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Werewolf Flaws

Flaw List

Vyusher R'asa 2 points

Aversion to Raw Food
Peer Pressure
Shoulder Companion

Kadzait 2 points

Dog Person
Habitial Liar
Poor Sport
Restless Dreams

General 2 points

Aversion to cooked food
Aversion to _____
Broken Compass
City Slicker
Fire Bug

Vyusher R'asa 5 points

Bloodless Menu

Kadzait 5 points

Giant Size
Hissy Fit
Pathological Liar
Vivid Nightmares

General 5 points

Bloody Menu
Closed Off
Direction Impaired
Fear of _____
Technology Junkie

Vyusher R'asa 10 points

Bridge Jumper
Gourmet Palate
Visions Overload

Kadzait 10 points

Feline Provoker
Night Terror
Noble Savage
Pissing Match
Used Car Salesman

General 10 points

_____ phobic
Geographically Challenged
Savage Palate

Flaw Descriptions

____ - phobic – You have a debilitating fear of something that will paralyze you should you be forced to encounter it. You feel anxious even thinking about it and it is disruptive to your lifestyle. Ex: Heights, Tight Spaces, the Dark, Fire, Flying.

Aggressive – You are fierce. You push yourself and everyone around you, a lot of times too much. People find you hard to get along with and call you confrontational.

Aloof – You don’t take much interest in news or current events; what do you care about what happens to people you don’t know? You can’t be troubled by people’s problems and generally aren’t considered a sympathetic ear.

Apathetic – You couldn’t be troubled to reach out your hand to save a drowning man; you wouldn’t so much as spit on a man on fire. Beyond being unsympathetic, you completely lack empathy. Goals are difficult for you to accomplish because...wait, you don’t care about anything enough to –have- goals.

Arsonist – Fire is a passion. These werewolves like to watch things burn. The bigger the better. There is a driving need to light fires and many are always looking to make the next one brighter or more spectacular. This habit consumes their waking thoughts quite often, much like the blazing flames they are driven to start.

Attention-Deficit- You find it hard to concentrate on any one task for more than a few minutes at a time. Yes, you -did- leave the stove on, and you've burnt down four city blocks!

Aversion to ____ – There is something that makes you anxious when present; enough to cause shortness of breath and a desire to leave the vicinity. Ex: Heights, Tight Spaces, the Dark.

Aversion to Cooked Food – The werewolf’s tastes during the change carry over to their human form. Werewolves with this flaw are still omnivorous, but they are ‘turned off’ by the taste of cooked food.

Aversion to Raw Food – The werewolf’s tastes are dictated by the human form and carry over to the wolf form. Werewolves with this flaw find the taste of raw or even very rare meat revolting.

Bear – You have thick hair on arms, legs, face and back. Even women with this flaw would tend to have hair where they would not normally grow it.. For men with this flaw beards are full and quick growing. Your five o clock shadow begins before noon. If the person with this flaw is female this could be caused by excessive male hormones or possibly high insuline levels, a condition called hirsutism

Beleaguered – Those with this flaw are so convinced that there is something evil torturing them that they tend to have physical afflictions, fevered dreams, and monumental ill luck that occasionally even threatens their life. Even the skeptical who spend time around these poor souls might start to believe that something super natural exists but it still might be extreme dementia on the part of the afflicted were.

Believer – These weres tend observe superstitions but may also have some of their own. They also believe in charms,curses and the common folklore of their people. They take these superstitions seriously and do them out of belief instead of simple precaution.

Bridge Jumper – If all your friends jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, well you’d be right there with them! You are incapable of making a decision without someone’s approval and would much rather just take orders.

Bloodless Menu- The werewolf’s tastes are dictated by the human form and carry over to the wolf form. Werewolves with this flaw avoid meat where possible, though they will eat it when cooked enough that they can’t see pink.

Bloody Menu - The werewolf’s tastes during the change carry over to their human form. Werewolves with this flaw will eat fruits, vegetables, and grain if they have to, but they greatly prefer uncooked meat.

