not that he would turn her down, but playing that he had the option.

"Anything you wish, Kitten." His voice was husky with desire but he did not try to mask his nead for her. Her hand toying with his thigh was bound to stumble across the hard length of evidence of his desire for her, if she continued.
It was a shame the car was not bigger. The need to kneel in front of his mate and kiss her delectable body was beating at him. Though it did seem big enough for her to sit on his lap if they tried really hard. A low groan escaped him as her fingers tortured him delightfully. Her expression undid him, that smile with a sexy promise behind it.
Carefully he pulled her on top of him. His will helped pull her legs around him to rest along the length of his thighs, her soft rear now in his hands as he pulled her close to him. His mouth found hers with a fiery passion, not simply a kiss but an all consuming kiss as he licked and sucked at her mouth. The rumble of desire grew louder until he could feel the vibrations in his chest. Hands roaming over every reachable inch were just as hungry for the touch of her warm skin. All thoughts were chased from his brain as he drowned in her scent.

Again she wished they were home now. With Ginger driving up front, even with the privacy glass, Fallon felt just a bit intimidated. But thanks to Cyrus' dominant personality, that issue was dismissed when Fallon found herself sitting astride her mate. And she wasn't the slightest bit upset about it either.
Wrapping herself about him, arms and legs, Fallon returned his kiss until they parted, and then she moved along his cheek to nibble and tease the sides of his neck, and ears...first one side, and then the other. And wanting to feel him on her too, she took his hands and slid them up under her shirt, pressing her bra clad breasts into them, and then moaning at the anticipation of his touch.
All thoughts of Ginger, suddenly vanished.

Exploring the mysteries of her undergarments he found the clasp and swiftly undid it, freeing her to assuage his hunger. The pads of his fingers gently inched over her newly freed flesh. While her top was still on, barring these treasures from his gaze, his hands were free to roam. Flicking the tip of his finger across both of her peaked nipples, Cyrus groaned.
The need to bury himself inside her was almost painful in its ache. Having the weight of her body on him simply urged his hips to rise up and grind his hardness into her soft welcoming body. Once he did that he could feel the heat caused by their actions and a need to lap up her honeyed nectar. It was an ever rising circle of desire, each step took him closer and closer to the edge of sanity in his need of her. Perhaps one day he would question why he found her so irresistable, but the emotions were so raw and desperate he simply welcomed them.
His tongue was lapping at the silken skin of her neck while his thumbs and forefingers toyed with her diamond hard peaks. The scent of their arousal was thick in the air of the darkened car as it slid smoothly through Nachton. Growling into her skin he wished fervently. "The ride home better be long enough, I need you Kitten."

As if reading her mind, Cyrus pressed hard against her, pushing his body upwards between her legs. She pushed down, meeting and complimenting his thrusts with hers.
"I wish I'd worn a dress now...next time we go out, you might want to remind me of this." She laughed, and then growled when Cyrus assailed her neck. But when he said he needed her now, Fallon collapsed against him. It had not been fair of her to toy with him under the circumstances, knowing they wouldn't be able to complete what they started until they were home. And Fallon felt guilty as hell now.
Giving him a parting kiss, Fallon rolled off him, but stayed leaning back in his arms, which she pulled to rest around her.
"We don't live quite that far from town love...but soon...we'll be home before you know it."
Had she been wearing a simple dress, she could have ripped her panties off, undone his pants, and the could have completed his thought. But even with his help, getting in and out of the clothes she wore now would have just been too cumbersome. At least with the knowledge that they really did only have a few more minutes before they'd reach the estate.
"Maybe you could tell Ginger to drive a little faster?" Fallon asked, with a hint of laughter and a lot of desire in her voice.

Unable to do more than growl he wisely kept his mouth closed at Fallon's comment. Tamping down the overwhelming desire made his fangs and other parts of his anatomy ache. Still his arms encircled her as his hands stroked her back and thigh. When they bumped slightly into the driveway he had himself under control with the help of simple meditation exercises he learned long ago. Raising his head he looked at Fallon.
The pad of his thumb traced the full pouting lower lip of his kitten. The slow burn of desire still lingered in his belly. "Dresses are good and we are home finally."
While she had asked to run later, he wondered if he could let her out of bed anytime in the next six hours. Kissing her deeply with all the promise of a decadant evening in bed he rumbled in approval as the car pulled to a stop.