Holy Crap! Twins! (Meegan)
Rachyl waited patiently in the car while Meegan puttered around in the drug store picking up more ginger ale, picking up her anti-nausea prescription.
She pulled up her cami and looked at her still-flat belly. Leaning her chin on her chest, she started whispering to herself. "You know, you didn't need to make me sick just to say 'Hi! We're here!' You could have just, you know, grown and grown then popped out and we would have been completely ecstatic knowing you were both ours. But I'm glad we have you, and I hope you grow big and strong and are wonderful children and I'm probably rambling and anyone who walks by or looks in and sees me talking at my bare stomach would think I'm nuts, and well I am, nuts about Meegan and you. So behave in there, no hair-pulling or battles royale, okay? Just let me get through the next forty years without any major incidents."
When she replaced the hem of her cami against her skirt and looked up, she saw Meegan looking across the hood of the car, one of her defined blonde eyebrows arched curiously. Rachyl simply smiled at her partner and shrugged her eyebrows.

"Rachyl, I just want you to know how happy I am. I'm stunned by the the fact that we will have two babies to cherish and love, but mostly I'm happy that we finally won this battle. I love you."
With that, she put the car in gear and drove the few short blocks to their home, listening to Rachyl's happy monologue.

"But I told them, whoever they are, that they're to grow big and strong and become wonderful children, and that I hope we can make them as happy as they are making us." Rachyl wiggled her nose, trying ineffectually to will the bubbly tears to go away.
"You know," she said thoughtfully as they pulled up their driveway and parked, "I'm now carrying a Meegan-baby." Gazing mock-sternly at her lover, she unsuccessfully tried to hide a smirk as she continued, "If I was carrying just a Rachyl-baby I'd be okay, but I think it's -your- fault I'm getting morning sickness!" Leaning quickly across the seat divider, she gave Meegan a brief kiss on her lips then hopped out of the car.
Gathering her purse, she walked to the front door and unlocked it, and flipping through the mail, waited for Meegan to join her. Bill, bill, Shopper's Guide, a pamphlet on breast feeding... Rachyl nearly dropped the mail as Meegan walked up the porch steps. Eyes wide, she exclaimed, "Good thing I have two breasts, because I'll have to be feeding two babies!"

"Rachyl, love, everything will work out just fine. We have the day off tomorrow. I left Jeff in charge of the interns and gave most of the staff the rest of the week off so that they can recover from fashion week." Meegan put her hands on Rachyl's waist and moved close.
"So you and I," she pressed a gentle kiss to her lover's lip to keep the protesting words at bay. "Will go to the baby store and buy duplicates of everything we have. Then we'll take a look at all those wonderful everyday things that babies need."
She slanted her mouth across Rachyl's, teasing her lips open with gentle strokes of her tongue. She took the time to taste and explore her lover, most of Rachyl's taste was masked with the mint and fluoride from her toothpaste. Slowly she pulled back and smiled.
"But first I think you should eat and we should take a nap."

Once in the kitchen, Rachyl sat Meegan at the nook table and began gathering up the components to make her stir-fry. Yammering away about everything, nothing, work, home, friends and family, the two women ate in relative silence before taking each other's hands again and heading up to their bedroom to nap.