Shopping Rant
Frustration was beginning to boil over inside the vampire.
She'd spent over three hours shopping to find a nice dress to take Nyra out for her planned evening... And nothing was working out right.
She'd first stopped in Lord and Taylor, then moved to Neiman Marcus then Saks. None had any decent dresses. Three quarters of the dresses she saw had bunched middles or skirts that came up right underneath her breasts, which threatened to spill out of the too-small bustlines.
The buildup came to its peak in the DKNY store after a (rather overly familiar) salesgirl (who kept referring to Connie as "darling") suggested she might want to try somewhere with larger dresses.
"You're not understanding my issue here, darling. I've not gained any weight. I'm happy with how I am. If your designer is unable to find or provide a dress that will fit a woman with curves," she ranted, then brought her hands up to outline her hips, waist and breasts, "instead of catering to a mass-media marketed hallucination about what certain people think the majority of women should look like, including breasts that don't fit into a teaspoon or an ass with visible bones that could cut glass, not to mention a woman that is somewhat taller than average, then I'll take my very full pocketbook and head to a store that will be happy to serve me instead of degrading me in an underhanded and -extremely rude- manner, and make some other salesgirl's monthly commission with one purchase. So thank you, and have a good day."
Taking up her purse from the counter, Connie realized briefly as she exited the store that first, she'd come very close to flashing fang, and second, that she had an audience.
As she passed under the arch of the store's glass front, a handful of women applauded for her. Smiling, nodding her thanks, she turned on her heel and made her way down the sidewalk.