
Please reply to this thread with which clan you would like to be sorted into for those of you who would like to start off in a certain one. We will not sort you until you've posted here. Wouldn't want to assume and all that, now would we? ;)

Sangre 18 years ago
Thank you - I will
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Yes, what Shay said.

check under the user control panel and go to options. Set the number of threads seen to "see all threads" otherwise it will default to showing you only the ones from the past day.

If you can't find it, PM me and I will fix it for you.
Maeve 18 years ago
I'd like to be in Evenhet please. Thanks!
Gabrielle de Severin 18 years ago
I need to submit my character bio for approval, but would like to be added to Evenhet, please

-Upping the kink factor everywhere she goes.....
Simon Huntington 18 years ago
Oooh, fresh meat...I mean...well yeah fresh meat!! Looking forward to reading your bio, after its ok'd, we'll give you access to Evenhet, but you should be able to read the going on's there now. =D Have fun and welcome!
Bastkali 18 years ago
I would like to start in Clan Anantya please.
Simon Huntington 18 years ago
I would like to start in Clan Anantya please.

Welcome to SA! Anantya would be happy to discuss you joining their clan, however you do have to do a bio first. Once that is cleared with the administrative staff, we'll release you to hounds...I mean the board =D

Be sure to read All the stickies in this section and the above subforums. PM myself, Mai, Rachyl, Aishe or Thaddeus if you have any questions. Thanks!
Michel 18 years ago
Bio needs to be approved but I would like access to Clan Anantya please
Aaron 18 years ago
Bio need approval, but onc it is, Evenhet, If you would.
Dayle 18 years ago
"Did someone hide my keys for Tacharan?

I didn't get a welcome package..."
Ysabel 18 years ago
You lost your keys again? I'm afraid I can't help you this time.

Anantya, of course.
William 18 years ago
Evenhet, if it pleases the powers that be.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
We are pleased Someone else will have to do the permissions though. I no touchie!
Alex West 18 years ago
Clan: Anantya please PTB
Livia 18 years ago
I would dearly love to become part of Evenhet should that please the clanleaders.

Thank you,
Jacob Moor 18 years ago
Another Evenhet coming home. There's a good young'un, opening the door for an old man.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Nikhila 18 years ago
Kadzait please
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
All set!
Bastian 18 years ago
Vyusher R'asa appears to be my family, if all the PTB agree