It was nearly eight when Wren finally made it home that evening, to find only the "I went out and left a light on for you" light on. She glanced down at the date on her watched and realized Drev was about due for his twice monthly outing. She still wondered where he went and what he did, but not enough to invade his privacy. After all he afforded her the same interogation-less freedom. She moved into the living room and turned on the light on her desk, and pulled her lap top out of her bag, and booted up both her's and Drev's.
Her stomach growled so she went to the kitchen to grab a snack of cheese cubes and cut carrots and a small bunch of grapes. She took everything to her desk and pulled up her bluetooth interface and told it to talk to Drev's computer. She had some work for him to do. She sat there entering dates and appointments, before she had to give into the restless energy that had plagued her for the last week. Sighing she put everything to sleep and went into her room to change from the black jeans and baby doll into a pair of very short cut offs and a black camisole.
In the bathroom she pulled her hair into a ponytail and put a load of clothes into the wash. She really needed to get to the dry cleaners, and her mental day planner put it on the list. She grabbed the swiffer dry mop thing and headed into Drev's room. She'd decided to clean under the furniture, since it wasn't something she did normally and the past weeks energy had everything else sparkling.
Laying on her belly she peered under his massive bed and was surprised to find two storage bins. She pulled them out, and put them out of the way. Back on her belly she used the swiffer to clean up all the dust bunnies that had taken up residence. It took two little mop head things but she no longer wanted to turn up her nose and refuse to sleep in the bed. Chuckling at herself she got up of the ground and went to get the storage bins.
As she carried the first one, curiosity over took her. He'd never hidden anything from her and she wondered what could possibly be in the bins. She set it on the bed and against her better judgement opened it. She was actually disappointed to find file folders inside. A quick flip through some of them showed her they were the hard copies of the assest catalogued in his computer. There was nothing new there for her. Feeling a bit let down she put the lid on and slid it back into place under the bed.
Figuring the second bin was the same, but just to be sure, she put it on the bed and opened the lid. A small scream echoed in the room, as the contents had startled her. They looked like something that belonged in a torture room. She ran her fingers over the things, when she recognized a small silver bullet shaped object she realized these things were sex toys. Her roommate in college had had one of those bullet things and used it frequently, to Wren's chagrin.
She pulled out a few of the items, wondering what in the hell you used four black balls on a string for. When she pulled out a set of what appeared to be velcro wrist cuffs with long ropes on them, she stopped and stared at them. Did Drev like to tie up his partners? Was she denying him some things he truely enjoyed?
She sat on the bed with the cuff in her hands and stared at them. Her mind began a series of bizarre ruminations. "I wonder why any one would let some one restrain them on purpose. What could be gained by doing so. Is there a sense of risk involved? Then again, it might be nice to completely give up control and let your partner take and give what he wished.' She tried to imagine such a thing and found the idea intriguing. She wondered if she would enjoy such a thing, or if Drev would enjoy doing such a thing to her. "Would I want to do that to him?' No, she decided that she had no desire to take control in that way. Her little uses of dominance suited her well.
Though there were some things she would like to try, but felt too self-conscious to approach them. she wondered if giving up control would help her to be able to do such things, if Drev asked them of her when she could let go of the responsiblity for the action. It was intriguing and with a glance at her watch she wondered when he would get home so she could ask him.

All kinds of naughty things came to mind as he walked silently down the hall, and he wished he could do them all. When he turned to go into the
room, he stopped. Wren - looking positively delicious in those shorts and camisole - was sitting on the bed looking perplexedly at a pair of teathered handcuffs in her lap.
The first thing through his mind was guilt and shame, probably exactly how a young teenage boy feels when his mom walks in on him masturbating. But those feelings vanished immediately. He didn't even remember he had them. Though Wren probably thought they were his.
"Forgot my iPod," he said, shattering the silence, holding the shiny black device up as evidence.

"I was cleaning. They were just there. What do those black things do? I thought it was more papers. Do you really like using this stuff. There was enough dust under your bed to fill two swiffer things. My roommate had one of those silver dealies. Why didn't you tell me about all of this? Why are you home so early?"
Wren's words stopped in a whoosh of air. She had realized how ridiculous she sounded, not at all like herself. She had thought to be all slick and urban about the whole thing. Hold them up and say, 'What do say? Want to go a round?" or something equally sophisticated. She failed. Sighing she swallowed and looked back down at the bits of black in her hands.

"I came back because I forgot my iPod," he said as he wiggled it at her, then slipped it into his pocket. He walked over to where she sat on the bed and gently took the handcuffs from her. "As for this stuff... I guess you've discovered my Lost and Found bin. None of it's mine; I don't really have a need for toys. Especially cuffs." He offered them back to Wren with what he hoped was a pleasant, casual smile. Beneath it though, he was fighting the strong aversion he felt toward the cuffs. When he realized he was gripping them tightly, he relaxed his grip and took a deep breath.

"Oh" She felt disappointment at his words. It confused her. She really didn't feel comfortable with all of those things and decided she would rather be relieved that they weren't his. It then occurred to her that if they didn't belong to him, why would he keep them. Maybe it didn't matter. She slowly took the cuffs from him, and placed everything back into the box.
"Drev...I..." She was a bit lost at what to say. She had all these questions for him, but they seemed superfluous now that she knew he didn't use those things. In all honestly she had no idea what she wanted, but the finding of that box had set a great many questions and scenarios to play across the screen of her mind. She looked back up at him, unsure of what she wanted to ask, hear, know, try or do.

