Impeccable Italian Dining
The limo whisking the two women away for a special evening pulled up in front of a lovely italian restaurant. The name Enzo's meant nothing to Nyra, when she saw the discrete sign but her appreciation of the owners taste went up considerably as they entered. The host was a very gracious man that quickly found them a quiet table in the elegant space. They sat near the dance floor but not next to it and Nyra vowed to enjoy the music while they ate.
With a thankful smile to their host the artist took the menu while knowning Connie would not have brought her here if they could not accommodate her eating habits. The candle light bathed her lover's face in its golden glow adding to the romantic atmosphere. Glancing briefly at the house specialties, the vegan soon flipped through the fine paper pages for the small veggie section. She was not disappointed by their amazing sounding offerings. Deciding upon the tomato based dish rather than the garlic based dish in deference of their 'date' before petting Connie's hand lightly.
"Thank you for bringing me here. Its amazing."

Watching Nyra's eyes dart about, taking in the elegant presentation of the space, gave her a bit of a giggle. Knowing her lover was appreciating it on several different levels, not the very least on artistic merit, she wore a wide smile when sitting across from the shining beauty.
Though Nyra's thanks weren't necessary - indeed nothing Connie did for Nyra required thanks, but they were still appreciated - the vampire felt obliged to respond. "You're quite welcome. I know you've been wanting to try something new, so I asked around. I hope the food is as good as the presentation... I'm pretty sure it will be or it wouldn't have been recommended..." Besides, would Meegan steered her wrong?
"I think I'm going to have," Connie said, poring over the huge menu, "the pasta fagioli, and probably the eggplant parmesan with a side of steamed broccoli. Without the alfredo sauce." When the waiter arrived with water, placing the glasses gently on a pair of small cork coasters, he recited the house specials. Speaking up, Connie mentioned Nyra's allergies, and asked the waiter if he had any recommendations about vegan appetizers. He commented on the fresh bruscetta, with tomato basil garlic and olive oil on gently toasted italian bread, as well as the home-made pasta fagioli and minestrone soups.
"We also have an interesting new dish called insalata braccio di ferro, which is avocados, vegan cheese, and seitan bacon... You ladies are the first to ask me since its creation... Would you mind being gih... our taste testers?"

"Thank you so much. I would gladly have whatever the you and the chef recommend from start to finish. Do you happen to offer Italian Sodas? I do not drink."
Listening carefully to the waiter describe their flavored syrup and sparkling water sodas made her very pleased. Ordering the Cranberry over the Pomegranate she thanked the man as he finished writing everything down. Her smile could have been used to light the restaurant, she was beaming so brightly. Covering Connie's hand with her own she could feel the love shine through as well.
"Meegan has excellent taste. We really should have them over for dinner or send her a thank you note for recommending this place."
Waiting until the waiter had dispersed before smiling up through her lashes at her lover. "Happy birthday Connie. Thank you for wanting to spend it with me. I love you so much."

"This may sound somewhat odd, but what do you want to do for my birthday? The night is open before us, after dinner... and while I would like to have us end up back at our home eventually, everything else is... up in the air."

"Perhaps just a lovely stroll along the beach? I have heard its amazing at the Marina."
Noticing an elderly couple, still elegant and spry move onto the dance floor and move together to the big band era song made Nyra smile. It was a good omen, she felt. Thats how she wanted to be, content with life and what it threw at her but still in actively in love with the beauty before her. The future spread out in front of her, as it was wont to do on momentus occasions, presenting a beautiful picture of the two of them in twenty years, older, wiser, loving and just as vital.

When Nyra's eyes tracked away from her gaze, Connie followed the pointing of those amazing hazel orbs. Upon spying the elderly couple dancing a rather sprightly swing step, the vampire felt in the previously soaring boughs of her heart a rock of regret. Her smile slowly fractured, and the points of her brow came together as she frowned very gently. For a brief moment, she could see herself cavorting so gracefully in Nyra's arms, on the dance floor, to any of a variety of songs that might cross the songbooks of such a band.
And then her recollection of her complete inability to dance came crashing down upon her fantasy, and it shifted to a vision of Nyra being carted away on a shiny aluminum and shocking orange gurney.
Raising the corner of her napkin to her eye, she caught the single tear she felt forming before its appearance would make too much of a scene, blinked rapidly a few times, and drank deeply of her water. Part of her fervently hoped Nyra hadn't seen - the part that said she had to be the strong and solid part of their relationship. But then another part of her overrode that, and made Connie realize that, between the two of them, they were stronger than steel, and could get past the mountain of responsibility that Connie was planning to heap onto Nyra's shoulders later that night. Including why she couldn't dance worth a dog's measure of puddle doo.

"I want to be like them. Without the dancing of course. But vital and cherishing my love through the years."
Dabbing briefly at her misty eyes she smiled at Connie, noting what appeared to be the same teary eyed look. Before she could comment further the waiter brought drinks and an appetizer to their table, which looked amazing. Raising her glass to her date she toasted.
"To you, for this day marks another year. May it be spent in health, prosperity and love. And to us. May we enjoy a long, loving and vital relationship."

Shaking off the melancholy, Connie raised her own glass and smiled sincerely. "To you, Nyra, as part of 'us'." She wanted to say more, she needed to say more... But it had to wait.
After all, there was nothing forced about her love of Nyra McGurn.

"For you"

Reaching to pick up another slice with its topping, she offered it up to Nyra, but before her lover could lean far enough to take her bite, Connie snatched it back carefully, zufted up a bit of tomato, and re-offered it too her with a wink.