Broken Compass – You easily lose your orientation and finding locations is often confusing and stressful for you.

City Slicker – You have no concept of wilderness survival at all. Trees and animals all look alike to you and surviving outdoors for you would take sheer luck.

Closed Off – You keep people at a distance so much that it is a force of habit. There are very few people you trust and even those sometimes have a hard time getting through to you. You don't like depending on others and avoid it whenever possible.

Competitive – It IS whether you win or lose. Winning is all that matters and you will do whatever it takes to do so. While you might be the ultimate gamer or sportsman, people think you take this obsession too far.

Defensive – Your home is your castle and you hate it when people invade your space; in fact, this makes you quite angry. You are inclined to suspect that people are moving in on things that you believe belong to you (whether they actually do or not) and will become aggressive if someone steps over your lines.

Diminutive – You're shorter than average height and weight in both human and werewolf forms. Men must be shorter than 5'8” and women must be shorter than 5'4” and must have a less than average weight.

Direction Impaired
- You could get lost in your own bedroom. Even with simple directions it generally takes you more than one wrong turn to actually get somewhere.

Distracted -There always seems to be a little to much on your mind. You find yourself moving from one task to the next and, with a frustrating face-palm or snap of the fingers, to back to the first task again.

Dog Person – Cats (large and small) do not like this were and tend to avoid them at all costs. If cornered with a were they will hiss and claw but otherwise they are simply agitated and will strive to stay far away from the were.

Enormous - In both human and werewolf form you are massive! Not only are you taller than most everyone but you are also more broad. Muscle or fat or both. Furniture fears you! And many vehicles are uncomfortable. Your clothes and shoes almost always need to be tailor made. Males need to be over 6'5” and Women over 6'0” and their weight should be well above average to reflect this flaw.

Fear of _____
- There is something that you are afraid of that you just can't seem to get over. It bothers you and can be disruptive to your lifestyle. Ex: Heights, Tight Spaces, the Dark, Crickets, Snakes (Hi Indy!).

Feline Provoker – Cats (large and small) hate this were. Every feline from the neighbor's tabby to wild cougars will attack the were on sight. They are rarely driven off in fear but instead seem intent on fighting to death. (Which tends to be required unless the feline is in some way incapacitated or confined.)

Fire Bug – These werewolves are mesmerized by fire and flickering light.At an early they probably had to be burned more than once to keep from touching it. As adults they simply love watching flames, playing with matches,lighting candles, twirling prisms or watching sunlight move through the trees and are easily distracted by these things around them.

Follower – You aren't the leader of the pack and never will be. You like being told what to do and making decisions on your own is difficult for you.

Forceful – You have a strong personality and strong opinions. You rarely back down or compromise. You are not a good team player.

Fragile – You are a lot smaller and weaker than those around you. People who are fragile tend to have health problems of some kind such as a lower immune system, hemophilia, fragile bones. Men must be shorter than 5'6” and women must be shorter than 5'2” and must have a less than average weight.

Gangly – In both human and werewolf for you are tall and spindly. You stand out above the crowd and sometimes its hard to find clothes and shoes to fit you. Males need to be over 6'2” and women over 5'10” and their weight should be less than average to reflect this flaw.

Geographically Challenged – When it comes to finding –any- location you haven’t visited before, give it up; you couldn’t find your rear end with both hands in your back pockets squeezing. Even after you –have- been somewhere, you usually don’t remember how to get there again.

Giant Size – In both human and werewolf form you are huge! Clothes have a hard time fitting you, furniture isn't made for you and vehicles never have enough leg room. Males need to be over 6'5” to have this flaw and Women have to be over 6'0”

Gourmet Palate - The werewolf’s tastes are dictated by the human form and carry over to the wolf form. Werewolves with this flaw find meat and blood disgusting and can barely stomach the idea of gifting one of their own. They avoid meat as much as possible, eating it only when fully cooked, and many are full vegetarians.

