Bathroom Break! (Shades goers welcome)

Dani looked over her shoulder to make sure Yuu was behind her as they made their way through the crowded club toward the bathroom. She wasn't sure if anyone else was joining them, it being just too packed to see, but figured they could find their own way through the throng of people milling about.

She opened the door marked 'ladies' and peered in, then turned to Yuu, rolling her eyes.

"Of course there's a line."Â?

Giving a 'what can you do' expression, she held open the door and waited for her friend to come inside so they could dish.

Yuu 18 years ago
Yuu followed Dani through the crowd towards the bathroom. She wasn't surprised that there was already a line. There's always a line.

'I can't believe you still use women's bathrooms.' She nodded her head towards the men's bathroom. 'Let's just suck it up.' Yuu pushed open the door and peeked inside. Empty and relatively clean. She walked in and waited on Dani.
Danielle 18 years ago
Yuu took a different approach to the bathroom situation, and Dani laughed, feeling silly for not thinking of it before. She supposed those little symbols on the door had a way of getting engrained into a person’s mind. What would they do if a man walked in? Dani figured this fictional guy was more likely to get embarrassed than herself or Yuu but they would end up taking pity on him and clearing off if the need arose.

Still, the way Yuu pulled the whole thing off came off as gutsy. She’d always liked that about Yuu.

Slipping in behind her friend, she let the door close behind her before speaking.

“Good idea. And…oh my god, I have to tell you – that guy, Simon? He’s…”She grinned “…well he’s the –competition- in a manner of speaking. Tied to Duibne, actually. Meridian doesn’t overlap with them much and my boss and he are friends…it’s just kind of funny that he came over and flirted.”

Looking over her shoulder at the door, she turned, still speaking to Yuu.

“I’m just going to see if Pak made it over here…was there weirdness with that guy Ambrose or am I crazy? He seemed nice to me, but I guess you’ve met him before?”

With that, she stuck her head out of the men’s room, peeking to see if they had company.
Yuu 18 years ago
Yuu gave Dani an odd look. 'I don't understand. Competition? Is that...bad?' She had never heard of rivalry being put quite the way Dani seemed to be putting it. 'And why is that funny? We have breasts...nice's not uncommon for men to be attracted to them.' Yuu smiled at Dani and peeked into a stall.

She looked at it and then her skirt. 'I'm going to hold it and just wash my hands. But right, I met Ambrose in Vesper Garden or park, whatever its called, the other evening. I was thinking about,' Yuu then realized she had been thinking of Tai. Turning on the tap, she decided to let Dani in on the situation at hand with him.

'What do you know about Yakuzas?'
Pakpao 18 years ago
Having stalked away from the table Pak found herself at the restrooms. She planed on apologizing to Dani and Yuu, she hadn’t been on her best behavior tonight. Well she had been until he showed up. Bastard what the hell was he doing in Nachton, shouldn’t he be out stalking helpless little old ladies and gullible college students somewhere?

She’d been half way in the ladies before she noticed a familiar face sticking out of the men’s room door. Pak blinked and raised an eyebrow at Dani

“I didn’t realize you were a rebel.”

Granted she’d pulled the move once or twice, not often, but seeing Dani looking out at her was funny. It was something Pak hadn’t been expecting and it made her smile a bit.
Danielle 18 years ago
“Well, not really –bad-…just kind of strange. I’ve never seen him quite like that.”

Solemn Simon of Tacharan, flirting it up and turning on the charm? Simon was, in her experience, polite, but came off as reserved.

Then again, he also came off as absolutely loyal to Ellis – that was in some ways the very cornerstone of his reputation. Things change.

Dani crinkled her nose in agreement with Yuu’s judgment call on the bathroom – who went into these places when they actually had to go anyway? Her friend didn’t have much to say about Ambrose, and, in fact, had apparently trailed off entirely. She turned her head to ask at Yuu’s apparent non sequitur, confused at the change in subject.

“Eh? Only that there are some truly cheesy movies about them that may or may not have any basis whatsoever in fact.”

She turned back to her scouting, a little disconcerted by Yuu’s tone and deciding shutting the door might be a good idea. At that moment, though, Pak came into view, and Dani tried to discreetly gesture her over. Luckily her clanmate saw her and approached, and Dani held the door open a little wider to let her in with a smile.

