Baby Pictures (Meegan)
Grunting with pain as she kneeled in front of the porcelain throne, Rachyl went about her business.
Her morning sickness business.
So very relieved that the problems hadn't surfaced the week prior - when both she and Meegan had been in New York City for Fashion Week - she nevertheless was cursing the ailment's arrival. After flushing for the fourth time, Rachyl wiped her mouth again and shakily stood. Leaning against the pastel-tiled wall, her decorator's mind reeling with the horrible color contrasts in the bathroom, she took deep breaths and willed her still-quivering belly to stop.
Stepping out of the stall to the sink, she opened her purse and quickly brushed her teeth, rinsed her mouth and blew her nose. Out of the bathroom she stepped, pausing briefly to try to gauge if the sudden twitch in her belly was another attack, but shook it off and returned to the waiting room to sit next to Meegan. Taking her bottle of ginger ale, now warm, from her lover's hand, she leaned almost exhaustedly on the taller woman's shoulder.
"I don't know about you," she mumbled around the mouth of the bottle, "but I'm glad we were able to make it through last week without this. I don't think I would have been very useful to you if I'd been in and out all day long."
Sighing as she sipped gently from her soda, Rachyl was honestly glad the week had gone well. Their first full day back, however, had the mother-to-be awake every half hour after four in the morning, wracked with heaving, both dry and clear. Meegan almost shouted with joy when they discovered the affliction was morning sickness. A sonogram was scheduled immediately. "Do we have to wait any longer? I think I'm going to vomit a lung soon, for as much as that last one hurt."

The unveiling of the maternity line at fashion week had gone amazingly well and with the passing of NYC they were now in a slow period, one where it was possible for Rachyl to remain at home and not miss much if any work. Meegan was working furiously to have the next three lines done by spring fashion show so that she wouldn't need to worry over it after the baby was born. She was also looking forward to only doing two lines a year after that. It was a risky venture, but one she was willing to take.
Finally, a nurse opened the door and called Rachyl's name. It wasn't the same woman as their first visit and it turned out that she was the sonographer and not a nurse. They went into an examining room that looked like something out of Star Trek. It had two large machines with screens, humming busily away. On one wall an examining table stood and directly opposite it was a 20 inch or so television that mirrored the screen on the machine closest to the table. She gave Rachyl a sheet and asked her to remove all of her clothes from the waist down, before leaving the room.
Meegan set her purse and the bag they had taken to carrying around, with crackers, ginger ale, plastic bags, and a change of clothes for Rachyl, and took Rachyl's purse. She took each of Rachyl's garments and folded them neatly as each one was removed, before placing them on the low table next to the chair that seemed to be there for that purpose. Rachyl got up on the table and Meegan helped her cover herself with the sheet. It was quite a large sheet and it had been warmed.
"Why in the world would you need to be naked for a sonogram? On tv, they just have the women unzip their pants and pull them down on their hips a little, and raise their shirts."

Reaching out from under the blanket, Rachyl took Meegan's hand and pulled it under the warm sheet. Shivering minutely at the coolness of her lover's limb, she pressed the designer's palm against her lower abdomen. "Right in there, you know, they'll be peeking soon. Wave hello to our baby, Meegan, while we have a few moments alone waiting for the doctor." Briefly Rachyl considered giving into the urge she felt, the sudden need to have a little stress relieved, when suddenly the exam room door swung open and the technician returned.
"Hello Rachyl," the technician said, "I'm Ashlee, I'll be taking care of you today." Momentarily impressed that Ashlee remembered her name without having to look at the chart, Rachyl replied, "Hi Ashlee, glad to have you."
Ashlee turned and shook Meegan's hand, then arched her brow when the designer's left arm followed Rachyl's right out of the confines of the warm sheet. "You looked so relaxed, I didn't even think to wait a couple extra minutes. Sorry if I interrupted anything."
Rachyl shook her head, her cheeks pinkening slightly. "Oh, no, quite alright. We were behaving."
Ashlee pursed her lips and took a step back, then pulled a mobile instrument unit closer to the table. Unhooking a handheld device from the rack, she held it up to show to Rachyl. It was approximately the circumference of a nickel, and about ten inches long. Rachyl's eyes widened as she took in the 'wand.' "This is what we'll be using for the sonogram. It will have a condom-like covering on it, and I'll lubricate it of course, but if you're not used to round, long implements, it can be uncomfortable. It will need to rest against your cervix so we can get the optimal picture. That part may be uncomfortable."
Nodding, Rachyl took a deep breath. She hadn't used any penetrative toys in quite some months - actually, since she and Meegan 'broke up' the year prior - but she wasn't going to let a phallic tool worry her. "Anything else I need to know?"
Ashlee shook her head. "You can hold hands if you want, I don't mind. It won't be cold, we've warmed up the lube and there's not going to be any worry about dropped speculums." Winking at Rachyl, she turned back to her cart and began to prep the wand.

