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Don't tell me to deny it

Carol enjoyed chewing gum. Hubba bubba gum, not that pansy double mint. Simon had called and asked if she'd meet him there to which she happily obliged. She took a car to about a mile away. Quickly stepping out of the backseat, her steel toe boots clanked onto the cement. Carol wore a tight wrap made of thinly braided steel. It shimmered as she walked, a shiny gun metal grey, and actually quite comfortable. The dress was signature short and low cut in the back. The front was cut to hug her breasts and taken in on the sides to show her figure. The boots were black with matching gun grey plates on the toes and up along the sides.

A woman of her size, much less her blondness, walked with an assurance not commonly known to most women. Carol Hedley made every bit of noise she possibly could as she passed dark alley ways. She had lived most of her short life without fear, but the past three years had afforded her a certain amount of luxury with her safety. Being Tacharan didn't mean she walked unfettered by other older vampires, but being first Ellis' familiar and now Simon's companion made her untouchable. Whoever wasn't aware of the latter most definitely knew of the former. And anyone who didn't, Carol could take care of. Ellis was sure to keep Carol not only toned but trained, for inside this small package was a dagger so thin, it could slice silk. And within that blonde little head were traits that were medically associated with serial killers. Carol was remorseless and easily annoyed, but quite charming.

The pretty blonde flung a low tied pig tail as she walked down the dark street leading to Shades.

Simon Huntington 18 years ago
Simon put an unnecessarily large bill on the bar counter as he left Shades. His short introduction to new faces in town, specifically the new assistant district attorney, was intriguing. It had been quiet in Nachton, but he suspected that wouldn't last very long. As with all change came the smell of disdain and there were still a few things to do before officially assuming leadership. He still had his meeting with the nations elders. But that was another matter.

Simon tugged at the cuff of his silk shirt, straightening it as he walked out of the haze of the club and into the fresh air. The night was cool for such a hot summer and he took a deep breath when he smelled it again.


Simon lost his breath as he recognized the perfume and once again, he felt her there.

'Hi, baby.'

Trying to regain his composure, he chuckled softly and adjusted his other cuff.

Ellis,' he said cooly. At least he hoped it sounded that way. The thin sheen of sweat that suddenly covered his body was trying to betray him. He could feel her now, right behind him. Her breath on his neck. How in god's name could he remember that? She was moving now, to his right.

''s things?'

She wasn't real. But the goosebumps creeping up his neck was telling him otherwise. A soft gust of wind blew by him and he could've sworn he felt the flutter of her hair touch his cheek. The anxiety in him was rising and he wasn't sure how much longer he could take these 'talks'.

He inhaled deeply. '
Do you smell that, E?' Simon felt her move closer, if that was possible. 'That's the smell of your death in the air.' Then he turned and looked at her.

There she was. Standing in a red silk wrap that hugged her curves and silk black shawl drapped over her shoulder, covering her right arm. Her black hair glistened in the moonlight and her green eyes twinkled with a little bit of mischief and a little bit of rage. Well, maybe more rage than anything. Her face was flushed and expressionless. He hadn't expected to actually 'see' her, but it didn't unnerve him.

Leaning in close Simon tilted his head slightly, looking her directly in the eyes. Opening his mouth he revealed a fang and gave her what he hoped was a confident smile. No. He knew it was.

'You died. Stay dead.'

And with that, he turned on his heel to meet Carol.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
To say she wasn't a little bit confused would be an understatement. Let's recap.

Ellis watched Simon cross the street into some new club. Her view was from an alley across the street, blended in the shadows. No one who walked by saw her, which was beginning to get annoying. The scottish beauty hiding in the dank, dark alley wasn't used to be ignored. What was the point of living life quietly? Life was a show, even if it was missing the soundtrack. Ellis wondered what type of music plays in her life. Rufus Wainwright popped into her head, but he was too angsty for her taste. She'd have to think on it.

Flicking the ashes unconsciously off her forgotten cigarette, she straightened up from her relaxed position against the alley wall as her mark crossed the street. She giggled. She never thought of Simon as a mark. It made her all giggly. Ellis considered her options as the minutes ticked by. Gun or knife? Or bare hands. She had promised bare hands, but there was something satisfying about using tools.

Crossing the street, she approached the door but stopped. Her anonomity was glorious, everyone thinking she was dead. She wasn't sure yet if she wanted to come out, so to speak. Stepping off to the side, she blended back into the shadows. Looking down she saw her cigarette burning itself short. Flicking it to the side, she almost missed him coming out.

Ellis came out of the shadows and stood behind Simon. She had decided on the knife just then. Reaching underneath her shawl, she wrapped her fingers around the hilt and spoke softly.

'Hi baby.'

What he did next was most unexpected. He laughed.

