Old friends and new homes (attn: Maeve)

Fiona stepped into the waiting limo and set her leather briefcase on the opposite seat. She rarely felt a need to carry it, but if today worked out well, everything she needed would be handy and there would be no unneccsary delay in taking care of this bit of business. While the Piazza was all well and good, she wanted her own place and her own staff and she wanted them yesterday. Granted, most of the staff would have to be replaced with locals... sighing, she took out a pad of paper and began to take notes on what she would need.

The real estate agent had been less than pleased to find that Fiona was only available in the evening, but had come around quickly enough when he realized that she was only interested in seeing the top properties available. Amazing how well money talked.

"Leifde Towers, ma'am."Â?

Fiona looked up and frowned. Sorin was right - the Towers were very modern. How could anyone stand to live in such a sterile place?

A glance at her watch showed she was on time, but she did not see Maeve. The driver had gotten out and come around to open the door. Setting her things aside, she slipped back out of the limo, wondering what was keeping her friend. The view was not improved by the lack of tinted glass. It was an impressive structure, she could admit that. But it was still glass and steel. There was no warmth, no sense of home in those things. The location was good, near the areas she herself would frequent, but she could not imagine for a moment actually living in this building. It was simply too new for her tastes.

She was divided on whether to purchase something outside of town where she would have space and privacy or one of the larger condos nearer to the night life of Nachton. Which was part of the reason she had asked Maeve to join her. The Highlander knew her better than anyone and would know which properties had the least chance of driving Fiona insane in the long run.

Nervously, she smoothed the forest green silk tank top and black linen pants she had chosen for this outing. She hadn't seen Maeve since the ball and they had spoken only once to set this up. There was much to say and Fiona doubted it would be entirely pleasant.

Maeve 18 years ago
Maeve took a last look in the mirror and gave a small sigh. She hated to admit it, but she was a little nervous about seeing her friend. She didn't really know why except that they had a lot to say to each other. She knew this was going to either be really tense for a while or could go right past tense to explosive. She straightened her black blouse and smoothed her hair one last time. Finally shaking her head at her silliness, she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

She watched the numbers in the elevator with a bit of impatience on the ride down. The heels of her boots clacked on the polished floor of the lobby as she made her way to the door. She could see Fiona standing outside next to the waiting limo and had to smile. Whatever else happened tonight, she couldn't deny that it was going to be good spending some time with her old friend. House hunting with Fiona. This should definitely be interesting.

She pushed through the door and gave the fiery redhead a smile.
"It's good to see you. You haven't been waiting long have you?"
Fiona 18 years ago
Fiona turned at the sound of boots and returned Maeve's smile. To this day she did not understand the odd friendship between them, but she was able to admit that she enjoyed it. When she didn't feel like strangling the other woman. Gesturing into the limo, she allowed Maeve to get settled before answering.

"Only a few moments ago. Your timing was impeccable."Â?

The driver had returned to the front of the car and eased back out into the light evening traffic.

"The real estate agent will meet us at the first property shortly. Would you like something to drink?"Â?

The agent had offered to drive her to each property, but Fiona had refused, preferring to have some privacy to speak with Maeve.
Maeve 18 years ago
Responding to Fiona's gesture, Maeve ducked into the limo and slid across the seat to make room for the other woman. She had to give her friend credit. She always traveled in style. She took the time while the Frenchwoman settled herself to look around the plush interior.

"That's good." She hated to be kept waiting so it was simple courtesy that she did her best not to keep others waiting. "A drink would be great. Thank you."

Real estate agent. She still found it a little hard to believe that her friend was actually looking at buying something here in Nachton. After all the many years avoiding even talking about the city, much less setting foot in it, she wasn't quite sure what to make of the redhead's decision to settle here.

"I have to admit I was a little surprised when you called. Not the fact that you called of course, but the reason. I didn't really expect to hear you say you wanted to buy a house here." No sense beating around the bush on the subject. She was sure that the surprise had been more than evident in her voice on the phone.
Fiona 18 years ago
Fiona nodded and spent the next few moments playing hostess, fixing drinks. The opposite seat included a flip up table with inset cup holders and she placed the crystal glasses in them before pouring from a decanter that had been set into the side of the car.

Maeve was right - it was surprising that she was househunting. She had spent years avoiding this town and she imagined it was odd seeming that after one visit she was ready to setup residence. Shrugging, she sipped her scotch and turned to her oldest friend.

"There is much to like about this town." She thoguht for a moment, debating how much to tell the Highlander. Fiona knew she would not approve of some of the ideas floating around in her head. "There is a sort of freedom here, knowing there are others of our kind to mingle with."
Maeve 18 years ago
Maeve simply smiled as she watched her dear friend bring out crystal glasses and a very elegant decanter. One thing she had always been able to count on was Fiona would always have the best. She picked up one of the glasses and sipped the scotch it contained. Even the scotch was great. Again not really surprising considering it was Fiona.

As she sipped her drink she listened to Fiona's reasons for this complete change of heart. She managed to keep her face neutral. It wasn't that she didn't believe the Frenchwoman, but she was almost positive her friend was leaving something out. She would be the first one to admit that it was sometimes nice to be around other vampires, but she would never give up her home in Scotland for anything. She wondered what all Fiona was keeping to herself, and thought very carefully about how to respond.

"This is a great place. I've always liked coming here for visits, even though they were usually connected with work. Scotland will always be my home though. I can't imagine ever leaving it for good. It is nice to not have to hide what I am when I'm here though, so I can understand that appeal." She left the thought hanging for a moment, not sure if she should ask if there was anything else that had changed the redhead's mind.
Fiona 18 years ago
Fiona nodded again and settled more comfortably back into the seat.