She was curious.
"I'm sorry," he said cautiously, testing the waters. "Does all this make you uncomfortable? I understand if it does. I can get rid of it if you want..." he started gathering some of the things, but was clearly taking his time, waiting for Wren to stop him.

"Yes, they make me uncomfortable, mostly because I don't understand them, or even know what most of them do." She pressed the lid firmly onto the bin and looked up at Drev. "They are your things and you can keep them if you wish. I would never presume to tell you what to keep and what not to."
She licked her lips, and put her hand on Drev's arm, her breath coming just a little faster. "They...um...they have given me a lot of questions that I...don't know how to ask."

She looked around her and then down and realized she was still in cleaning clothes and covered in sweat. "I need to shower first." She wrinkled her nose and grinned.

Taking a deep steadying breath, she gave a slight nod and slowly stood. Drev was in what she called the Uniform, torn faded blue jeans, a dark skin tight t-shirt(navy blue tonight), black leather jacket, a bandana worn low on his forehead (navy to match the shirt), dark sunglasses and silver in his piercings. It was the sexiest thing in his wardrobe. He looked like a rock star and she felt very much like a groupie, because she swooned inwardly as her heart sped up and she quickly became in need of a fresh pair of panties. It happened every single time he dressed that way. She was glad he had chosen the Uniform tonight.
Now that she was standing before him, she felt awkward and had no idea where to go from here. 'This is stupid, Wren. Grow a set already.' She wanted to laugh at her inner voice's admonition, but it did the trick of breaking her awkwardness. She reached up and pulled the glasses from the neck of his shirt, and tossed them to the end table. They were followed by the bandana, and his jacket began a pile of clothes on the floor.
"Yes, I think that is a good place to start."

As she began removing his clothes, he had to keep his hands still. He was used to taking control, of doing what needed to be done. But this was Wren's night. He had to let her experiment and get over her inhibitions. It was probably going to be a difficult night for her, but they both knew it was something she needed to do.

Her fingers fumbled as she tried to get the button of his jeans open. Finally she gave up and looked up at him with pleading eyes. She couldn't be this calm about this. She needed help.

When she looked up at him for help, he gave her a comforting, reassuring smile, and leaned in to kiss her softly. He put her hands back on the waistband of his jeans and kissed her once more. "You have to pull them together to get them apart," he said, helping her to first pull either side of his jeans together, then slipped the button through the hole. When the button was freed, he smiled again and gave her another smooth kiss.

His...'God, Wren it's a penis, you can actually use the word.'..was pressed against the fabric of his boxer-briefs in a rigid line. He was very long and it startled her once more that she could accommodate him at all. It also made her glad that she had not seen him that first night. She'd have run screaming into the night.
Reaching up, she slipped her fingers under the waistband and tugged them down his body. she felt his penis brush against her ear and hair as she watched the progress of her hands. Drev stepped out of the black cotton for her,a nd she added them to the pile. Slowly, and with trepidation drying her throat, she looked back up his body. Wren was very up close and personal with his personal tool, and she could not stifle a gasp. The thing frightened her, it was irrational and she knew it, but the fear was there beating a deafening tattoo against her ribs.
She fell back onto her butt with a soft thump. Tiny tears leaked from the corners of her eyes as she sat staring at him. She wanted to look up at him and ask for help, but she could not seem to take her eyes away from the piece of him that made him male.

"I know. Can we try again?"
He nodded and kissed the wet trails on her cheeks. With gentle hands he helped her up, put his hands on her waist and placed her gently on the bed. She smiled at him once more as he took a half step back from her. She too a deep shuddering breath and let her eyes roam down his body back to facing her fear.
She lifted her right hand and with one finger touched him gently. He was warm, and soft and hard at the same time. It was not unpleasant in the least and this emboldened her. She opened more of her fingers and ran them up his length, and back down the underside. It had texture and she found herself wanted to trace and play with the veins and ridges of skin.
Forgetting she was supposed to be afraid, she moved her face closer, and watched her fingers play over the length and breadth of him. He grew harder in her hand and it fascinated her. She stopped her motions and looked up when a moan came from above her.

The look of awe on her face made the scene that much more erotic. A soft moan slipped through his lips and a shiver raced down his spine. When she looked up at him, he smiled lovingly down at her, as if to say, 'see, this if fun for both of us.' He was incredibly proud of her for coming this far, and very eager to see how far she would be willing to go.

Licking her lips once more, and her curiosity piqued, she ran her tongue along the same place she had just kissed, and found a little bit more of the sweet liquid. She'd ask what it was later, for now she wanted to continue to explore. The taste in her mouth, as she moved her tongue further up his length, was familiar with an added something she couldn't quite place. She enjoyed kissing and licking his upper body and finally put the two together. Why should this part of him be any more frightening than his chest or arms?
She knew the answer to that, but refused to accept it. As her tongue reached where his penis met his body she placed a kiss there, even though the hair tickled her nose and cheeks. She kissed her way up his body until she was standing and could press her lips to his. She felt bold and alive and ready for more of him than she'd ever had before.

When she stood up, his arousal was pressed between their bodies and slipped under the bottom hem of Wren's camisole. Drev met her lips and kissed her with more passion than he thought possible. He savored her for what felt like hours. When he finally let the kiss go, he smiled broadly. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

With a little wiggle, they were tossed onto of her cami. She stood in front of him in just white lace panties. She pressed her body closer to his and bit gently at his jaw.
"Show me more." She had no idea what to do next and needed a little guidance from her lover.