I want one
Hay everyone here has a nifty Avatar me wants one
18 years ago
I'll make you one, hon. It will be a doll, like in my av and sig, since I don't do much photo manipulation and I don't do 3D work.
18 years ago
Ok but Wesley is missing his left arm at the elbow, can that be done?
18 years ago
Why not Ambrose is shy a leg
18 years ago
then cool... love you to do it, thanks
18 years ago
With a little ingenuity you can do it yourself you know. Take a look at the site I did Ambrose’s through, it’s a good place to start.
18 years ago
will take some playing with... lets us both create one and see how close we get.
18 years ago
Yeah I think I can handle the arm thing. I'll look through my bases and see if I can find a suitable one to chop the arm off and get permission to do so. Weeee! A challenge.