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Tobi Emiliano

Basic Information

Birth Name (Name Guidelines): Tobar Cyprian Emiliano
Aliases: Tobi, Cypher on the web
Place of Birth: The outskirts of Simitli, a small town in the Blagoevgrad Province of Bulgaria
Age:(real and apparent) 34, 17
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: IT Specialist
Past Occupation: (If different from above): Tech Support

Hair Color: Coppery red
Length and Style: Medium-long, thick, somewhat messy but not frizzy
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Slightly on the tan side with lots of freckles
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 180
Race: (I.E. Vampire, [COLOR=red]Werewolf[/COLOR], human etc.) Werewolf
Body Type: Tall and lanky
Wolf Form ([COLOR=red]Werewolf[/COLOR]): Reddish brown with black points

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC) [COLOR=red]( Please be as specific as possible, who your [COLOR=red]creator[/COLOR]/[COLOR=red]gifter[/COLOR] was, why he chose to change you, where is he/she now?)[/COLOR]: Loretta Emiliano

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality
A bright enough guy if only he could work his way up to giving a shit. Unmotivated, not at all ambitious, content to just get by. Doesn’t like contention or drama and so tends to not notice its presence. Hardly ever bored because he is perfectly happy just sitting around – not to mention he knows how to amuse himself just fine. Can be a little oblivious to other people’s feelings, though he’s more sensitive than he lets on; he just doesn’t often care. He has a bit of a sadistic streak and doesn’t mind screwing up someone’s day for his own amusement. Is happy to be involved in troublemaking but only rarely is he the idea man. Has a way of acting somewhat immature – some of this is genuine, well, immaturity, but he’s also seen how acting naïve and unsophisticated is to his benefit. He doesn’t really have a moral compass and tends to rely on others to stop him if he’s doing something wrong, with mixed results.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) He has enough sense to know what he needs to wear in a given situation in order for people to take him seriously, and he has a vague grasp of what matches with what. His mom supplies most of his clothes though, and he’s content to wear whatever she buys him, however variable her own taste may be. He does have a slight preference for things that don’t ‘get all stupid’ while traveling, but he wouldn’t claim to have a style. For the most part, however, he can be seen in various levels of business casual. As for appearances, Tobi looks like the sort of guy who would help load up old ladies’ groceries and turn a lost wallet over to the authorities. In fact, he’s even been known to actually do such things, just to keep his ‘good citizen and all around nice guy’ image in practice.

3.What does your character like? Horror movies! Cool special effects. Chilling out and doing absolutely nothing. Surfing the web, flaming, pwning people online.

4. Dislike? Nagging. Stupid chicks who wouldn’t even talk to him if he wasn’t the ‘heir apparent’. Girly lotions and perfumes and candles – Tobi makes a great show of sneezing when he walks by someone who chooses to saturate themselves with cologne.

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned. N/A

6. What are your fears? [COLOR=red](please choose and explain 3 minimum)[/COLOR] That someone will discover he’s been living the easy life and call him out – he feels he has to constantly look over his shoulder in order to properly slack and is even a little paranoid about exposure. He’s also afraid his e-identity will be exposed, because he doesn’t think his mom would be too happy with him blowing time on that stuff. Hell, he’s a little scared of his mom in general – she can get a little crazy sometimes. Considering all the horror movies he watches, it’s kind of hard to get a scare out of him, but he still has nightmares about Beaker from Sesame Street.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? [COLOR=red](please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character)[/COLOR]
Technology savvy – is comfortable clicking around and figuring out software and doesn’t shy away from opening things up and looking inside.
Tolerant, easy going – tends to roll with the punches and will settle to wherever he belongs when things get shaken up. Tenacious. Has a way of just continuing on his path of mediocrity even when everything is going to crap
Sense of Humor – Tobi is easily amused and can always find something to joke about, even if it’s totally –wrong- by most people’s standards.

A need to please – Tobi cares what people think and wants them to be proud of him – this makes him easily manipulated/influeneced
Attached to his mom – He doesn’t like making decisions without consulting her and knows if any thing were to happen to her he’d probably totally lose it.
Nervous around strangers – hates the idea of public speaking, press, etc…. Unfriendly.

Vampire -

Abilities (Listed here)

Flaws (Listed here)

Werewolf -

Abilities (Include Tier Points) -
Tame Appearance – 10
Observant – 5
Blood Berserker - 5

Flaws (Include Tier Points) -
Follower – 5
Tech Junkie - 5
Apathetic – 10

Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read here)
Good with computers, software, keeps abreast of developments and knows what’s ‘cool’ in geek gear
Expert in B-Movie trivia
Plays around with making his own movies, including some special effects and a little computer animation, but mostly he enjoys the old fashioned stuff with makeup, latex, fake blood. In rare shows of patience he'll even make miniatures.
Has a fair amount of ‘fame’ on the internet – loads of friends on myspace, a couple of syndicated columns, and a rep on some large message boards for knowing what he’s talking about, even if he is a total asshole.
Vaughn gave him some martial arts training – he’s not as hard core as his sister but retained enough knowledge to hold his own against someone with little to no training

Cosmetic Traits(Distinct, character defining physical attributes. These should be minor and offer no real power other than to make your character appear more interesting.) Large gap in his front teeth

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - Is a bit of a mouth breather – his nose seems to always be stuffy

Personal History [COLOR=red]3rd person (1st is acceptable) but please be as detailed as possible, this can/will affect your rp with other players.[/COLOR]

Tobi’s first act in this world was to very nearly kill his mother, or at least that was the way he heard it. And he heard it often enough – his mom was one of those types who loved ‘when you were just a little baby’ stories.

