Dawn was starting to get a bit irritated with Ko and his damn requests. Now he wanted her to send him an essay of all things. And on local politics. What the fuck. Stalking into the library, she settled herself down in the periodicals section and grabbed the local paper - the Nachton Times, apparently. Scanning through, she only found one local story. Apparently some park had been rededicated to some dead mayor. Well, looks like that was it. Hopping out of her chair, she tossed her jacket onto it and headed to the reference librarian, who was looking at her a bit oddly. "Yeah, I dun wanna be'ere anymor'n ya want me here."
"Yo, y'gots anymo'stuff on May'Apollo?"
The librarian stared at her blankly. After a moment, she was greeted with,
"Excuse me?"
Frowning, Dawn repeated herself, translating into a bare monotone.
"Greetings, my good library worker. I have a burning desire to understand the life and times of one C. John Apollo and how said worthy was selected for the honor of a memorial park. Can you direct me to a convenient body of periodicals or literature to assist me in my endeavor?"
Getting a frown and a curt nod from the librarian, Dawn was directed to the archives computers, where she found several sources and brought the numbers back to the librarian. Bringing her hefty stack back to her seat, she started perusing.
"Fuckin'ell! He died inna 'splosion?!"
Maybe politics was more interesting than she thought...
"Touché. But, as you can see, I fall neatly into the 'student' classification. The presence of explosions within my research on upstanding political figures of the modern day and the re-dedication of parkland in their honor was merely coincidental, and not the primary focus of my research, I assure you."
Wondering what the New York Library would have that Nachton would not, Dawn considered. It certainly wasn't occult, so it might not be anything too interesting. Probably all sorts of archived records, though.
"Well I'll admit to getting side tracked after I nearly got blown up so I've missed the low down on what happened and why. Learned anything juice in your research?"
She didn't think the clan had a hand in it. Not that she claimed to be involved with the inner circle. Still there seemed to have been a fair number of them there who hadn't known something was up and caught by the explosion itself. Really she should read up on this herself.
Dawn came up with an interesting idea...grinning like a maniac, she asked
"We could do'r own diggin. Find out fer usselvs."
Wiggling her eyebrows, she poked
"Could be fun. Intrestin'. Lucrative...if Hollywood picks up th'movie rights."
A small but vocal/violent minority against you meant more than nearly everyone with you. She shrugged mentally, actually even that was subjective wasn’t it? Well what did it really matter.
She laughed at the idea of nosing around in this themselves. Val wasn’t –against- sleuthing about, not exactly. It wasn’t her favorite hobby, especially when there was nothing in it for her. More important, perhaps, was how little she knew about Dawn. Grinning and turning her question into a game, a joke she started fishing for more.
“How do I know you don’t already have a contract? We could get this all the way to publication and I’d get shafted.”
"I dun havaa contract, I've an assignment. I figured an int'restin' side trip might be wor'the 'drenalin. Sumthin' t'pass th'time onna borin' schoolnight, y'know? N'me wit all m'fancy language'n knowledge'a high society havin' th'contract ah th'two'a us. That'sa good'n! But't may be that pokin'round this could be a bad thought. Could be dangerous, since it involved murder."
Leaning back, Dawn gave the universal look that all third or fourth graders knew - the knowing glance of the double dog dare. She didn't really know where they could even start beyond the library, but hey, could be an interesting way to break the ice. "So, how did you and Valentine meet?" "Oh, we were investigating the murder of the former mayor of Nachton who was blown up." "What? How'd you land a job like that?" "Oh, it was just for shits and giggles." It'd be worth the story to go through the trouble. Well, or it could turn out to be nothing, and be really boring.
That'd pretty much suck.
What could it hurt though? Someone somewhere probably thought Tàcharan had a hand in this and it might be good to know who really was behind it.
“Takes more than a little explosion to put me off my game.”
Was she in or not? Val gave it another moment’s consideration and decided to commit, at least until it got boring.
“Any ideas where we’d start? But it’s fifty-fifty if there is any money in this gig.”
She grinned wickedly.