Ellis' forehead crinkled with very distinct confusion. What the fuck? She's back from the dead and he laughs? Was she losing her touch? She could've sworn that was pretty creepy. Losing her train of thought, she almost blurted out her next words after he called her by name, and with a most confident tone.

''s things?'

Mentally rolling her eyes, she gripped the knife harder. It wasn't suppose to happen like this, but it made sense now. She had barely noticed it at the time, but as they stood over Marthinus' body in the hospital, when she told him he had no right to intrude with her familiars, blood relative or not...that Marthinus had belonged to HER - he had made his decision to kill her. She didn't want to see it, but that flicker of change had crossed his face and she ignored it stupidly.

Stepping closer she began to move her right arm into position. She'd pith him like a motherfucker frog. Base of the neck. Quick and clean, she'd sever his brain from his spine and then find a nice dark alley. Drag him to it. Then really start the fun.

Then he spoke again.
'Do you smell that, E?'That's the smell of your death in the air.'

Ellis' jaw almost dropped. This stupid fucker just said what to her? To her? How DARE...

That's when he turned and looked at her. It took everything for Ellis not to take a step back and keep her face expressionless. Her shawl was still covering her knife and her fingers let go of the material, further concealing her deeds. She almost dropped the knife when he smiled at her.

A small but very confident smile.

Suddenly something occured to Ellis. Something that she never thought in a million years would cross her mind.

Ellis Duban was afraid.

'You died,' he said, inches from her face. Hazel eyes no longer hooded and angsty. Everything about Simon said this was not the man to fuck with and that undeniable fear in her stomach let her know it. 'Stay dead.'

Then he walked away.

From her.

Ellis blinked. Stay dead? She watched him walk away, confident and unafraid but...stay dead? The fear had faded away to complete confusion. Stay dead? She hadn't died in the first place. Her standing there should've been proof enough.


A smile cracked the confused look. Of course he wasn't afraid. Of course he walked like a man and exuded confidence. Of course. Ellis shrugged with a snort and sheathed her knife. She had seen it before, it wasn't an uncommon flaw, but never thought in a million years. Simon thought he was hearing voices. And if he doesn't think she's really alive...

Sometimes being evil was just too easy.
Simon Huntington 18 years ago
A man without fear.

Simon kept repeating his new mantra as he walked away from her. He didn't dare turn back, that would be admitting to his mind that he was as crazy as he thought he was. No, he was a man without fear. A man without...


He almost dropped Carol as she lept into his arms.

'Jesus, how do you always surprise me with that?'

Simon had been completely distracted and lost track of Carol in his mind. She had managed to sneak up on him which caused him to pause just before she planted a large kiss on his lips. Gently lowering her, he wrapped his arms around around her tiny waist and held their lips level. She dangled happily as they kissed on the sidewalk. Looking down he noted her dress.

'And just where do you find these outfits?' He set her down gently on the ground and admired it fully, holding her hand up and spinning her around like a ballerina. Half the fun with Carol was her taste in clothing, then her size. Mostly it was her breasts but he wasn't about to admit that out loud to her.
Carol 18 years ago
Carol giggled as Simon handled her like a piece of paper and happily kissed him. Pulling away but only slightly, she answered his questions with her lips still on his.

'You were distracted and I have a brown friend with a wild imagination.'

While Simon twirled her, she tilted her head back over her shoulder and shot her gum out in a not exactly lady like fashion. But that was Carol. No excuses and apparently no manners, but she was proud.

With a wink she pulled him into the alley she had sprung from and pulled him against her as she leaned back against the wall. Carol ran her fingers down Simon's chest and then slipped them under his jacket. The red silk was cool to the touch. His chest rose with a sigh as she stood on her tip toes to gently bite his chin. Suddenly he reached around her back and ran his hands on the bare skin that was exposed. Moving her hips forward, she hoped it conveyed her message clearly.

Which it did.

Again she was level with him as he picked her up and pressed her against the wall. Wrapping her legs around his hips, her dress easily moved above her thighs. She draped her arms around her shoulders and nibbled on his lips as his hands moved to cup her bottom.
Simon Huntington 18 years ago
Simon smiled as Carol pulled him into the dark alley with her. He pressed her up against the wall and started his assault on her soft skin. She smelled like roses as she looked at him with her blue eyes, running her hands up his chest. Her dress glittered in the little bit of moolight coming into the alley. It almost felt like silk as he ran his hands up her thighs, lifting her up onto his hips. Pulling it up he pressed himself against her, letting her feel his hardness. Since the raid, having her around him meant some part of him had to be touching her at all times. Simon would sit for hours with Carol in his lap working on her on computer. Sometimes he'd lay his cheek on her back and just inhale her soft baby blonde hair.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as his lips found hers and he kissed her deeply, cupping her soft round ass at the same time. One moment his fear was on verge of spilling over, then the next Carol had him dizzy with lust and ready for him to take her. He felt the familiar tingle in his fangs as her tongue became tangled with his.

