i wonder..
i know its thinking ahead by far. but maybe it could be possible to lead your own clan? probally could say that the clan is you + npc's and once you nail down details for rules/what said clan does, then you could make it available to Pc's who wish to join.
this all done of course with the consent of the MOD, you wouldnt want everyone heading up a clan.
^sits back in her imagenary throne and feeds the minions tupins^

Morrigan Kinsey
19 years ago
Actually, this is one of the points in the overall structure the staff has been discussing. The current idea is to have 3 clans with a different uniting factor which would each be run by a member of the staff. It's not final or anything, but just letting you know what's going on behind the scenes and all.

Chryseis Angelique
19 years ago
neaty cheaty!

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
I definitely see this as something we could try once we've built up a foundation. Ry's right, nothings set for sure yet, but we'll be starting with the 3 for sure. You dont HAVE to join a clan, at least I dont see why not. Although we could say that joining a clan insures participation in events given/or involving that clan.

19 years ago
Clan membership would also give you some measure of security.. a freelance vampire would have little to no rights with the clans. (This would be my guess because they wouldn't recognize the rights of the other clans very often.. minimal, uneasy peace at the best of times)
So being on your own could be freeing in a way but also dangerous.
So being on your own could be freeing in a way but also dangerous.

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
I would imagine open to attacks from non friendlies. What non-friendlies, Roz? We're going to incorporate Vampire Blood Harvesters.
So far one of the things we have decided is that vampire blood will have regenerative properties and be addicting.
We'll have renegade humans (or vampires
) that farm the blood and sell it illegally like a drug. You'd have no protection as a solitary vampire from that, so to speak.
So far one of the things we have decided is that vampire blood will have regenerative properties and be addicting.