Pack Terms
This list of terms contains words commonly heard among the Vyusher R'asa; therefore, it includes things that are both official and those that are decidedly not.
Addurn'enedral – Necklace that a child wears before they are gifted
Andre- Traveller on a pack journey.
Baxt – Fortune, fate, that which is meant to be.
Clachans – Family group
Claiming – The ceremony were a child is claimed by a father
Daughter - A female born werewolf
Demons - a slang term for members of the Legion based on the biblical reference to a case of demon possession in the bible for which the host of demons answered that they were Legion, for they were many.
Endra – Sister (used for any female werewolf in the pack)
For'shava – very very good
G'ami -Bad
Gestena – Thank you
Gifting - activating the virus that makes werewolves what they are. Can also refer to the date the viris is activated. ex. "I gave him the gift" or "You are almost seven; do you know when your Gifting will be?"
In Season - Someone who is or seems to be looking for sex. "The way she's dressed... she's obviously in season."
Jiro - Second in command to the alphas
Jostumal - Enemy, one who wishes you harm
Kal' enedral – Blood Vow. An serious oath to do a specific thing.
Kris – Formal trial to settle disputes
Kumpania – a pack group that travels together (generally consists of more than one family)
Leshya'e – Helpful spirit
Li' ha' eer - exclamation meaning 'by the gods'
Lloer Vesha – Full moon gathering of the pack
Moxado – Stained or unclean (someone who had done something to earn dishonor among the pack)
Mulo – the deceased, spirits that may come back to haunt the pack, also the term used for vampires.
Nothos - A derogatory term for those werewolves who do not come from born heritage. It literally means base born. Note: There has been a movement among the non born werewolves to claim this word as their own and make it into something positive.
Oesdyfodol – Coming of Age ceremony where a born werewolf is gifted
Paterna – A born werewolf
Peregrinus – A werewolf not born of werewolves, more polite than Nothos
Plentyn – A child of werewolf heritage before they are gifted
Prala – Brother (used for any male werewolf in the pack)
R'asa - Race or tribe
Reborn - Those who were gifted as an adult and therefore had a long human life before they became a werewolf. Slang term unlike Peregrinus, but not consider offensive.
Running with the pack – Slang expression for attending the Lloer Vesha
Sadullos – Safe
Sarkis - Male leader of the Vyusher R'asa
Savia - Female leader of the Vyusher R'asa
Shesti – nonsense
Smavandre--short-distance travellers, those who took a short journey
Son - A male born werewolf
Storvandre-- long distance travellers, those who took a long journey
Te'sorthene – Trusted friend of the pack that is not Vyusher R'asa (These are quite rare)
The Vow - Permanantly joining The Legion, thus rejecting most personal freedoms for the rest of one's natural life.
Valet Parking - A game played by younger weres who pick some very expensive car to chase, scare and herd where they want it to go. They sometimes do this in were form though it is more dangerous but also in stolen cars they don't mind damaging.
Validus Legio ab Lupus - Mighty Army of Wolves, Vyusher R'asa's primary military force. Also referred to as 'The Legion'
ves' tacha – Beloved, A pregnant woman of the pack (among the Vyusher R'asa, Romani in general see things differently)
Vurma – Fixed contact points for the pack. These are locations that can be called, gone to, emailed, mailed or otherwise contacted in order to give your family's location in regards to the pack as a whole. These are vital in order to keep in communication with the farthest reaching members of the pack no matter where they roam. Someone is appointed the task of staying at the location and each group will make contact with the nearest Vurma so that in a time of need someone from the Vurma can find them.
Vyusher - Wolf
1 jek (yeck)
2 dui
3 trin
4 schtar
5 panj (pansch)
6 tschov (job)
7 efta
8 otor
9 enija
10 deque
20 bis