Habitual Liar - You lie, so what? Everyone does it right? You will lie to your girlfriend, your mom, hell, you even lie to yourself. At least you can keep them straight...most of the time.

Hairy – You look more like your animalistic form even as a human in the form of excessive body hair on at least your arms and legs.

Hissy Fit – Cats (large and small) are afraid of this were and hackles are raised the entire time the were is around. Felines will hiss and growl until the were leaves their presence. Little provocation is needed for felines to attack what they consider to be a frightening menace.

Haunted – These werewolves believe that someone or some thing torments them from the beyond. Whether this is an actual spirit, their conscience or just a crazed imagination is up for debate but for whatever the reason things just seem to go wrong for them, things are misplaced, they hear footsteps and whispers. Doors rattle and floors creak when they are around etc...

Indifferent – You’re not one of those interfering busy bodies who feels the need to step in every time there’s a conflict – either to stop it or to escalate it. Stay out of it is your motto, and that’s easy to do when you just don’t care. In fact, you don’t care much about –anything-; you’re a classic under achiever who just isn’t motivated enough to get interested in anything.

Loner – You don't like to be around others and do not work well with other people. You are hard to get to know and keep to yourself.

Night Terror – You have frequent and vivid nightmares. You fight your hardest to stay awake, but eventually you have to give in to sleep, and that is where the terror begins. You violently thrash, talk, walk, and even scream in your sleep as your subconscious mind takes you to one horrible place after another in your mind.

Noble Savage– Peace is the answer to all of the world's ills. You won't fight under ANY circumstances to save yourself or others, perhaps believing that it is for a greater good or that fate will decide. You might even extend this belief to everything around you much like some Eastern monks and refuse to harm other animals, even bugs.

Pampered – You are used to the best in life. Accustomed to room service, maids, and assistants you have no survival skills of your own because you simply have never had to do these things. You not only need the trappings of modern life but you also need someone to take care of you. Skills like washing your own clothes, making your own bed and potentially even driving your own car are alien and unfathomable. People do their own nails?! How uncivilized!

Passive – You don't like confrontation at all. That doesn't mean you won't fight to save your life but you avoid fighting and arguing where ever possible.

Pathological Liar - This were feels the driving need to tell untruth. It could be used to impress other people, it could be out of a sense of paranoia or it could simply be for fun but whatever the reason, this werewolf lies and lies often.

Peacemaker – If everyone could just get along then your world would be a better place. You don't like confrontation and you refuse to fight or even argue but you also believe others shouldn't fight either and do your best to get people to put their disputes aside in a non violent method.

Peer Pressure – These werewolves like to stay with the pack. Show a high desire to conform and are subject to their peer’s opinions.

Pissing Match – Everything is a contest for you, even if others don’t consider it a competition. You –have- to 'win' at even basic things, like finishing a book first or getting the dishes washed in record time. You will cut whatever corners and step on whatever toes you need to in order to add another victory to your internal record.

Poor Sport – You hate to lose and love to gloat when you win. You pursue winning aggressively.

Possessive – 'Mine' is your favorite word. Forget loaning your prized possessions out to friends; you have your name on everything you own and don't want other people messing up your stuff. And people better knock before coming into your room, too!

Primitive - You are closer to animal kind than man. Going about alone in the city would be dangerous and frightening. You scorn all but the simplest of tools and general prefer to do things by hand where possible. Naked is natural and only bitter cold is enough to convince you to cover up with something without a great deal of convincing.

Pyromaniac - The werewolves with this flaw have a fascination with fire and a compulsion to start them if there is anything handy with which to do so. They become mesmerized by the flames and can stare at them for a long time if undisturbed. They might have the compulsion to flick a lighter on and off, or light a whole box of matches, and burn every candle in the house at once. As children they were the type to set things on fire with a magnifying glass and might still do so if one is nearby.

Restless Dreams
– You dream often and your dreams tend to be unpleasant. Bed time is not something you look forward to.

