Richard Nailor
Basic Information
Birth Name: Richard Nailor
Aliases: Captain Nailor / Dick
Place of Birth: Harrow, England
Age:(real and apparent) 254 / 24
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: For Hire
Past Occupation: Redcoat Captain, British Army
Hair Color: Black
Length and Style: Short and Buzz Cut
Eye Color: One eye is blue, the other is Green
Skin Color: Fair
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160lbs
Nationality: English
Race: Vampire
Body Type: Athletic/In Shape
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC):
Helmuth Schuhmacher was a Soldier from Hessel Kessel, part of some of the most Professional Soldiers for Hire in the World at the time. They had been recruited by the British Army and were sent to the New World to fight the Revolutionaries in America. Helmuth was a Vampire, and befriended Richard, who was a Captain in the unit he was serving with. During the course of the war, they became close and Helmuth decided to turn Richard, knowing full well that the British were soon to be ousted from the rebellious colonies. Helmuth didnt want to see Richard die, especially after Richard had saved him from a situation an ordinary man would have died from. One drunk night, Helmuth came out and told Richard he was a vampire, and asked if Richard wanted to be turned. Richard, being in his drunken state, agreed, thinking it a jest, but soon found out he was completely wrong and that it was for real. It was too late, and Richard joined the ranks of the Vampires. Helmuth guided him through his first few weeks as a Vampire, teaching him much, but the British were on their way out. Richard decided to desert the army and remain in the United States, the oppurtunities that presented themselves to a vampire such as he were too good to pass up, especially with how crowded Europe was. Helmuth, however, had to return to Germany and currently resides there.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality: Richard, or Dick, is a friendly guy trying to find his niche in the ever changing world. The lessons he learnt during the Revolutionary War still stick with him, and he believes that - like back then - change is good. He is still growing used to all the Vampire clans he has come across, but finds himself amongst the Tacharans more often then not.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger: Sneakers, Jeans, a t-shirt of some kind, and a black-hoody with the words U.K Printed in white on the back.
3.What does your character like? Tea, Biscuits, Rifles, Excersie
4. Dislike? Scones, Boring people, the French (for the mpst part)
6. What are your fears?
-Being caught up in another War. He has been through enough of them in his long lifetime not to want anymore, and would rather have some peace and quiet.
-Being Hunted, for bounty or pleasure, by some one who wants to cause him harm. It brings back memories of life during the War.
-Being Alone, having found more of his kin of like minded individuals, he doesnt want to be cast out by himself once more. He takes pleasure in being with other Vampires.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
-Command, having been a Captain far longer then anyone else, Richard is a good commander. He knows how to asses a situation and react to it.
-Stealth, when he decides to be sneaky he can come up on anyone. A skill picked up in combat zones. Its a Kill or be Killed world afterall.
-History, he's been around for as long as the United States, and knows everything there is to know about it.
-Uncultured, having spent a very short time in England compared to his overall age, he doesnt know much about the rest of the world other then from what he has seen in the States.
-Deficient in the use of modern technology, he thinks some of it has become too complicated whereass 200 years ago it was already perfected.
-The Voices in his Head talk to him too often. They act almost like his conscience.
Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read here)
-Shooting Guns @ a Rifle Range
Abilities (Listed here)
Coat of Arms
Flaws (Listed here)
Wont Feed on Germans
Hears Voices
Cosmetic Traits: A scar crosses his right thigh from where shrapnel from a cannonball tore into his leg before he was turned.
-His right eye is Blue, his left eye is Green
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention: Richard always sits with his back to a wall and facing a door.
--His right eye is Blue, his left eye is Green
Personal History: Richard was born into a Miltary Famile in Harrow, England, during the 1700's. His father had served with the Dragoons and had attained the rank of Captain. He sent Richard to school to be taught how to read and write, along with several other skills that would be important for some one destined to have a career in the Army. When it was time for him to go to the Officers Academy, Richard decided he would rather be with the soldiers - the Redcoats - then be a Dragoon, like his father.
While his father wasnt entirely happy with this decision, he was happy that Richard had agreed to become an Officer in his Majesties Army. Richard began his Officers training and soon distinguished himself as a bright student. It wasnt long afterwards that the Colonies began to rebel, and Richard found himself promoted to Captain and on a troop ship bound for the other side of the Atlantic. It was on this ship that he met Helmuth, a Hessel-Kessel Mercenary and Professional Soldier.
Over the course of the next few years, Richard and Helmuth fought side by side against the farmers and minutemen of the United States. It was a war that would change much for Richard. First, he was wounded in his leg from an exploding cannonball, which had him off the field for nearly a month as he recovered. Helmuth often visited him in the ward, and was there to lead him back to his troops when he was ready. The tactics of the Americans were different then that of the the British, the best Army in the world, and Richard soon began to realise that change was coming and change was a good thing. He didnt know being turned into a Vampire would be part of that.
Helmuth and Richard got drunk on leave one night, whoring around with some less-demeaning woman, when Helmuth told Richard he was a Vampire and could offer immortality to Richard if he turned him. Richard agreed, finding the whole thing hillarious, until Helmuth started to turn him. It was too late by then, and Richard was finally turned into a Vampire. It was odd, at first, adjusting to the new sensations and appetites he felt, but Helmuth helped him out. The Americans were beating the English, and soon Richard had a choice to make. Helmuth had to return to Germany, where his home and clan was, but Richard did not. He ended up desertin the Army to stake his claim in America.
Over the years, Richard was the only vampiire as far as he knew in the United States. He moved out West, where feeding wasnt as risky due to the lack of communities. The years started to pass and more people began to move out west, forcing Richard even further until he came to California. The weather wasnt to his liking, so he moved back to the East Coast and staked out his territory. Change was good, he reminded himself, and he soon came across the first other vampires in the states that he knew about in New York City. He is now a member of the newest of Clans.
OOC Checklist
Player name (online is fine); Matt
Other Characters you play: Sam Galpin
How you came to SA: Shay Fallon
Have you read all the Rules? Yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yes
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Yes, 21.