...Try, Try Again. ((Private))
"No, you are not putting this on me again, Margo."Â? Meegan paced back and forth in the plush purple and mint green waiting room of the fertility doctor's office. This was the third time in as many days that she'd had to speak to this particular employee and it was beginning to rub her very last nerve.
"Your problem is that you take the entire department on yourself and when you find yourself completely bogged down because you can't locate a supplier for the freshwater pearls you call me and tell me you need an assistant. You don't need an assistant. You need to delegate."Â?
Meegan seethed quietly as the woman on the phone tried to plead her case once more. "I'm only going to say this once, so listen very closely. If you do not begin delegating to the four other people in your department I will find someone who will."Â?
She slammed the phone closed and sat rather forcefully into the chair next to Rachyl. After scanning the waiting room for small children she spoke.
"This sucks donkey balls, big hairy ones. Why do they force me to be the bad guy Rachyl? She knows what I expect of her and yet we do this over and over and over. I'm serious. She has one week to hand off four-fifths of her work or I'm going to replace her."Â? Heavy sigh. "Damn."Â?
Meegan was about to open her mouth to say more when the door opened a woman in scrubs that matched the waiting room chairs called Rachyl's name. They stood and Meegan took Rachyl's hand and gave it a squeeze before leaning close.
"I'm sorry this isn't the mood you need right now."Â? She squeezed her hand again. "I love you."Â?

"I love you too, and I'm actually in a pretty good mood." She turned a wide smile to the designer. "I have a wonderful idea that I think you'll appreciate..."
They were escorted to an examination room where Rachyl dragged out a stool and jumped up on the table.
"The doctor will be in shortly," said the woman in scrubs.

He set a lap top on the little counter with it's sink and leaned against the same counter with one hip.
"Well, ladies, here we are again. I'm not going to lie and tell you it will absolutely work this time, because frankly I'm not sure it will. I've gone over Rachyl's records and I'm seeing a disturbing pattern concerning her eggs. So I have a proposition for you ladies."
Meegan raised an eyebrow at him. He didn't usually come right to the point like that. Most of the time he sort of hedged his way around it with out actually saying everything out loud. She began to worry that Rachyl might not be able to conceive at all. The thought frightened her.

Damned doctors.
Disturbing pattern.
"What the hell does disturbing pattern mean?"
She felt like she'd been kicked in the chest, the first time anything in all of the "me getting pregnant" plans and preparation they'd done had bothered her.
"Tell me first what 'a disturbing pattern' means, Doc. Because I'm sure you don't mean egg-crate foam disturbing."

"Well, according to the tests we've done your uterus is viable and should support life. What I think is happening is that your eggs are not fertilizing. Now it could be the donor's problem, and that is easily fixed by using a different donor. This is where my proposition comes in."
Meegan took a deep breath and slid onto the table with Rachyl, she wanted to be as close to her as she could, should the news be the worst.

But then they'd dealt with the possibility of the donations not being viable for almost three months.
Another week might not hurt. "Propose away, doc."

Meegan blinked several times as she stared nearly open-mouthed at the doctor. "You want to..."
The thought of Rachyl being a surrogate for her eggs had never occurred to her. They had always only discussed using Rachyl's eggs, and she had been fine with that. She still was. In fact it frightened her to think that the baby that Rachyl bore, really would be part of her. No just emotionally, but biologically. It was frightening and exciting, but she would not answer one way or the other until she'd heard Rachyl's opinion.
"Um, wow, Rachyl, love, what do you think of the doctor's proposal?"

When the next words out of the doctor's mouth so closely echoed the thought she'd wanted to share with Meegan.
Her jaw dropped a little and she wished she could easily turn to see Meegan's expression at the suggestion.
Instead of turning she raised a hand to her shoulder, took hold of Meegan's, and gently tugged her lover around to be able to see her face.
"Honestly, I think it's a little weird, actually, very Twilight Zone-y because I was thinking the exact same thing in the waiting room - well, not for the same reasons of course - but it was something I was going to share with Meegan if this consult didn't turn out quite the way it has." Her brow furrowed a little, as she smiled a sheepish, goofy smile to Meegan.

The idea was beginning to take a firm root in her head and she found she would be incredibly disappointed if Rachyl decided against it.

She turned to the doctor. "What do you need us to do?"

"Meegan will have to go through the same egg retrieval process that you did Rachyl. We'll need to do a medical history work up for you Meegan and make sure you can handle the anesthesia and all the risks associated with surgery, even a minor one like this."
He's had his hands clasped in front of him, but now he turned and rested them on the counter behind him.
"If this is what you want to do, I'll have Julie come in and do the work up, take some blood and set up your procedure."
Meegan looked at Rachyl, and gave a tentative smile. Rachyl gave a small nod of her head and she turned back to the doctor.
"Ok, Dr. Tucker, let's do it."
He smiled and gave a nod, before leaving the room with his little lap top.
"Wow, I can't believe we're going to do this, Rach. I'm really excited."

Rachyl beamed at her lover. The feeling of warmth in her chest, a raging inferno of affection and happiness welling up inside her, threatened to overflow. She reached up and, gently snaking her hand around Meegan's neck, brought her life partner down for a kiss.

Meegan got dressed and was asked to sign a records request from her GYN and was given orders for blood work, then told to make an appointment for her harvesting.
It was all sort of surreal for her. She'd never once thought that she would be more involved in this process than caring for Rachyl and simply being there through it all. It was unreal to her that the baby that they would bring into this world could very well be her baby in a very biological way.
Her hands strayed to Rachyl, nearly constantly, and a silly little smile kept the corners of her mouth turned up. This was already an amazing experience and the knowledge of her own involvement made it even more so. And it suddenly hit her that she was ready, really ready, to be a mommy.
As they headed to the car, Meegan stopped and pulled Rachyl to her, kissing her deeply, before whispering softly in hr lovers ear. "Thank you."