Meegan chuckled, and patted Rachyl's knee. "It was my pleasure."
Meegan settled in for the car ride and glanced at her watch. The little numbers jumped out at her and she wondered how she'd made it through five days with out going crazy, like last time. Well it was definitely an improvement.
"Rach, turn in up here."
She pointed to the drive way of the pharmacy just down the road from their home.
Do, or Do Not. There is no Try. (Private)
After opening the door for her lady and bestowing a gentle kiss upon her cheek, Rachyl climbed behind the wheel of her shiny new Mazda CX7. She was still unused to driving her own car - her own car! - but was gradually getting used to the idea. Once in a while a rush of "ACK! I'm driving!" would panic her and she'd freeze - usually in the mall garage - but less often now than when she'd first gotten into the swing of actually driving.
She turned out of the theatre parking lot and steered towards White Ash Lane. "I think I'm getting the hang of this. Thank you for her, Meegan, she's lovely."

18 years ago

18 years ago
Steadfastly keeping her hands positioned at the requisite 'ten and two', Rachyl turned the wheel of her SUV and pulled into a parking spot just outside the new Walgreens. Putting the vehicle in park and setting the brake, she quipped, "You'd think they knew we were going to move here and get pregnant. This is way too convenient to be normal. I mean honestly." She dropped out of the driver's seat and strode around the front end to meet Meegan on her way inside. "It's just eerie, that's all... But at least we won't have very far to go for medical necessities. Now if only they had a movie theatre and grocery store so close..." That last Rachyl had said with her gaze and voice pointed out to the parking lot, as if 'someone' were out there listening to her wonderful commercialistic ideas. "Then again we could just get a Bat-tunnel built into the office and save ourselves a little bit of commuting... Right?"
Eyebrows raised mock-hopefully - after all Meegan had just bought her her first car - Rachyl entwined her fingers into the delicate digits of her lover and headed down the frozen food aisle. "I'm in the mood for butter pecan."
Eyebrows raised mock-hopefully - after all Meegan had just bought her her first car - Rachyl entwined her fingers into the delicate digits of her lover and headed down the frozen food aisle. "I'm in the mood for butter pecan."

18 years ago
Meegan smiled as Rachyl let her mouth run away with her again. She chuckled softly at the thought of the Bat-tunnel. When Rachyl mentioned her ice cream choice, Meegan lifted an eyebrow at her.
"Since when do you eat butter pecan?" But she said it pee-can (as in tin can), the one and only word she couldn't seem to de-southern-ize. That however was the last thing on her mind. She wouldn't get her hopes up, but maybe Rachyl's odd ice cream choice was a sign.
"Since when do you eat butter pecan?" But she said it pee-can (as in tin can), the one and only word she couldn't seem to de-southern-ize. That however was the last thing on her mind. She wouldn't get her hopes up, but maybe Rachyl's odd ice cream choice was a sign.

18 years ago
"It's been my mom's comfort ice cream for a zillion and four years. I'd snitch a spoonful or two every now and then. It would always give me the eww-gross shakes... So maybe I should get another pint of something else, too, since I probably won't be able to eat the whole thing..." Tugging the freezer door open with a 'shplot', Rachyl picked up a pint of butter pecan as well as a pint of coffee. Holding the door open with her left shoulder, cradling the two containers to her breasts, she complained quietly, "No more coffee and tea for the next twelve months at least." She let out a resigned sigh. "Unless we find something decaf. Or white. Didn't that Food Network show say white tea was caffeine free and had lots of ... of... the good stuff in tea." Reaching with her free left hand, she placed a bottle of frozen Krakel shell in her right hand.

18 years ago
Meegan gave another small chuckle and a shake of her head "Yes, it was white tea." Meegan reached in and pulled out a container of coconut sorbet and moved away from the freezer case.
"It will be longer than 12 months if you breast feed and the books say you can have one glass of cola or one cup of coffee everyday and not harm the baby."
Meegan turned and pulled a small package of slivered almonds off a display rack and set them on top of her sorbet, before heading for the family planning aisle.
"It will be longer than 12 months if you breast feed and the books say you can have one glass of cola or one cup of coffee everyday and not harm the baby."
Meegan turned and pulled a small package of slivered almonds off a display rack and set them on top of her sorbet, before heading for the family planning aisle.

