have you ever...

In the new job Alex has gotten from Carol, her target's name is from an old fucktard boyfriend. I'm sure that's psychotic. =x Anyone do that yet?

Fallon 18 years ago
Has anyone killed off any old boyfriend yet? Or just used the name of one in a story? lol
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
honestly... both of those things hadn't occured to me. hmmmmm!
Alexandra 18 years ago
Lmao, hun that's so wrong in an evil way

And no haven't done anything like that but then i don't have that many fucktard boyfriends from the past
Simon Huntington 18 years ago
I had 1 fucktard bf and you're about to put a bullet in his head. Thanks!
Alexandra 18 years ago
Already done, the guy is whitout the back of his head
Simon Huntington 18 years ago
Ack! It was suppose to go straight down from the top of his head into this body. No exit wound!!! No mess, no fuss! =D
Aishe 18 years ago
You're all a little scary. :/
Alexandra 18 years ago
Blood leaves such nasty stains in the carpet
Ginnie 18 years ago

I've only one ex I'd like killed off. I may have to give his name to my next victim. That could be fun.