Clearing her throat slightly with a grin she asked Connie about her day. "So how is work going? Any more plans to get together and visit with Meegan in the works?"
Taking a small sip from her drink before she continued, Nyra thought to mention her accomplishments this day. "Did I mention I finished a trio of paintings today? Though I am thinking of making a fourth to go with the set. Even if people dont like to buy sets and even if they do they want odd numbered sets."

Connie paused a moment then sipped from her drink, eerily mirroring Nyra's own movements. Smiling a knowing smile at her lover, her ears perked as Nyra mentioned her painting. "No, you hadn't, I kind of dropped the book of surprises on you with going out. Why don't people like to buy sets, and if they did, why odd numbered?" A thought struck her. "Is it because most rooms have four walls, but only three without a door?"

Leaning forward conspiratorially she whispered loudly. "Honestly I think he had a decorator come in for his new home and that was the only way they would display things. Generally in a group of three with two on one horizontal line and the middle on another."
Shaking her head she indicated that she simply did not understand the thinking. But then again, her studio still looked like a gypsy tent so who was she to deride others decorating.

The soup arrived smelling wonderfully. While the bowls looked quite large, Nyra thought it was an illusion of the wide lip. Thanking the waiter politely she picked up the soup spoon and delicately stirred the soup. The bowl was not extremely deep, just wide and surrounded by a wide rim. It would probably be the perfect amount as a prelude to dinner. Smiling up at Connie she stood her spoon upright. "Ingenius illusion they perpetrated upon us. The bowl is not deeper than my spoon."
Indeed, the swirl of pasta, veggies and beans did not reach the top of the spoon's bowl. Stirring gently once more before taking a small portion from the far lip of the bowl. Nyra blew on it delicately before placing it in her mouth, tonight would be a bad night to burn her lips.
The flavor was creamy with cannellini beans and tomato, blending perfectly over the ditalini pasta. Creating a mouthful of lush soup that tasted faintly of garlic and italian herbs. Her eyes closed as she savored the spoonfull and a quiet moan of pleasure escaped her throat. Soon as Nyra recovered from the first bite, she went for another, eyes wide and pleased.
"This is fantastic."

Connie wasn't sure, but she enjoyed the show just the same. "Have I ever mentioned," she began as she settled her own spoon into the steamy liquid, "how much I enjoy watching you dine?"
Even as the question left her lips and the spoon of spiced and fragrant beans and noodles reached consumption level, she wondered if there was anything she'd ever enjoyed so much as to almost appear orgasmic when indulging. "Maybe just indulging in Nyra, whether it's in bed or in art or at a meal..." Just the same, it brought her great pleasure to enjoy Nyra's through osmosis.

With a selfconcious shrug she amended her statement ruefully. "That is, when I remember to eat!"
Shyly enjoying the rest of her soup, Nyra did not notice the restaurant filling up a bit more with stylishly dressed couples. Once she finished most of it, she looked around impressed. "This is a very popular place. And elegant!"

Connie had taken to hiding small notes in Nyra's art supplies and around both of their lofts to help remind her lover of the most basic need to eat. And how much she loved her. She even hid a short message at the end of her voicemail... "Hi you have reached the voicemail of Connie Stone. Please leave me a message with your name and the reason you called, and don't forget to eat lunch!" Snickering to herself, she winked at Nyra and sipped at the soup delicately.
"I think their elegance quotient went up a hundred points when you walked in, Sunny." Connie felt the tips of her ears warm up as she spoke the almost-pet-name that she'd given Nyra.

Her blush at the compliment made even the tips of her ears hot and red, when the come back rolled from her lips it was quick and heartfelt. "Only because I came in with you."
Connie's dress was fabulous and she knew that her figure did not quite match up. But she was thrilled to be seen with her and elict that look from her lover's eye. Toying with her soda as the heat left her face she wondered just how she had gotten so lucky. Shyly watching those amazing grey eyes she counted her blessings at having had this lovely young woman move in next door. Remembering that today was a special day she stopped making doe eyes at Connie and asked a few questions.
"So aside from dinner and a stroll on the beach, what would you like to do for your birthday? I am sure we can count this as a birthday week, because I forgot. Not to be nosey but did you get presents? I saw some boxes upstairs."

Nyra's eyes caught her own as they gazed at each other over the table between them. A warmth struck her, the same warmth that she felt when holding her love, breast to breast, and stared lovingly into her eyes, before, after, during their lovemaking. After showers, after meals... when they went to bed at the same time... The heat and rush of the connection she felt with the human beauty across from her set her heart to race.
When Nyra's question caught her off guard, she blinked and swallowed, then after a moment replied, "No, sweetie, they're for you. You've gifted me so much of your own creativity over the past ten months, it's high time you see some of mine."
There, that was a perfect lead-in to their talk tonight... And, Connie mused to herself, it wasn't a lie, either. It was one step on the ladder of truth that she'd be dangling feet first from in just a few hours.

Before she thought too much about what to gift her lover, the waiter decended upon them and cleaned up the mostly empty soup bowls. Once that was accomplished another waiter placed pasta bowls in front of them. The heady aroma of well cooked and highly flavorful food wafted up. Garlic was the most noticable but there was a hint of basil, that appeared to be sprinkled around the wide edge of the bowl. With a jaunty bow the waiter left them to enjoy their repast.
Carefully picking up the large spoon, Nyra twirlled some of her pasta upon it, carefull not to splatter herself with the cheese sauce. Before putting the bite into her mouth she grinned at Connie. "Are you going to watch me eat this bite as well?"