18 years ago
Rachyl stepped out of Meegan's way to allow her to reach for the container and allowed the door to close with the 'zwopt' and thud. She caught Meegan's arm and held her steady for a moment. Looking up at her lover through her eyelashes, she bashfully but confidently admitted, "I would like to breast feed."
Snagging a bag of teriyaki beef jerky as she trotted along behind Meegan, she kept rambling. "Remind me to pick up the soundtrack for Pirates sometime soon... Speaking of picking up," she said on a querying upnote, "Will you want me to find a replacement for work? I mean, not immediately, of course, but, a few months in, after testing? Positive testing. You know what I mean." Rachyl had been hard up financially when she'd finally gotten her position at Gothic-Ah. After she finally received her laptop and investment portfolio access, she'd become stable again, and in fact didn't truly need the position she still held at Gothic-Ah. Meegan knew it. But both enjoyed their work, the perks - after all, what woman wouldn't want free uniquely designed clothing? - were many and the drawbacks few. She wished to continue her newly chosen profession, and realized after asking it that such a question would be something not to be discussed in the aisles of a drugstore. "Never mind in that, we have a bit of time to discuss that later."
Snagging a bag of teriyaki beef jerky as she trotted along behind Meegan, she kept rambling. "Remind me to pick up the soundtrack for Pirates sometime soon... Speaking of picking up," she said on a querying upnote, "Will you want me to find a replacement for work? I mean, not immediately, of course, but, a few months in, after testing? Positive testing. You know what I mean." Rachyl had been hard up financially when she'd finally gotten her position at Gothic-Ah. After she finally received her laptop and investment portfolio access, she'd become stable again, and in fact didn't truly need the position she still held at Gothic-Ah. Meegan knew it. But both enjoyed their work, the perks - after all, what woman wouldn't want free uniquely designed clothing? - were many and the drawbacks few. She wished to continue her newly chosen profession, and realized after asking it that such a question would be something not to be discussed in the aisles of a drugstore. "Never mind in that, we have a bit of time to discuss that later."

18 years ago
Meegan stopped dead and turned to stare at Rachyl, then nodded her head. "I think you're right."
they walked down the aisle past the feminine hygiene products to the little section that had condoms in the top section and pregnancy tests underneath. Which always struck Meegan as ironic, every time they stopped here. She picked up their preferred three brands and grinned at Rachyl.
"This should do the trick, don't you think?"
they walked down the aisle past the feminine hygiene products to the little section that had condoms in the top section and pregnancy tests underneath. Which always struck Meegan as ironic, every time they stopped here. She picked up their preferred three brands and grinned at Rachyl.
"This should do the trick, don't you think?"

18 years ago
"I guess. Should last us a few weeks, right? I mean, we haven't needed condoms in a while and you know how many men we have over..."
Rachyl sidled over a few steps to the section with baby paraphernelia. "I was half curious to see if they would have breast pumps here, or other such things... I guess buying diapers this early wouldn't help either... Should we set up a delivery account for the grocery store and the pharmacy?"
Other things had already been taken care of. They'd searched for baby carriages, playpens, furniture, and a host of other things for the house, but actual day-to-day baby maintenance was still something the couple was holding off on. At least until a positive test. "And where's that buttercream you promised me for my belly? Speaking of cream," Rachyl's mind bounced again, "Do we need any more K-Y or tampons or anything, since we're here?"
Rachyl sidled over a few steps to the section with baby paraphernelia. "I was half curious to see if they would have breast pumps here, or other such things... I guess buying diapers this early wouldn't help either... Should we set up a delivery account for the grocery store and the pharmacy?"
Other things had already been taken care of. They'd searched for baby carriages, playpens, furniture, and a host of other things for the house, but actual day-to-day baby maintenance was still something the couple was holding off on. At least until a positive test. "And where's that buttercream you promised me for my belly? Speaking of cream," Rachyl's mind bounced again, "Do we need any more K-Y or tampons or anything, since we're here?"

18 years ago
Meegan chuckled softly. It was endearing to her when Rachyl's nerves made her babble. "I don't know that we need to do that. If things get hectic I'll take care of it. I don't foresee not being able to go to the store, Rach."
Meegan picked up a package of bottles that had a tube down the middle and said "the closest thing to breast feeding" on it, and began to read the back of the packaging.
"I have the cream on order; should be here soon, and no we just bought those last week."
Meegan finished the package and shrugged, before putting them back on the shelf.
"All of this stuff confuses me. The classes we'll be taking once your pregnant should answer a lot of these kinds of questions." She smiled and turned to Rachyl.
"Ready to go home?"
Meegan picked up a package of bottles that had a tube down the middle and said "the closest thing to breast feeding" on it, and began to read the back of the packaging.
"I have the cream on order; should be here soon, and no we just bought those last week."
Meegan finished the package and shrugged, before putting them back on the shelf.
"All of this stuff confuses me. The classes we'll be taking once your pregnant should answer a lot of these kinds of questions." She smiled and turned to Rachyl.
"Ready to go home?"