"Fuckin'sweet! An'in th'movies th'always start a'th'scene'a'th'crime! You no wheres'e got blownta shit, so to th'ruins! If nuthin' else, I'll getta see'a'sploded buildin. Oh, an' fiddyfiddy's fine s'long's my contractin' agent gits his cut 'fore th'split. MyYammis ou'si'e. What'syer'ide sos I knowho t'follow?"
She was kind of excited, and talking a little faster than usual in her anxiousness. She'd seen videos of demolitions and whatnot, but she'd never been in a bombed site. Sweet! Scooping up the pile of research she'd gathered, she wondered how she could bring it with her...there was too much to stuff in her pockets.
Scribbling down the reference numbers, she stuffed that into her jacket pocket and pulled the thing on. Grabbing the pile of crap, hopped up and dumped it on the librarian's desk. Heading out the door to the glare of the librarian, she said in her best low English accent
"Its been emotional."
Standing outside, she looked back at Val, realizing that she'd not waited for an answer. Oops.
"S'witch'uns yours?"
The girl sure seemed excited to see the remains of a building but it was contagious. What the hell, why wait the worst that was going to happen is some Rent-a-Cop would ask them to leave.
“What’s a Yammis?”
OK so she had been slightly put off, but that was a term Val wasn’t familiar with and she knew more about cars than your average Joe. Probably some Korean knock off students drove, in which case she was just as happy not to know about it.
“Sure you want to follow? I can give you a lift and drop you back here when we’re done.”
"Naw, I'll ride. M'baby's only bin ou'ere'a shor'time, sos I wanna keeper'unnin' smooth."
Walking quickly over to her Yamaha r6, she ran her hand smoothly over its back. Val was a car person, but anyone could appreciate this monster. The typical response was admiration first for the bike, then shock at how a small Asian woman could handle a bike that normally would be impossible for her to tilt, let alone control. A pro biker would notice the modifications, and realize that weight was reduced, but also notice the performance enhancers added, and be impressed, losing the train of thought on the impossibility of such a negotiation, writing it off to the lightening racing modifications.
"So...y'kin lead. I'll follow. Pretty sure I'll b'able't'keep up."
Winking, Dawn took the spare earset out of her helmet and handed it to Val.
"An' y'kin gimme directions'n case I do somethin' odd and wind up someplace wrong."
Being on the small side and having grown up around and on mammoth Thoroughbreds Val thoroughly appreciated Dawn being able to control something of that size. However, maybe it was the horses that kept her from really having a true desire to ride a motorcycle, it just wasn’t the same.
She also couldn’t help but laugh at Dawn’s assurance she could keep up and pointed to her car, a Vanquish S.
“That’s mine.”
It could be quite a race given the looks of the bike and Val had to bite off the desire to play that game. Instead she took the head set and studied it, it seem simple enough.
“Come on then lets find the scene of the crime and see if the coppers have left us anything.”
"Oooo...ain't you a sexy little thang. This'ere's one mean machine. You'd dust most road bikes out there on a long straight with this pretty beastie. Acceleration on these's supposed to be really good for a car, too. We'll DEFINITELY have t'play sometime.
But f'r'now, let's see what's left."
Dawn'd look forward to that. In the short ranges, she could beat almost any car on the road with her acceleration, hitting 100 around 7 and a half seconds. But at higher speeds, she'd have to make up time with her added maneuverability. The Vanquish could certainly out-pace her Yammy in a long straight or a no brake curve, probably by a good 20 miles per hour...but braking time would be much longer, and it'd be slower to regain the lost speed. Good match.
“Give me a where and an when and you’re on.”
Damned, she was focused on the explosion. Oh well one couldn’t have anything.
Val gave some brief directions before sliding in behind the wheel and turning the engine over. It was tempting to give her some gas but she was a good girl and led a civilized, if not quite legal pace.
((OOC… yay! Dawn has an AV!))
Now, they were approaching a different hill, but one that Dawn understood that her family typically controlled. The mayor was frequently an Anantya puppet, with a rare exception. She figured that was the job of the Nightsmen or Roses. Hunters probably only ended such associations.