In his mind he said with a smile - [Don't do it, Carol.]
Carol 18 years ago
Too late.

Her tongue grazed over his fang and his response made her giggle. Carol gripped him tightly with her legs as he dug his fingernails into her skin. Her world went a pretty shade of fuzzy purple at his reaction. She just couldn't help it. Vampires have existed in literature as sexy nocturnal beasts but let's face it - it's always been about the fangs.

Carol loved them.

She melted as his body shuddered, trying to resist the impulse to bite. She oftened wondered what the thirst was like and the much talked about fang tingling. Maybe being turned was inevitable, at least in her mind, Carol just hoped he did it before her boobs sagged.

His kiss became deeper and she returned it hungrily. Wasting no time his right hand went to the front of his pants and Carol smiled into their kiss. Sex with Simon was, in a word, unfuckingbelievable. Sitting in his lap at her desk, the warmth of his body, the smell of his cologne. His taste. She wanted all of it...all the time. It still amazed her that she never noticed until recently. He was always just quiet, dangerous Simon.

His body tensed again against her and she rewarded him with a slight nibble on his bottom lip. The entire experience was making her dizzy with want and the moment was perfect - except for all the gunfire. That and everything suddenly going white.
Simon Huntington 18 years ago
His knees felt like rubber as she did exactly the opposite of what he just told her. That was Carol, but that was half the fun. Everyone loves the fangs. There's something primal about being bitten - the erotic nature of it. Being consumed, as it were.

Reaching for the front of his pants, he eagerly undid the button, rubbing his hard on as he teased her still with his mouth. Her body, her scent - everything about her made him ache and he loved every minute of it. His fangs tingled uncontrollably and the urge was racing up his spine, tensing his entire body. He could hear his heart roaring in his ears.

Or maybe it was because someone, somewhere close, was watching them. Someone familiar...

Suddenly Simon pushed Carol against the wall and protectively covered her with his body as the hand that was reaching for his zipper, flew to his back and pulled out the 9mm instead. In half a second he fired three shots at something moving past them. The bullets drilled into the opposite wall, little puffs smoke slowly rising from the opening.

Something was there, something was...there. So focused in that sound behind him, he could only concentrate on using his perception to find the...thing. Too familiar. Too...familiar. A minute passed - it was gone, whatever it was. Blinking slightly he lowered his gun when he noticed his immediate surroundings. His heart was racing and his breathing was still amped. With a sigh, Simon looked slowly back at Carol.

Unconscious Carol.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago

Ellis punched the rooftop with her fist as she threw up. Tears were stinging her eyes and as she squeezed them shut, they trailed down her cheek. Another urge to vomit hit her and with a dusty, bloodied hand she grabbed at her chest as she vomitted.

'They were...god...damnit,' Ellis thought to herself as she wiped the vomit away from her lips. Falling to her knees she curled over and tried to stop the spread of what could only be described as a pain so thin, so sharp that it covered her body in a thin sheet of sweat. It was gut wenching, literally.

'Oh,' Ellis fought hard to fight the feeling of pain, sadness, rage, but if she didn't know any better, it wasn't her gut betraying her. The black thing that resided so happily in her chest, all these years...was breaking.

Carol and Simon. Carol and Simon. Carol...and her Simon. How...COULD THEY??!

She had followed Simon down the street and saw him disappear into the alley way. Blending back into the night, she slithered her way down to the alley and as she turned the corner, the horror struck her. Simon with a blonde - that was nothing, he had his blonde at the morgue. She had never begrudged his needs - she never gave them a second thought. She knew he belonged to her and if he went outside the 'relationship' it would never compare to the thousands of times she did.

But this particular blonde.

Her blonde.

When? When did they...? After he let her had to have been before? They were together before the raid...BEFORE THE RAID.

Ellis slowly stood, her red wrap covered with drops of vomit and stained with sweat. Her black shawl had fallen to the ground and laid in the filth. Slowly. Quietly. Whatever was left of her heart had died.

Slowly and quietly.

The beginning plans of an act so cruel, so unconscionable, began to grow.

(Ellis out))
Simon Huntington 18 years ago

Simon was knelt down in front of Carol with a rather guilty and concerned look on his face. She was sitting on top of his jacket, propped up against the wall.


Simon shook her gently and then checked the back of her head. There was a small bump making its presence known.


Resting on one knee he lifted Carol's head and opened her eyes, one at a time. When he turned to shoot at whatever was watching them, he inadvertently shoved Carol a little hard behind him. Her head had connected with the wall.


Gently Simon picked up the unconscious Carol and carried her back to his car.

((Simon and Carol out))