18 years ago
"True, although you do have permission to drive my car, since yours has no back seat or trunk space," Rachyl cracked, nudging her lover with an elbow. The movement made one of the containers of ice cream jiggle then roll off her arm, and her foot shot out, trapping the container against the edge of the last shelf, before it touched the ground.
She watched as Meegan fiddled with a package on the shelf, but her angle from holding the ice cream against her foot didn't let her lean enough to see what it had been. "You're right, we both probably do have a lot to learn. Though," she said musingly, "I wonder if we'll be the only lesbian couple there?"
When the taller woman asked her if she was ready to go home, she cocked an eyebrow and leaned over her burdened arm to look at her foot. "Little help? Then yes, after we pay."
She watched as Meegan fiddled with a package on the shelf, but her angle from holding the ice cream against her foot didn't let her lean enough to see what it had been. "You're right, we both probably do have a lot to learn. Though," she said musingly, "I wonder if we'll be the only lesbian couple there?"
When the taller woman asked her if she was ready to go home, she cocked an eyebrow and leaned over her burdened arm to look at her foot. "Little help? Then yes, after we pay."

18 years ago
Meegan laughed and bent down to pick up the dropped carton. She kept it and headed up to the little register. They put all of their burdens down and got a dopey smile from the pimple face boy behind the register. He could guess anything he wanted and it would never be close to the reality. Ok so the hot lesbian sex might be, but that was about it.
She payed for their things and headed back out to the car. She got in and put the bag on the floor between her feet, and Rachyl drove them home.
She pulled into the drive way of their lovely finally finished home, and they both just sat there, silent and anxious, neither ready to face the reality that lay inside.
She payed for their things and headed back out to the car. She got in and put the bag on the floor between her feet, and Rachyl drove them home.
She pulled into the drive way of their lovely finally finished home, and they both just sat there, silent and anxious, neither ready to face the reality that lay inside.

18 years ago
After putting the car in park, Rachyl sat quietly with Meegan at the crest of their driveway for a few moments, the soft hum of the air conditioning and the quiet rumble of the engine the only sounds counterpointing their breathing. She found herself staring at the house, at their home.
Nearly whispering, she said, "It's strange... Each time I look at it, even from the driveway, I get this overwhelming urge to dance or cheer or shout woohoo! or just to reach over and hug you because this is us, this place. We built this, you and I, even if the house stood when we walked in the front door. But," she felt her eyes getting misty and reached up to rub futilely at one tear duct, "I can't help giving it a metaphor for us. Call me weird. Strange. Silly even."
Sniffling, she turned to Meegan. "I know, I'm a sap."
Nearly whispering, she said, "It's strange... Each time I look at it, even from the driveway, I get this overwhelming urge to dance or cheer or shout woohoo! or just to reach over and hug you because this is us, this place. We built this, you and I, even if the house stood when we walked in the front door. But," she felt her eyes getting misty and reached up to rub futilely at one tear duct, "I can't help giving it a metaphor for us. Call me weird. Strange. Silly even."
Sniffling, she turned to Meegan. "I know, I'm a sap."

18 years ago
Meegan sighed softly. "Yes, Rach, a big giant maple is what you are."
She grinned at her partner and let herself out of the car. The light above the porch came on as she approached the door and she fished her key out of her bag and unlocked the door.
Rachyl came in after her as she punched the code into the alarm and Dill came bounding in from the sun room via the office. He sat and barked once, his butt barely touching the floor because his tail was wagging so hard. She set the walgreens bag down and gave his head a good scratch then hugged him.
"How's my good boy? Did you have a good day?"
He gave another small bark and licked her wrist. She laughed at him, scratched his head again and stood up, retrieving the bag along the way.
"You say hello to Rachyl and then we'll all have a cookie."
That was all the invitation Dill needed to jump up on Rachyl and start to lick her every where he could. Laughing Meegan headed into the kitchen to put the icecream away and pulled down the cookie jars.
She grinned at her partner and let herself out of the car. The light above the porch came on as she approached the door and she fished her key out of her bag and unlocked the door.
Rachyl came in after her as she punched the code into the alarm and Dill came bounding in from the sun room via the office. He sat and barked once, his butt barely touching the floor because his tail was wagging so hard. She set the walgreens bag down and gave his head a good scratch then hugged him.
"How's my good boy? Did you have a good day?"
He gave another small bark and licked her wrist. She laughed at him, scratched his head again and stood up, retrieving the bag along the way.
"You say hello to Rachyl and then we'll all have a cookie."
That was all the invitation Dill needed to jump up on Rachyl and start to lick her every where he could. Laughing Meegan headed into the kitchen to put the icecream away and pulled down the cookie jars.

