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Judas Anderson (Human)

Basic Information

Birth Name:
Judas Anderson
Place of Birth:
Current Occupation:
Past Occupation:


Hair Color:
Dark Brown
Length and Style:
Long, nearly down to his shoulders
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
Skin Color:
5' 9"
Body Type:
Athletic, toned

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality:
Quite arrogant and cocky, with a massively overblown ego and perception of his own intelligence and power. He can be quite clever and conniving and would generally enjoy stabbing you in the back rather than your face. In his own words, "Not because I can't stab you in the face, I just get a great sense of pleasure from the look of surprise and sense of betrayal splayed across your features."

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger

A lean young man appearing to be in his late twenties, with a handsome though arrogant face framed by facial hair He generally wears dark gray or black simply out of color preference, and has tan skin. Usually fiddling with his long dark brown hair or giving people smirk-filled glances.

3.What does your character like?
Drugs, killing vampires, and finally, himself.

4. Dislike?
Vampires, other people, most things in general.

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.

6. What are your fears?
Death -
He has a secret and intensely hidden fear of death, mainly because he fears what comes after. Damnation? Nothingness?
Being Turned-
He has an intense hate of vampires and all they stand for, and the idea of becoming one of their kind fills him with a great fear and distaste. He'd rather kill himself.
A rather trivial though perhaps amusing fear of his kept since childhood. He despises the little bastards.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Generally a clever smooth talker, he has no qualms about blatant lies and trickeries that give him an advantage, or cheating and manipulating others. He has quite the knack for it, with a quick wit and tongue and pretty face.
Martial Arts -
Trained in martial arts as a young man, he knows just the right moves and pressure points to take out or disarm an opponent, and is quite deceptively agile. He is able to operate easily against those larger or more numerous, but there is obviously a limit to how many opponents he can handle.
Another art taught to him by his father from a young age, he was a skilled fencer though he rarely had the motivation to compete in school or in any sort of league. However he still carries his old competitive sword concealed in a walking cane.

Women -
Deep down he has hidden romantic tendencies leading straight back to his adolescence, and he has a soft spot for the opposite sex, especially if they're beautiful. However he usually manages to shield this in outright hate and vileness.
He has a weakness for drug use, from weed to alcohol to the occasional hit of acid or some other hallucinogenic. A definite weakness is his chemical dependence, not necessarily on his finances since he has a firmly wealthy estate, simply a drain on his mind and body.
Extremely sure of himself to the point that he makes horrible mistakes or doesn't even try. A major trait in his life is the fact that he often avoided excelling because he thought it a farce, a waste of time for someone so skilled as himself. His most glaring weakness and hole.

Hobbies & Skills
Killing vampires, smoking weed, getting drunk, going to parties, writing poetry.
He was an English major in college, and a great hobby of his is writing, be it poetry or some form of story. He is also a self-professed history buff and skilled martial artist.
Quite the hedonist, most of his favorite activities involve drugs or fornication (or, most preferably, a mix of both).




Cosmetic Traits:
Nothing really, he has a scar on his right foot he got as a young boy from a shard of glass that slashed him while at the beach.

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention:
Often picks apart inanimate things when disgruntled or distressed, usually tree bark or pieces of fabric, whatever is at hand at the moment.

Personal History:
Judas Anderson was born into a wealthy Nachton family in the finer area of the city, spoiled and coddled as an adolescent and young boy. He was taught martial arts and various foreign languages, slowly developing into a young mental prodigy with a promising future.
As he entered school he skipped the first grade, this filling him with a special sense of superiority that only blossomed as the years passed.
However as year after year of elementary school and high school passed the possibilities of this prodigy dropped lower and lower. Ideas of even a political future held by his usually absent father were slowly diminishing as Judas was a frankly lazy and shiftless student. Through various problems paying attention at school to arrest charges for things from stealing to drug use, to major psychiatric help. Generally his wealthy father bailed him out literally and figuratively through life.

He barely managed to graduate from high school, frankly, and in the end went to a 2nd tier school where he graduated with a fruitless major in studies of English literature.
The future of the prodigy had been corroded simply by apathy, laziness, and pure nihilism. Judas Anderson had no idea when he had changed for the worse.
Perhaps the day he had first tried some of the harder recreational drugs, or skipped his first class. That intelligence remained, but it was fruitless. The few friends he developed simply appeared as tools for his use to his warped mind, tools to be discarded.
The same relationship seemed apparent in his meetings with the opposite sex. They grew plentiful as he matured and it became apparent he was a handsome young man, but he saw women as simply tools for his lust. And frankly he saw his lust as a grudgingly necessary waste product. Just something he needed to take care of once in a while.

Had Judas Anderson known love? When had his heart been lost? Or had it even existed?
He had known love, having felt a great devotion as a big brother to his younger siblings. And he had known romantic love, for a young girl named Aida who was a fellow student in Nachton University.
Judas felt great feelings of yearning for this creature, he felt as if she and he had a certain affinity, but he never approached her, in fear of his heart cracking and revealing weakness. Instead he took a nihilistic approach to love and life in general populated with meaningless and subjective views.

As he graduated he went into the world as a shiftless young man without motivation, though his rich family estate provided the means to simply live a life of empty debauchery, perousing through drugs and women of various names and labels. He had no purpose.
Judas Anderson had an idea when he began hunting Them
Perhaps the day his younger sister Julia had been found, drained of blood in some dark nameless alleyway of Nachton.
Perhaps indeed.

Driven now by purpose and desperate hate, this young misanthrope began systematically wandering the alleyways and dark streets of Nachton, searching and discovering the vampire culture. He was yet ignorant of much of it, but all he knew was that these creatures seemed to enjoy human blood and that they seemed to be everywhere.
He delighted in wandering the dark streets alone, coaxing them towards him, then lashing out with stake and fist, and fire into their destruction.

It gave him a bitter purpose, a scapegoat to blame all his insecurities and problems in life on. Perhaps he was simply jealous of them or scared of the unknown. Perhaps. It hardly mattered. He himself knew he was a kind of vampire, an Emotional Vampire who delighted in the lust, hate, and primal fear he saw in others.
And it was time to hunt.
Perhaps he would soon die, perhaps he was the one being hunted. No matter his skills and intelligence in the end the simple fact seemed to be that these creatures were near impossible to find and physically more powerful than his kind. Perhaps he was doomed to lose this battle.

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine)
Other Characters you play:
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc):
*shrug* Search engine I suppose
Have you read all the Rules?
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)?
Yes, I've seen.
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18?
Indeed I am.

Alfarinn 18 years ago
Okay add to this

Needs to mention the languages he knows on his skills as well as fencing, and whatever form of martial arts he took.

It would be helpful to explain why his siblings held his affection if he is such a self centered person. Why also did he leap from bloodless body to vampire when most people consider them a myth and would normally have just decided that she was ritually murdered or that there was just some sicko out there.