Val was tempted to give the Vanquish some encouragement and see how well Dawn kept up, but she didn’t want to call attention to them, no more so than she had to. The drive didn’t take long at all, which was good. It kept her from giving into temptation. They passed the remnants of the ball but she drove about a half a block past them, where the car could be parked safely. Setting the alarm, just because you were a vampire didn’t mean grand theft auto didn’t happen, she slid out and wanted for her Sherlock.
At least she wasn't doing anything wrong. Satisfied that she wouldn't have to feel guilty later, she popped off her bike. Leaving all of her leathers on and just stowing her helmet, she looked over at her fellow modern archaeologist and smiled.
"Les root thru somma ths shit an'see wha's lef. Guessin he'as kinda o'er in tha parta th'mess when'e got blowed up? Les'tart there. Maybe we'kin go'ome an' make Mayor Tooth Necklaces'r somethin."
Starting the walk toward the gaping, burned out hole, Dawn wondered if there was anything neat worth looting left here. Probably not. Place'd been opened up long enough that it was probably clean...or a tough dig to get to. No worries. She'd be satisfied with a bit of bone or something.
That seemed right, after all he had died. Of course Val hadn’t been staring at the mayor all evening either. It was more an excuse to get dolled up, have some fun and be seen than a political thing; for her any way.
The scene seemed pretty well picked over, but even so she was quickly beginning to regret her heels they made things a bit awkward.
“Between the cops, the arson folks and the rats I don’t think we’ll get that lucky.”
But the idea made her smile.
“Maybe a pair of earrings or a pendant but not a whole necklace.”
Chalking the shoes and pants up as a loss she began to scrounge in earnest, flipping over what had been a table and kicking at a former fork.
“Any idea –what- were looking for?”
"Hey now! Th'journey's supposed'ta b'th'worthier part!"
Hopping over some rubble, she came down on what she supposed was the remnants of one side of the stage. The opposite end had the look of being forced upward rather than burning downward.
"Well, if he was over here...then yeah, he got FUCKED up."
Looking a bit more at the hole, it looked like the floor under the stage was peeling up, too. Pointing it out to her companion, she asked
"Hey, s'that normal? If someone put a bomb under'a'stage, wouldn't th'floor buckle down, not up?"
“Things blow up not down.”
Simplistic perhaps, but true. It didn’t surprise her too much that the floor under the stage was peeling as well, stranger things had happened with explosions.
“Rather contained though isn’t it? I guess who ever it was just wanted him.”
"Chump musta done SOMEthing bad. Most folks dun pull out th'bombs f'r just show, what. An'yer'ight. If someone wanted'ta rain on th'whole party, they'da been able t'just spread'em all over and take th'whole thing out. Musta been th'opposition wantin' t'avoid all'at trouble wit' recalls. Fuckin' California. I swear."
Crawling up to the edge of the hole, Dawn looked down into the darkness. Taking the little mini flashlight from her keychain, she turned it down the hole. Yeah...it was a fucking mess in the basement, and some still water. Probably not worth jumping down into. Fucking gross, plus who knows what the floor was like under that black ass water.
"I's gonna say let's check th'base, but...fuck THAT noise. All funktified downs'ere."
Looking around the wreckage of the dining room, Dawn found little to interest her besides the hole. She wasn't the most alert person in the world, but something shiny or white would have stood out in all of the soot and dust like...a...shiny, white thing in a whole lot of dust and shit.
"Hm. Find anythin? Nothin' in all this ishwash ova'ere."
Since she’d ruined her pants and probably her shoes Val looked for a way down. Deciding it wasn’t leaping down into the basement, just a few feet down under, the stage and that wouldn’t raise maybe questions she dropped herself into the hole. The ground was more uneven than she thought and she stumbled for a few steps eventually stepping in a brilliant must of ash, water, mud and she didn’t want to know what else.
“The thing is,” she called up to Dawn “any thing important is probably chard and hard to see from up there. I’m gonna need that flash light… … you coming?”
Better two sets of eyes than one and even if Dawn didn’t join her, the light was a must.