18 years ago
Rachyl kneeled down just in time to catch a bouncing, jiggling, wiggling ball of licking fur. Resting Dill on her chest with one hand, she scratched behind his ears as she followed Meegan into the kitchen. "No cookie. Jane want ice cream!"
She stalked up behind Meegan and, setting Dill down on the floor, stood on her tiptoes then wrapped her arms around her lover's waist. "Though cookie a'la mode might be nice. As long as it's human cookies and not puppy cookies," she mumbled into her lover's ear, nuzzling the silver dangly earring-festooned earlobe with her nose. "Your movie choice tonight, love."
She stalked up behind Meegan and, setting Dill down on the floor, stood on her tiptoes then wrapped her arms around her lover's waist. "Though cookie a'la mode might be nice. As long as it's human cookies and not puppy cookies," she mumbled into her lover's ear, nuzzling the silver dangly earring-festooned earlobe with her nose. "Your movie choice tonight, love."

18 years ago
Meegan leaned into Rachyl's touches and gave a soft moaning sigh. "We should have dinner before we eat ice cream."
She pulled a dog treat from the black cookie jar covered in white paw prints with Dill painted in red across the lid, and tossed it in the air for Dill to catch. She brushed her hands clean and put the jar away before pulling two chocolate almond cookies out of the frog shaped jar that held the people cookies and handed one to Rachyl.
"I'm not in much of a mood for a movie tonight, since we just saw one. What do you want for dinner? I have left overs from the chicken we had last night or I can throw something on the grill or we could have salad or stir fry."
'Or we could just drag you into the bathroom and let you pee on the little sticks.' Meegan wasn't sure how long she could keep up the whole this-is-just-another-normal-night thing, and she was hoping Rachyl wouldn't expect it from her for much longer anyway.
She pulled a dog treat from the black cookie jar covered in white paw prints with Dill painted in red across the lid, and tossed it in the air for Dill to catch. She brushed her hands clean and put the jar away before pulling two chocolate almond cookies out of the frog shaped jar that held the people cookies and handed one to Rachyl.
"I'm not in much of a mood for a movie tonight, since we just saw one. What do you want for dinner? I have left overs from the chicken we had last night or I can throw something on the grill or we could have salad or stir fry."
'Or we could just drag you into the bathroom and let you pee on the little sticks.' Meegan wasn't sure how long she could keep up the whole this-is-just-another-normal-night thing, and she was hoping Rachyl wouldn't expect it from her for much longer anyway.

18 years ago
Taking the cookie from Meegan, Rachyl replied with a straight face, "Well, since we can't watch one, can we make one?"
"Leftovers sounds fine, or really whatever you want." She nibbled slowly at her cookie. She felt the chill of their air conditioning against the warmth of her legs, and the fullness of her bladder from the drinks in the movie was beginning to get uncomfortable.
Rachyl wondered if Meegan would ever feel comfortable enough to say what was on her mind - "The things she feels like withholding from me, that is" - as she caught the taller woman's oblique glance at the bag holding the pregnancy tests. "Or we could take care of the business in the box before we get started on that, since I need to, you know. Go."
"Leftovers sounds fine, or really whatever you want." She nibbled slowly at her cookie. She felt the chill of their air conditioning against the warmth of her legs, and the fullness of her bladder from the drinks in the movie was beginning to get uncomfortable.
Rachyl wondered if Meegan would ever feel comfortable enough to say what was on her mind - "The things she feels like withholding from me, that is" - as she caught the taller woman's oblique glance at the bag holding the pregnancy tests. "Or we could take care of the business in the box before we get started on that, since I need to, you know. Go."

18 years ago
Meegan hoped relief didn't show too plainly on her face, as she smiled at Rachyl. She took a bite from her cookie, pulled a paper towel from the roll and set her cookie on it.
"Or we could do that." She picked up the bag and led the way to the master bathroom since it was big enough for the both of them. Once there she pulled the boxes from the bag and opened them. She didn't need to read the directions anymore, but... "Do you want me to read these to you again, or do you want to read them?"
She opened each box and pulled one foil covered stick from each one.
"Or we could do that." She picked up the bag and led the way to the master bathroom since it was big enough for the both of them. Once there she pulled the boxes from the bag and opened them. She didn't need to read the directions anymore, but... "Do you want me to read these to you again, or do you want to read them?"
She opened each box and pulled one foil covered stick from each one.

