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Alfarinn Jarlsen (Arin Björn)

Basic Information
Birth Name: Alfarinn Jarlsen
Aliases: Arin or Ari, Arin Björn
Place of Birth: Tromsø, Norway though he likes to claim he's from Hell... Norway
Age:(real and apparant) 123, 17
Male/Female: male
Current Occupation:Officially PR Director for Meridian, unofficially rich slacker
Past Occupation: (If different from above)
Hair Color: pale blonde
Length and Style: Down to his lower back if left un cut. Straight,all one length. Has a light beard and moustache, though these days he shaves nightly.
Eye Color: light grey
Skin Color: pale before even more pale now
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 170
Nationality: Norse
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Thin, wiry
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Megan Björn.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality Ari is alert, quick witted but seemingly easy going. He makes friends easily and listens well to the problems and concerns of others. He's got a smart mouth and seems to have a disregard for authority. Has a habit of picking things up and examining them. Carries crumbs around to feed the birds, especially crows and ravens.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) Arin carries himself with an air of nonchalance. He appears young and restless. Arin wears only the best, Armani, Versace etc.. looks like he's headed to a night club most of the time. Silk shirts, tight pants. Sometimes wears leather and ripped clothing..depends on which crowd he's hanging around with.
3.What does your character like? Crows, weapons, dancing,clubs, drinking,hunting (Not in that order)
4. Dislike? Stubborn clinging to outdated ideas, disloyalty, cowardliness and the weak willed.

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? That something will happen to Megan,the downfall of Meridian, normal vampire fears
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? Arin is flexable and up to date. Unlike some of his predecessors, he has no problem with this century and its technology. He revels in the bright lights of the big city. Arin is restless and sometimes he has a habit of going into things without waiting. He seems to think he's invulnerable from time to time.
Hobbies & Skillssparring with various weapons (spear is favored) brewing dancing, liguistics (speaks quite a few languages) sailing (Tromsø is an island off the coast of Norway, north of the Artic circle) Riding. Surfing the internet and going to 'boring' meetings for Meridian.
Savage Savant

Heavy Sleeper

Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules)
Arin always seems a bit cool to the touch, it never changes.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mentionAlmost always has a drink in hand, Carries seeds to feed birds, talks to birds.
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
Arin was the favored pupil of Megan Björn. He is known to his clan to be her retainer though what duties he might do for her is unknown. To the public he is her younger brother, Arin Björn. Though there are doubts that they are related in reality, Megan being the elder of the clan. It is possible that he is a descendent as they do appear to be from the same racial stock.
As the young partial owner of Meridian Apex Enterprises, Arin seems to live the good life. Technically he's in charge of the PR department for the company but many argue that his assistant does all his work for him. He has two body guards that haul him out of night clubs from time to time while he's out partying with the younger workers of the company.

Odd Questions(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response? Excellent! How kind of your to notice mine is almost empty. *drains the rest of his drink*
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do? If it is truly lost then have the limo pick it up and take it home.
3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do? Take bets? Perhaps join in if we're feeling rowdy.
4.What animal does your character most identify with? Ravens and crows.

OOC Info:

Player name (online is fine) Mai
Other Characters you play Mai and Jan
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) TAC

Alfarinn 19 years ago
There were originally plot reasons for portraying him differently but we expected more people in Evenhet at the start than we had.

He is different from how he portrays himself and his public bio reflects that alternate identity.

Basic Information

Birth Name: Alfarinn Jarlsen
Aliases: Arin or Ari, Arin Björn
Place of Birth: Tromsø, Norway though he likes to claim he's from Hell... Norway
Agereal and apparant) Over 2000, 17
Male/Female: male
Current Occupation:Officially PR Director for Meridian, Elder of Evenhet
Past Occupation: (If different from above) Hunter

Hair Color: pale blonde
Length and Style: Down to his lower back if left un cut. Straight,all one length. Has a light beard and moustache, though these days he shaves nightly.
Eye Color: light grey
Skin Color: pale before even more pale now
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 170
Nationality: Norse
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Thin, wiry
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Freyja was a beautiful vision coming out of the night itself. She later told him that she'd watched him for several nights. When a small groups of bandits attacked him for his trade goods and he fought them off she was intrigued and began following him.
She didn't stay with him long. Leaving him to fend for himself as a young vampire. She told him that he was a hunter and a survivor and did not need her guidance or protection. He proved her right.

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality Ari is alert, quick witted but seemingly easy going. He makes friends easily and listens well to the problems and concerns of others. He's got a smart mouth and seems to have a disregard for authority. Has a habit of picking things up and examining them. Carries crumbs around to feed the birds, especially crows and ravens.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) Arin carries himself with an air of nonchalance. He appears young and restless. Arin wears only the best, Armani, Versace etc.. looks like he's headed to a night club most of the time. Silk shirts, tight pants. Sometimes wears leather and ripped clothing..depends on which crowd he's hanging around with.
3.What does your character like? Crows, weapons, dancing,clubs, drinking,hunting (Not in that order)
4. Dislike? Stubborn clinging to outdated ideas, disloyalty, cowardliness and the weak willed.

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? That something will happen to Megan,the downfall of Meridian, normal vampire fears
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? Arin is flexable and up to date. Unlike some of his predecessors, he has no problem with this century and its technology. He revels in the bright lights of the big city. Arin is restless and sometimes he has a habit of going into things without waiting. He seems to think he's invulnerable from time to time.
Hobbies & Skillssparring with various weapons (spear is favored) brewing dancing, liguistics (speaks quite a few languages) sailing (Tromsø is an island off the coast of Norway, north of the Artic circle) Riding. Surfing the internet and going to 'boring' meetings for Meridian.
Savage Savant (Ravens)

Heavy Sleeper
Won't feed on children
Addiction Alcohol (Arin is a functioning person despite his love of drink. Its a love and a habit, even though it doesn't do much for him these days.)
Cosmetic Traits
Arin always seems a bit cool to the touch, it never changes.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mentionAlmost always has a drink in hand, Carries seeds to feed birds, talks to birds.
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
Alfarinn was from one of the hunting tribes in northern Norway that followed the herds of reindeer, elk, moose, and bears. Being one of the few who sailed in those days, Alfarinn traveled and traded for his tribe. They had a friendly commerce with the southern farmers and it was during one of these trading trips that he met his creator.
Freyja was a beautiful vision coming out of the night itself. She later told him that she'd watched him for several nights. When a small groups of bandits attacked him for his trade goods and he fought them off she was intrigued and began following him.
She didn't stay with him long. Leaving him to fend for himself as a young vampire. She told him that he was a hunter and a survivor and did not need her guidance or protection. He proved her right.

He spent much of his early history fighting with various armies. Fought with the Heruli,Goths, Celts etc...

Odd Questions
(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response? Excellent! How kind of your to notice mine is almost empty. *drains the rest of his drink*
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do? If it is truly lost then have the limo pick it up and take it home.
3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do? Take bets? Perhaps join in if we're feeling rowdy.
4.What animal does your character most identify with? Ravens and crows.