And so, Tobi knew that when he was a little baby he never wanted to leave his mother’s sight, and would cry when anyone else would hold him. He knew that he would eat just about anything, especially things off his sister’s plate, and would often steal her blankets and constantly interrupted her sleep with cries for attention.

His second act in this world was to nearly die himself, and his sister right along with him. Something about them being all a tangle in the womb, born too early, the lungs too immature. His mother told this story less, and was considerably more vague on the details. Tobi guessed he could understand. And in any case, the important thing was that she had saved their lives.

She would claim, quite modestly, that she was half mad with fear and exhaustion and thus did the only thing she could think of to save her babies’ lives. Tobi thought it was pretty brave and a little crazy to gift her babies that young, but then, that was mom; pretty, brave, and a little crazy.

In spite of his adamant opinion that girls were just weird, he was never very close to his dad, or ‘unc’ Thanos. He preferred his ladies’ company as he grew – either his mother’s or his sister’s, though he didn’t much care for being in the room with both of them at the same time.

They traveled a lot, as a family – going from Kumpania to Kumpania, visiting the various groups of Vyusher R’asa throughout the world, preparing to take back their own. It was pretty cool by Tobi’s standards – he would go to a new place, raise a little hell (most of the time with his sister), and move on before it all caught up with him. Consequences were a foreign country – the rest of the world was his own backyard. He learned to swear in more languages than he could keep track of and picked up the lingo that naturally evolved when Romani mixed with national tongues. He made hundreds of acquaintances and almost no friends, but the few friends he made, he kept, and they were the very best kind.

And through all of this there was that ever-looming sense of responsibility that came with being the Sarkis’s son. He didn’t so much mind the kickbacks at first – everyone was eager to ‘give him the hookup’ and it was cool to be treated like someone important even when you didn’t really –do- anything other than be born and not die.

Of course, people eventually figured out that Tobi hadn’t done anything…and wasn’t all that likely to in the future. They could see what his mother could not – he wasn’t the type to make people love him, like his dad, or fear him, like his mom. Sure, he wasn’t the spawn of Satan or anything, but he wasn’t some kind of born leader. The fact that they tended to move just when this fact became apparent helped a little, but word gets around. Tobi was never spoken ill of…loudly, in any case. He just wasn’t a ‘go getter’, a ‘self starter.’ He was more of a ‘late bloomer’, or even a ‘placeholder’.

On the internet, though, he was Cypher – an opinionated man in his early thirties with a successful blog and a sharp writing style. This was his secret – while he was, for all intents and purposes, a world class slacker in ‘the RL’, online he could be someone else, someone cooler, older, smarter. Tavi knew about his identity and sometimes Tobi suspected that Thanos did as well, but no one else had any idea of the life he had created for himself online. And he very much wanted to keep it that way. Online he had never posted a picture and had never given out personal information. He routed his messages and managed his financial earnings through a third party. He was more thorough and meticulous about covering his tracks than he was about doing any sort of honest work, as a matter of fact. He learned to think like a hacker trying to break into his system, trying to find his secrets…and in the course of that, a hacker is exactly what he became. Not one of those punk kid crackers though – Tobi considered himself white hat all the way. Just…in a very self serving sense. He didn’t maliciously destroy things and he only stole what he needed. He helped make the sites he cared about more secure. And he covered his own ass.

Tobi was an expert in covering his ass; in fact, he was doing much the same in real life as well. Sure, he had a ‘job’…that his mom gave him, with no supervision and little accountability. He did sort of care about helping her out (being kind of a sucker for his mom) but most of what she wanted or needed was cake stuff – he could get it done in a couple hours and go back to screwing around. Only of course if anyone found out they’d be pissed, so Tobi had to be a step ahead of them all.

Then came the time to settle, a plan which had Tobi quite anxious. Settling in one place meant no more clean slates. It meant commitment, and maybe even responsibility, or expectations. He wasn’t at all sure how he would deal with being in Nachton.

Fortunately, Cypher had other plans. Even before his arrival, he was busily interacting on the local scene via message boards and local communities. Getting his finger in every pie, so to speak – politics, news, culture…he knew the ins and outs of the Nachton community better than some long term residents, or at least as well as he could online.

So really, things could go either way for Tobi – this city would be what he made of it, and the question of what, exactly, he –could- make of anything remained unanswered.

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine) - Verileah
Other Characters you play – Thaddeus Nova Dani Theo Palmer Loretta Thanos and sometimes the Polemarch
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) – Yes.
Have you read all the Rules? I have.
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yes.
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Indeed