18 years ago
Rachyl found herself in the master bathroom. "Why did we need to come up here? The bathroom near the kitchen was, well, nearer..." She kept her mouth shut though... Meegan seemed a big anxious to get this done tonight before anything else. Taking the first foiled stick from Meegan, she said peevishly, "Do we really need to read them again? Tear wrapper, aim, pee. Wait three minutes. And do you really want me to use one of each? I didn't think my bladder was that big."
Rachyl tugged her pants down and sat on the toilet, and looked at Meegan expectantly.
Rachyl tugged her pants down and sat on the toilet, and looked at Meegan expectantly.

18 years ago
This was a part of their daily lives Meegan had hoped never to be witness to. This particular bodily function was the most fundamentally private and Meegan didn't enjoy watching, thank you very much. Hell she didn't even like to be in the next room.
"Humor me? Everything we've read says you should use two different brands each time and I figure three couldn't hurt, right?"
That got an indulgent smile from Rachyl as Meegan handed her the first stick, and opened the second. They traded sticks and after a moment repeated the process. When all three sticks were sitting on the sink, Meegan set the little time on her toothbrush. It was three minutes long, which was nicely convenient. Meegan washed her hands and set to pacing. She couldn't help it.
'It has to happen this time, it has to.'
"Humor me? Everything we've read says you should use two different brands each time and I figure three couldn't hurt, right?"
That got an indulgent smile from Rachyl as Meegan handed her the first stick, and opened the second. They traded sticks and after a moment repeated the process. When all three sticks were sitting on the sink, Meegan set the little time on her toothbrush. It was three minutes long, which was nicely convenient. Meegan washed her hands and set to pacing. She couldn't help it.
'It has to happen this time, it has to.'

18 years ago
Rachyl replaced her panties, flushed, and washed her hands, then glanced at the time on Meegan's little Sonicare toothbrush.
Whomever decided to add a timer into a toothbrush was either a genius or a dental hygeine fetishist, because the little beeping clock was just annoying. Rachyl knew from repeated articles and news bites that dental hygenists suggested brushing for no less than three minutes... But they neglected to realize that usually the body complained first, before the clock chimed. Her arm would get tired, or her wrist would cramp up. Or she'd brush her tongue too much and she'd taste nothing but spearmint for hours.
The thoughts of time found her gaze drawn to the timer. 1:30. Was that how long it had been? Was that how much time was left? It was halfway; did it matter?
She turned to watch Meegan pacing in the bathroom. The lithe designer would take steps from the doorway to the garden tub, then out into the dressing area, back into the bathroom to try to sneak a peek at the timer or the testing sticks. Rachyl was briefly tempted to tackle her into a wall and keep her still, either by just sitting on her or by feeling her up... but she realized it might not be such a good idea, not in the mood Meegan was in.
Rachyl turned her back to the testing sticks and leaned her bottom against the double vanity. Idly she played with the hem of her shirt as Meegan went back and forth. How much had she paced? Eighty, ninety miles? Three minutes.
The timer went off.
Whomever decided to add a timer into a toothbrush was either a genius or a dental hygeine fetishist, because the little beeping clock was just annoying. Rachyl knew from repeated articles and news bites that dental hygenists suggested brushing for no less than three minutes... But they neglected to realize that usually the body complained first, before the clock chimed. Her arm would get tired, or her wrist would cramp up. Or she'd brush her tongue too much and she'd taste nothing but spearmint for hours.
The thoughts of time found her gaze drawn to the timer. 1:30. Was that how long it had been? Was that how much time was left? It was halfway; did it matter?
She turned to watch Meegan pacing in the bathroom. The lithe designer would take steps from the doorway to the garden tub, then out into the dressing area, back into the bathroom to try to sneak a peek at the timer or the testing sticks. Rachyl was briefly tempted to tackle her into a wall and keep her still, either by just sitting on her or by feeling her up... but she realized it might not be such a good idea, not in the mood Meegan was in.
Rachyl turned her back to the testing sticks and leaned her bottom against the double vanity. Idly she played with the hem of her shirt as Meegan went back and forth. How much had she paced? Eighty, ninety miles? Three minutes.
The timer went off.