
I love our little corner of the Wide Web. Ellis and her ladies have done such a wonderful job making this place feel like home for a lot of us.

Thanks, ladies.

And thanks to the rest of you who have provided wonderful and useful criticism for my writing, not to mention awesome characters to share stories with, as well as interesting character development and stories to follow!

In my travels today, though, I found a website that lists some other, slightly more popular boards.

Take a look at

If you don't feel like peeking or are blocked or just want me to tell you what I found there, read on:

Big Boards is a place that tracks some of the busiest web-based boards.

According to their statistics, the top five most heavily-trafficked message boards are:

Nexopia, a Picture rating, sex and relationships forum, has 74989263 posts and 807409 members
Vault Network boards, Role playing games discussion boards, has 109240717 posts and 626203 members
FaceTheJury, the Real life picture rating forums, has 129020942 posts and 552000 members
IGNBoards, the General video gaming message boards, has 142565405 posts and 1255254 members
Gaia Online, a PHPBB based Anime roleplaying community has 785608218 posts and 4645148 members

Yes, you read that right. 785 MILLION posts, and 4.6 MILLION members.

I for one am glad that our little community with 31,600 posts and 213 members moves along day to day, week to week, with such amazing creativity and awesome folks that we have here.

Hugs all around. I salute you all! :2thumbsup

Suki Langston 18 years ago
Wow, those are some stats!

I second what Rachyl said. This community is awesome and I am so happy to be a part of it!
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
ditto the above! I can't imagine so much activity. I *like* being able to read what everyone is doing!! There's no way you could ever do that on a board so big.
Shay 18 years ago
*Hugs Rachyl*
*Hugs Suki, and Amberelle, and Ellis, and Mai, and Thaddeus, and Pakpao, and Ginnie, and Alec, and Addison, and even Panos (), along with everyone else who plays here... I've rp'd at several boards now, and never have I found one as friendly and caring and fun as this one. And Rachyl is is a community. Even if it really is only a miniscule part of the web, it's become a HUGE part of my life.

Thank you!
Alexandra 18 years ago
Awwww you guys!!! *gives everyone a big fat hug*
Ginnie 18 years ago

That's a lot of people. I too am very glad that our community is so small. I have been a part of a couple of other RP boards, but I love this one and the style in which we play. *huggles everybody*
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Eep! Lovefest!

Just playin'...I agree with what Rachyl said, though she said it more eloquently than I could have. Cheers!
Fiona 18 years ago
how can anything that big really be a community? it's a damn city!!! heck, in some parts of the world, that's a country! no thanks, i'm with everyone else. EQ2 is about as populated as i want to mess with, and while i've met some interesting people over there, i much prefer to hang out here and see what kind of trouble you guys into!
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
I'm all for praising current and past staff. A lot of hard work went into the creation of SA, I'm proud to be part of it. =) I like how we're smallish and cozy too, makes rp'ing with myself so much easier!!!
Panos Mehalitsenos 18 years ago
<3 for you too shay! =D

good job to ya's all. I remember when it was just a newless little board for suggestions on what kind of rp to run ^_^ it's come along way
Wesley 18 years ago
as the new lost one here... Im certainly grateful to the people who, out of love, go to the efforts to provide a place to play. Thanks!