Runt – You're smaller and weaker than most everyone in both human and werewolf forms. Men must be shorter than 5'6” and women must be shorter than 5'2” and must have a less than average weight. NOTE: This does NOT make you faster, this is a flaw (You would need other abilities to make you faster)

Rural - Cities are like the undiscovered country for you and even if you've been there more than once they always seem strange and unnatural. You are more used to the outdoors and rural life. The Urban landscape is somewhat overwhelming and confusing. You aren't happy until you are away from all the fast cars, strange smells and harsh lights.

Sasquatch – You have thick long hair pretty much everywhere save the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet, whether male or female. It is quite likely that you suffer from severe hypertrichosis.

Savage Palate - The werewolf’s tastes during the change carry over to their human form. Werewolves with this flaw cannot bear the taste of cooked food and are completely carnivorous in both wolf and human form.

Secretive - People can't be trusted. It would take the patience of a saint for someone to call you a friend. You don't even like giving people your real name. Most people with this flaw don't have real friends, not in their mind anyway. They are hermits, wanderers,recluses and even as a member of the pack they rarely socialize with the others and always keep to themselves. They can recognize the authority of their leaders but that doesn't mean they are chummy with them.

Shoulder Companion – Call it the voice of conscience, reason or a long gone grandmother, for weres with this flaw there is a nagging sense of being watched and judged. These weres get the sense that certain actions aren't approved of and sometimes have to battle their guilt over actions they've taken. Note: This companion could a generic sense of right and wrong or a specific memory of someone such as hearing their mother's voice reminding them not to spoil their dinner, or to straighten out their life.

Superstitious – These weres have a habit of observing minor superstitious practices...just in case. Avoiding cracks, black cats, kissing their dice for luck, etc... They could follow common superstitions or have some of their own such as always wearing a certain shirt when their baseball team plays or feeling that they must prepare for a portion of their job in exactly the same manner each time or risk having it go wrong.

Tangential- You find that the slightest change in environment - scents, sounds, flashes of light - or turn of subject sends you off in tangents, be it in work, conversation, or hunting. You can prevent it; it takes some concentration though.

Technology Junkie – You are an extreme urbanite and cannot stand to be without the latest tools of the modern world. You always have your cell phone, laptop, GPS device, pager, PDA, PSP and other gizmos that you simply can't live without! You are at a loss without these things and will complain and feel awkward in their absence. Go into the woods?! Forget it! There is no WIFI out there. You stay in the city whenever possible surrounded by your shiny toys.

Territorial – You do not allow anyone on your property without permission and are fully willing to use deadly force to defend your possessions. If someone so much as looks at your car, your mate, your stuff, you’re liable to bash their face in.

Used Car Salesman - You lie about everything whether you need to or not. You lie so often that no one knows what to believe even about simple things like your name. The worst part of it is that you've told so many lies that you don't even know what's the truth any more.

Visions Overload – These weres believe there is signs of the supernatural everywhere. They believe in the folklore and superstitions of their people but also see signs in every day events...constantly. Two dogs barking in front of them could be a fore warning of arguments to come. A broom falling means strangers are coming, seeing a cloud that looks like a skull would be a sign of death to come, etc... Those with this flaw should see portent, both good and bad in things through out their day.

Vivid Nightmares – You are plagued by nearly nightly nightmares and remember most of them when you wake up. You dread falling asleep, knowing you will have terrible dreams. These dreams may even manifest themselves in a physical way; you may grind your teeth, sleep walk, talk or even scream in your sleep, and so on.

Volatile – People think of you as a person who is on edge. You definitely have anger management issues. Things are done your way or not at all. You are top wolf, in your own mind at least, but that is all that matters. Those with this flaw tend to get into fights over their believed dominance.

Wild – You hate cities and the trappings of civilization. You would rather run free amongst the trees and wander wherever your feet take you. You have very little culture and have a hard time remembering how things are done in the 'civilized' world... such as wearing clothes, not eating with yours fingers, etc...