“A pragmatist,” she said, cheerfully. “But come in, we’re dishing.”
Pakpao 18 years ago
Figuring she was being invited to join them, at least the door hadn’t been shut in her face, Pak slid in to men’s room door shutting it behind her. Since Dani was being practical, Pak decided to be too and placed a little mental pressure on the door. It wasn’t as it was locked, more as if it was slightly stuck. If someone were to try to open it they’d have to give it a fair shove, it would give them a little warning.

“Oh really? Who’s the subject?”

Between Gimpy being a pain, Simon showing up and the other interesting people at the table, she couldn’t hazard a guess.
Yuu 18 years ago
Yuu watched the woman called Pakpao enter the bathroom. Her questions died on her lips not wanting to involve a stranger, at least to her, in a conversation that dealt with not just Yuu, but the district attorney's office. She fell back on easier ground.

We're having a lengthy conversation about that tall drink of water, Simon. I believe I just got a warning though.' Yuu pulled a sad face. 'Let me guess, he's bi and his boyfriend would beat me up?'

Grinning easily, Yuu looked back at the mirror as she finished washing her hands. The bathroom was cleaned recently and she saw her reflection easily and without the usual greasy fingerprints and splashed water. Grabbing a paper towel off a dispenser on the wall, Yuu dried her hands and tossed the towel in a hole that led to the garbage in the counter top. Touching up her makeup she reflected over her thoughts outside.

A stranger in a strange place. What was she doing here? With a shrug, she turned and leaned up against the counter top to listen to Pakpao and Dani talk.
Danielle 18 years ago
Dani snickered a little at Yuu’s ‘reason Simon might be trouble’, wondering what Arin would say about that suggestion. The Tacharan had never really registered on her gaydar, but then she had honestly never thought of him –that- way much at all, beyond noticing he was good looking and that he would probably look very nice if he smiled.

“Well…I suppose anything is possible…” She shook her head. “I’m not seeing it though.”

Yuu and men…she knew her friend was kidding but it worried her a little to think ‘dangerous male lover’ was a primary reason to stay away from some types. Yuu was –such- a good catch for a nice, stable guy. Dani wished she had a stick to beat away all the unsuitables with the wrong motivations, or the ones who just weren’t good enough.

She reminded herself that they weren’t in college anymore – they were women of the world, both of them, and could take care of themselves. Her job was to keep a shoulder clear and ice cream on hand.

And keep the –really- unsuitable ones away.

Deciding this was a fair compromise, she turned to Pak and spoke with light sarcasm.

“Your very best pal also came up in conversation…really, what is with you and Ambrose? I honestly can’t tell if you guys are joshin’!”
Pakpao 18 years ago
Pak laughed slightly at the idea of Simon being bi. He’d not struck her that way, granted she hadn’t been thinking much about it either.

“I might be able to see it if I squint really hard and have another beer.”

She frowned briefly at the mention of Gimpy. It would have been a lot easier to explain this to just Dani but with Yuu here and not knowing much about the other woman explanations would have to be guarded at best.

“Actually I was going to apologize, he brings out the best in me.”

Her smile was ironic, and slightly bitter. Pak was displeased with herself for letting Ambrose get the better of her.

“He tried to take me to dinner once and things went down hill from there.”

It was a broad hint. Dani was extremely sharp and Pak was certain she’d get it despite that, and it wouldn’t have been right not to say anything at all. Dani was safe enough, she doubted even Gimpy would tread on those rules. Yuu, however, might want to watch herself, capable though she may be.
Yuu 18 years ago
Yuu smiled at Pakpao's explanation of hostility towards Ambrose. Bad dinner date always left a bad taste in her mouth, that's for sure. With a sigh, a difficult one because of the corset sticking into her side, she pushed off the counter.

'Alright ladies, I think I'm done for the night. I have to get this vinyl off me and finish preparing for a grand jury presentation tomorrow. Sad, the only briefs in my life are made of paper.' With a sad grin, she made her way to the bathroom door.

'Pakpao, was a pleasure. Dani - call me later?' She took her dear friend by the hand and gave it a soft squeeze goodbye. 'There's a few things I want to ask you about.'