"It amazes me how integrated into this society we are. I have inadvertently met members of all three Clans, though I admit I was surprised to learn that such was the case."Â? Fiona was still not particularly pleased that Maeve and Colin had neglected to inform her that Evenhet was not the only Clan. It didn't occur to her that if she had told Maeve she was coming to Nachton at all that the Highlander would have gladly told her anything she might need to know, not to mention make arrangements for her to meet the Clan Elders.

Fiona glanced out the window and saw that they were approaching the waterfront. This particular site was the farthest down on her list of possibilities, but it did have a few perks. The size of the apartment, for one, the view for another. And it was close enough to downtown that she would have easy access to anything she might need. But the building was newer than she would have preferred, a downside she ran into whenever she went through this particular tediousness.

"In fact, I met a few Clanmates last night. They had much to say about life in the Towers."Â?

Fiona knew that she would not take up residence there - from what Sorin had told her, she surmised that servants were frowned upon. Given a choice, she wouldn't mind taking up residence at Heolfor Manor, but she could not see how that could be arranged. She was simply not of the right Clan.
Maeve 18 years ago
Maeve's eyebrows rose slightly at hearing that Fiona had met others from Evenhet and the other Clans. She wondered who else her friend had met, though she wasn't sure if she was more curious about the Evenhet meetings or the others.

"It's good to hear you've been meeting some of the Clan. As for life at the Towers, I'd venture a guess that it wouldn't be completely to your liking, but you are more than welcome to come visit me and see my suite anytime you'd like." She knew she was stating the obvious, but it was still polite to extend the invitation. "Oh, I don't know if he's contacted you or not, but Colin is in town also. I know he's looking forward to seeing you."

Maeve turned to look out the window and her brow wrinkled into a slight frown when she saw where they were. She wasn't sure that there would be anything in this part of town that Fiona would like or would be comfortable in, but she supposed she would just have to wait and see. She would be able to say more for certain when she actually saw the residence and Fiona in said residence. She didn't think it would be hard for her to tell whether the woman sitting next to her would be at home there or not. Years of practice and knowing the style that Fiona was accustomed to. Well if nothing else this should prove to be an interesting evening.
Fiona 18 years ago
Fiona froze for a moment as the car slid to a smooth stop. Colin was in town? That could... complicate... things. Fiona rarely understood her relationship with Maeve, but that she viewed Colin as something of a father-figure baffled her to no end. She automatically seemed to agree to almost anything he suggested - the man was simply too damn agreeable and logical... She covered her surprise by setting her drink carefully into it's holder and slipping out of the car as the door was opened for her.

"No, I had not heard from him, though I was called away for a while there. I may have missed him."Â?

She waited for Maeve to disembark and studied the building. Mostly brick, though there were signs that it was a new building masquerading as an older one. There were balconies scattered here and there, though she did not see one on the top floor, the apartment she was supposed to be seeing.

A very ordinary man approached them, standing out only because his clothing was top quality.

"Miss Gerard? I am Anthony Feltcher. We spoke on the phone earlier? If you're ready, we can go up now?"Â? He offered his hand to herself and then Maeve. He spoke quickly, almost nervously and Fiona hoped that he didn't end every sentence as a question. She had only so much patience to go around.

He led them into the foyer, prattling on about the building and all of its amenities. The foyer itself was passable, though the setup did not give much privacy. It too, was meant to look "old-fashioned"Â?, but not old. It was a precarious balance, but had been done with some hint of talent. Entry to the top floor required either a special key, which the nervous little man produced, or permission via the intercom system. Fiona nodded approval at this - it did allow a degree of privacy that would be required.

Rolling her eyes slightly at Maeve behind the agent's back, she followed him out of the elevator into a second foyer, this one completely empty. The floor was grey marble and the walls a complimentary off-white. Fiona was pleased that the elevator did not open directly into the apartment - this provided a second layer of privacy. The room would require a few things, but that was easily accomplished. Another key was produced and the double doors opposite the elevator were opened with a flourish.

All Fiona saw at that point was the skyline from the wall of glass windows.
Maeve 18 years ago
The blackhaired Highlander could have sworn that her friend lost her composure for just a second at the mention of Colin being in town. Fiona was so good at covering what she was truly feeling however that there was no way Maeve could prove the suspicion. She also would never bring up her thoughts on that subject. Instead she followed her friend's lead and set her drink down as the car came to a stop. Then she slid out the door after the redhead.

Maeve let her eyes travel over the building before them while the man who was apparently the realtor spoke to Fiona. She wasn't at all sure about this place, but she would hold her judgement until they had seen the actual apartment. She smiled graciously and shook the hand the man offered her, then followed the other two into the building.

She listened as the man went on about the different features the building offered. The foyer wasn't bad. She could almost see Fiona in this place. It had some nice touches, and obviously someone had taken a lot of time trying to make the place nice. Maeve thought it was beautiful, but she still wasn't sure it would be somewhere that Fiona would be able to call home. The security was a nice bonus. Definitely wouldn't have to worry about your privacy here.

She stepped onto the elevator and returned Fiona's eye roll with a smile. She managed not to laugh, but she was reminded of the good times that she had had over the years with the Frenchwoman. She stepped out of the elevator and took in the hallway they entered. It was again apparent that care had been taken with the decor. So far she hadn't seen anything that she could think would immediately turn her friend off to the place, but they weren't into the apartment yet.

When the door opened, Maeve's eyes widen at what she saw. Windows, lots and lots of windows. It was a beautiful view of the city, but she had no idea how Fiona was going to react to this. She honestly didn't think this was going to go over too well with her friend. She looked over toward the tall redhead and waited for her reaction.