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. You'll be ok?" She felt silly for asking, but she needed Rachyl to know what she was feeling and that she wished there was some other way to do this.
Ashlee turned back to them and pulled stirrups out from the end of the exam table and asked Rachyl to put her feet in them and scoot her butt to the edge of the table, and let her legs fall open. Meegan sighed and gave Rachyl's hand a squeeze once it was firmly back in her own.

Ashlee reached over and flicked on the monitor. The massless black on screen suddenly gave way to a wash of purple, as the gently hypnotic pulses of the ultrasound became audible. Ashlee looked over the bunched blanket, a look of questioning on her face. "Ready, Rachyl?" The redhead nodded.
Suddenly the rhythmic pulsing of the ultrasound became mostly silent as the unyielding wand was first pressed against then inserted into Rachyl's vagina. Ashlee reacted to Rachyl's muted grunt of discomfort and paused. "Sorry dear, trying to go slowly but not too slowly, you know? Please try to relax... your muscles are working against... There we go."
Rachyl felt a bit of discomfort as the wand pressed against what she guessed was her cervix. She couldn't remember ever feeling a pressure quite like that inside her... but her attention was diverted when the quiet thrum of what almost sounded like a heartbeat - muffled by layers of cloth and maybe a dip in mud - came from the speakers next to the monitor. Ashlee's ungloved hand fiddled with controls on the instrument panel. "Well, Rachyl, you're definately pregnant, of that there's no doubt. Heart sounds strong - that's the quiet pitterpatter you hear - and you can kind of see a little bit of the fetus' defini..."
Ashlee's voice trailed off for a moment. "This may feel a little weird," she said, and Rachyl felt the wand move just a bit more, pressing harder against her insides. The technician leaned closer to the monitor, staring, her head twitching just a little bit. Her hand moved out to turn the volume up on the speakers. "Well, ladies," she said as she clicked a button on the panel, "it seems there is not one, but two heartbeats."
She turned to Rachyl and Meegan. "Congratulations. It looks like twins!"

'What a stupid question. Of course she was sure.' "Yes, Meegan, I'm sure. Very sure."
Meegan turned her stare to Rachyl and swallowed. She had no idea how to take this information, should she be ecstatic or worried, or should she just go with it and be happy that Rachyl was pregnant at all. Ashlee began to move a cursor around on the screen and take screen captures. She moved the wand around a bit, took more captures and then finally removed the ultrasound from Rachyl's vagina.
"Ok, we're all done ladies. I'll let you get dressed, then I'll take you to your exam room. The doctor is going to take a look at these pictures then come and do a brief physical exam and then you'll be free to go."
They both simply nodded at her and watched the door close. Meegan had no idea what to say and since Rachyl wasn't talking she assume her partner didn't either. She gave Rachyl a personal cleansing wipe from a small basket on the low table. Rachyl cleaned up the best she could and Meegan gave her the small pile of her clothes and helped her with the zipper at the back of her skirt.
She picked up their bags and they left the room, still unable to speak, and followed Ashlee to one of the more familiar exam rooms. Very shortly the doctor came in smiling brightly at them.
"What great news! I've chatted with your IVF doctor and he is happy to let you come to me for pre-natal care. He has some warnings I need to give you, but first let me congratulate you. Twins is an awesome thing."
She offered each of them a hug which was returned rather mutely. Neither of them could manage speech at this point and it seemed pointless to try. The doctor then looked in Rachyl's ears nose and throat, felt her glands, took her blood pressure, and asked her to lie back and lift her shirt. She took a measuring tape and measured from one hip to the other across Rachyl's navel.
She then told them about what to expect over the next six weeks. Rachyl was to eliminate as much stress from her life as possible, even stop working if it was feasible. The relieve Meegan somewhat but still wasn't enough to take either of them out of the shock of learning they were having twins. Since Rachyl was now considered a high risk pregnancy, she was to come back in two weeks time and would continue you to return every two weeks until the last six and then she would come ever week until the babies were born.
She then told them to schedule their next three appointments and at their next one they would discuss the ultrasound schedule and some other things. She asked Rachyl if she was having morning sickness, and with Rachyl's nod wrote her a prescription for an anti-nausea medicine as well as a prenatal vitamin that helps with nausea.
She smiled, hugged them both again and left the room
"Thanks Amanda." Meegan managed as the door closed on the doctor. They both gathered their things and stopped by the desk and using Meegan's palm computer scheduled the next three visits, each two weeks apart. All Meegan could think as they made their way to the car was. 'Holy crap, twins."
((OOC Meegan and Rachyl Out.))