((Yuu heading out, pending Dani's reply))
Danielle 18 years ago
Seeing as they were in the bathroom, Dani figured she might as well put the facility to use for something other than a bout of gossip and went to wash her hands as well, looking over her shoulder to keep up with the conversation. Pak explained, unsurprisingly, that she and Ambrose had a history; Dani herself was more worried that his presence was making her clanmate uncomfortable than any potential faux pas between friends. She waved one soapy hand and was about to make an understanding comment when Pak’s real meaning registered. Wow, that sort of thing actually –happened-!? Figure the odds! She couldn’t imagine most vampires would have much sense of humor about that sort of incident and didn’t blame Pak for bad feelings – particularly since it didn’t sound like he approached ‘dinner’ very honorably. Hurriedly drying her hands off, she turned fully around.

“Oh, good grief, no need to apologize.” To that, she added a safe universal sentiment.[i] “Men!”

[i]She tossed her paper towel in the trash and turned to Yuu to say goodbyes – it was a shame to see her go but after all, they weren’t in college anymore.

“Good luck tomorrow then – and of course I’ll give you a call. Be safe…”

Indeed, she would need to talk to Yuu again very soon. They had lost a thread of conversation somewhere for one and then there was her upcoming chat with Alfarinn to consider. For now, though, the night was still young…ish. Once the door closed, she pulled out a compact and dusted at her freckled nose.

“So are you staying for the music? And I am –so- sorry about putting you on the spot like that, it really should have occured to me that it might not be something you'd want to mention around Yuu.”
Pakpao 18 years ago
Pak half laughed at Dani’s sentiment. It seemed she’d found an acceptable explanation. She didn’t like playing it safe, but it was the only responsible thing to do.

She was sorry to see Yuu excuse herself, but it would open up the conversation to more specifics. She smiled at Yuu as she left.

“Nice to meet you as well.”

Not quite the sort that she expected Dani to have as a friend, but appearances could be deceiving and certainly Yuu’s career and choices along those lines were more relevant that vinyl and corsets.

Dani’s apology was brushed off without a second thought. Granted it wasn’t a story she would offer up without good reason but still.

“No apologies needed. How were you supposed to know about him? I wasn’t sure how much Yuu knows…” She sighed and frowned, Gimpy had killed a perfectly good evening. “If I’d known he’d be hear I probably wouldn’t have come. Although now that I’m here I could throw things at him, might be fun.”
Danielle 18 years ago
Dani frowned a little as she finished powdering her nose, residual worries over her friend occupying her thoughts. Pak brought her back to the present, though, and she turned to her with a light smile as she snapped her compact shut.

“Yuu only knows about the companies, though I think that might need to change. I worry, she’s so high profile…”

She shook her head, silently admitting to being a big ninny but quite unable to stop.

“…In any case, I suppose I’d be more worried about what Ysabel knows at the moment, though I would guess that they’ve had dinner together in some capacity before.”

Giving a mock scowl when Pak mentioned not coming, she put one hand on her hip. “Really! It’s not right that he should drive you away from fun just because he was a pig!” Nodding firmly, she added: “Throwing things is a –much- better solution.”

On that note, she decided it was best to stop dawdling; break time was over, time for more jazz. She made for the door, speaking over her shoulder. “Shall we then?”

/ooc Dani out pending response
Pakpao 18 years ago
Sometimes it was safer not to know, at least she thought so, but in this city that probably wasn’t true. She didn’t envy Dani the conversation, trying to explain to her friend that ‘Oh by the way there are vampires lurking about in Nachton be careful you don’t be come a snack.’ Sounded like a fine conversation to avoid in Pak’s opinion. Never the less she found herself volunteering.

“I’m probably not the world’s greatest visual aid, but let me know if I can help if you decide to talk to her about the rest of it.”

She gave a slight snort at the idea of Gimpy having restrained himself. No he and Ysabel looked quite comfortable together and Pak had little doubt she knew.

Dani’s comment caused her to raise an eyebrow before breaking out into a grin. It was possible she didn’t realize Pak had been perfectly serious about throwing things. Maybe she would stick around a little longer.

“Are we talking olives, glasses, or chairs?”

Following Dani out she wondered what kind of damage a swizzle stick could do with the help of a little telekinesis.

((OOC… Pak out. Please lock))