How to get a weekend off...

...without even trying!

Step One: BF gives you a starbucks gift card cause like, you're cool and he loves you or something.

Step Two: You finally go to Starbucks before work.

Step Three: You get a frappawhateverno and a yummy muffin.

Step Four: You leave.

Step Five: You step yourself right off the curb outside the store into a storm drain, sprain your ankle, tear some ligaments, rip a tendon, and viola! Instant free and easy weekend WITH, I might add, painkillers! *giggle*

It's actually rather unfortunate as there were some things I was looking forward to doing this weekend, but I suppose nothing that couldn't be done another time. *sigh* I thought maybe I'd rest up tomorrow and still be able to play tennis on Sunday but the whole 'everything in your foot is torn' deal is putting a damper on that idea.

Now we must find entertainment.

Fallon 18 years ago
*falls down laughing* So do I Alec!
Maeve 18 years ago
Geez woman you sound as bad as me. I fell down the stairs and broke my foot. Boot for two months. Two weeks after I got out of the boot I cut my hand with scissors and had to get stitches. Sounds like you and I need like padded rooms next to each other so we don't get hurt but we have company. Take care of yourself.
Fiona 18 years ago
ummm... in your case, Maeve, i'm not sure that's why you'd need the padded room.... *ducks*
Aishe 18 years ago
I am investing in my own hamster-ball. Shall I look into multiples?
Shay 18 years ago
Think they may come in doubles??? That might be fun.
Maeve 18 years ago
*glares at Fiona* Thanks for the vote of confidence there.

A hamster ball would be good. Heaven knows I need something to keep me out of trouble. Although knowing me I'd roll that sucker right down the nearest staircase, out the door, and into traffic. Yes I am that bad. Didn't have a boyfriend in college who swore I could hurt myself on command for nothing. :P
Sam 18 years ago
I need one too. I was in the ER twice in about a month...first time for getting something in my eye out (nothing serious) then a month later (3 weeks before i was due to go visit the SO in Australia) i managed to mess my ankle up pretty bad, to the point where it would have been better if i broke it. I ended up completely tearing a ligamanet, and partially tearing a tendon. Had to wear a cast for about 2 weeks, then upgraded into one of those boots (couldnt put weight on my foot for 3 weeks) for another 5 weeks, and then physical therapy for 2 months. Oh what fun it is to be me...the worst thing is that it has prevented me from cycling all summer, so now i'm a fatty..155lbs and all
Alexandra 18 years ago
Lol hun unless you're 5" that's not heavy for a guy

And awww about the ankle, it sucks big time being hurt there, believe me I know all to well.
Sam 18 years ago
Yeah, i'm 5'10" thank god but in worst shape of my life. Cant put muscle on (skinny arms and legs) but all the fat goes to my belly. Almost kinda looks like a beer gut (not that big) except that i dont drink. Go figure...the flexibility of the ankle is slowly returning.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Perhaps a recumbant bike? That's what I used for getting flexibility back in my ankle. Not as much fun as outdoor biking though. It was good for the movement if nothing else. My old gym had underwater treadmills for leg injuries. I loved those things! but alas, they took them out.
Aishe 18 years ago
That hamster ball cannot arrive too soon. I'm supposed to wear this stupid brace until I have surgery (the tendon's torn in two and half of it needs to be removed hooray, just like the other ankle)... but I don't want surgery since I almost died after the last one, so I am putting it off and procrastinating like a champ.

Naturally I'm not wearing a damn brace for the next several months... because how the heck can I play tennis in a brace? Silly orthopedists.

I twisted it again walking my dog today and now it's all swollen again. *mutter*
Shay 18 years ago
/shakes head...bites tongue...
Ginnie 18 years ago
Poor little Runny Babbit. You know they have places for people like you, they call it traction.
Fiona 18 years ago
Aishe! stop doing that!

geez, ginnie's right - at this rate it wil be traction!
Maeve 18 years ago
Aishe hon, you need to be more careful. But then the same could be said of me. Is it bad when you're proud that you haven't hurt yourself in a month?
Rachyl 18 years ago
You should know better by now than to say something out loud, let alone share it with a couple dozen other people.

Why, I myself...

*claps hand over mouth*

Shut up self, shut up self!
Alfarinn 18 years ago

I believe she enjoys the abuse