Who is who?! (OOC)

A lot of us are using our vampire names so this is clear up who is who. Who ya be? Who ya know? And tell us a little about yourself if you like.

Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Everywhere else (TAC, SMMO etc) I'm Temprah. Here I'm Amberelle, Celeste, Redd, Serena (inactive) and Temprah (not active yet). I'm 33, quasi playing CoH atm but eyeing EQ2 again.

I'm a Texan so we have lotsa funny names for stuff, ayup!
Alexandra 17 years ago
I created a few other characters, I'm also Ilya and Alyshia, btw I'm Irene for those who'd like to call me by the real name