ok now what

So you had an rp with the person who invited you... was fun and interesting. Was food and all:D :2thumbsup right on!

Now what? Answers please.

Shay 18 years ago
LOL -- well, you can start another thread.
Or you can find an open thread and join in.
Or you can PM someone and ask to join their thread.
Or you can PM and ask someone to do a thread with you.
If you read through some of the threads, you're bound to find either a story or a character that intrigues you, and you can chat with that character to see if there is something you can do together, or if you already have an idea on what you'd like to do next, PM someone who you think might be a good candidate to rp that idea with.

Does that help?
Rachyl 18 years ago
I can't say much more than to echo what Shay has said.

You can also go back and read some of the older threads of characters that have caught your eye in a number of ways.
-Click on the character's name then choose 'find all posts by' or 'find threads started by'
-Click Search.
-Randomly browse through different areas of the city - there's always something interesting going on - quite a bit of which is Open to others - not to mention you can check out old threads

Suki Langston 18 years ago
Hi Wesley!

Shay and Rachyl are correct. Those are great ways to inspire yourself for "What Comes Next".

When I am at a halt role play wise, I like to keep up on everything that is happening in Nachton and research my character. The first is just reading all the new posts, which is easy and fun! While the character Wesley might not know the things that are happening around town, you as his writer or scribe will. So you know where to go for great italian food or great shoe sales.

Researching your character can be really fun and highly rewarding. Look at the interests you put down in the bio. Look at the posts you have made already. Then go do any research you may need to. What exactly is he learning in school? Read up on some topics. Search universities to find some pictures of class rooms or labs so you get an idea of what he might see on a daily basis.

Once these things are set in your mind the next step will come easily. Maybe he wants to go to the beach, or view the museum, or wander up and down the strip. The library is a fun place to go and meet people as well. Also, he may need to shop for the upcoming event!

Think about the steps you take in your life. Simple ordinary everyday things. Does he need to go to the laundramat? the grocery store? the library? the mall? What do you feel would naturally come next?
Wesley 18 years ago
I guess I am shy at popping in on conversation going on between two character. It's really like real life as I am real backward at fitting into something already going on. Understand?

Valentine 18 years ago
Don't be shy. If a thread is marked as open it is. However, its also considered polite to send a PM to the thread starter to ask if the mind additional compnany. Some times people do forget to change Open to Private. But it never hurts to ask.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Any thread with no title marking it as private is open.

But as has been mentioned before a PM would help you know whether there is somethingt they people in the thread would like to do before adding another person and perhaps they could give you extra information, like what part of the conversation you might have heard or a look that your character coming in might have seen that the other person involved did not because they were turned away..etc..