Ginnie's a GOOFball

Because... she went and got herself tendonitis.

Ginnie on the phoneHey guys.
Doctor said it's gonna be Monday before I can do any typing.
And after that, it's gonna take me about two weeks to get back to normal activity.
Will miss you guys and will check in when I can! And Rachyl will likely be on the phone with me dictating more quotes like this.

There you have it folks, straight from the injured party's mouth.

Cause her fingers sure as hell ain't workin!

Aishe 18 years ago
doh! Feel better! I have an extra hamster-ball if ya want!
Wesley 18 years ago
not at all good for a role play lover... nope, nope, nope

take care of it!
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
she needs voice type...! But let her know I hope she feels better soon!!
Shay 18 years ago
Hey Aishe...when you order one of those hamster balls for Ginnie...get one for Rachyl too, would you...she seems bound and determined to injure herself as well.

Hope your hands feel better soon hon! Take care
Maeve 18 years ago
Feel better soon hon. We'll miss ya!
Alexandra 18 years ago
Feel better soon, put those umm hands up
Fiona 18 years ago
oh that just bites! (which is probably the wrong thing to say around here... ) get better soon!
Nyra 18 years ago
Hope you feel better soon hon! Take care and spend your days having the fam do those chores like dishes and cooking.
Richard Nailor 18 years ago
Tendonitis - and there you had me thinking it was in your foot! Now i feel stupid, since obviouslly you couldnt post because its in your hand....
Ginnie 18 years ago
Thank you all so much for your well wishes!

My hand is feeling much better. I still have to be very careful about how much I do and about five minutes of typing or drawing two or three times a day is all I'm up too. So I'm going to spend some time catching up with you all and hopefully posting my one active character out of his thread so that I'm not holding anyone up.

I have to do PT twice a day for a little while and the goal is to be back to normal in a couple of weeks. I do get a new mouse and keyboard out of the deal though, so Yay!

I hope you all had a great holiday weekend, and I'll see you soon.
