Restaurants for Relief 2
I'm sure everyone here can guess how much I love New Orleans (since almost all my chars are from there) and I wanted to pass on the information for an event taking place on August 29th, the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's devistating landing on the Gulf Coast. If you check this site : for participating establishments near you, you can see who is donating what. A lot of places here in Houston are either doing things like a percent of sales or a dollar for every certain item sold. So.. enjoy a night out and support not only your favorite eatery but help rebuild the Gulf Coast.
Thanks!!!!!!! =)
18 years ago
that's pretty cool. i'll have to keep checking - i have class that night and none of the one's listed yet are in the right area. in fact, there's only 2 so far southwest of houston...
18 years ago
Cool! There are several restaurants where I live, and Red Robin is one...sounds like a nice end to an evening of shopping! lol
Suki Langston
18 years ago
Drats, there are none close by me.