Panos would be evil. I'd say he was alot more evil in his past and now is slowing up, but he'll never be good in the sense like Evenhet good *giggles*. He has killed for pleasure and for the sake of killing. When he gets mad people die. Doesnt have to be particular people just people. I mean Hey, he did murder a woman and leave her gruesome body on Meegan's bed and destoryed her house now right? That's pretty close to evil. Ok so he's evil with a soft side. He's the Rolo's of evil. When you bite him a little bit of nice oozes out but it's mostly evil. But he got that way from always being a spoiled bastard!
Chryseis is like a dark grey of evil. Human's are just cattle to her and almost everything annoys her. But killing for the sake of killing? That be a waste of time and too much effort. Tho she does take pleasure in other peoples pain. You wouldnt have to watch your back in a room with her.
And we were hungry! Besides that taxi cab driver didn't need to know where i lived. ^_^ So technically it wasnt a reeeaalll waste!
Debate: Good vs Evil
GinnieBecause I can...
There are a great many vampires that are evil. I hate to say it, but Ginnie is one evil woman. Now she has morals, but they mostly pertain to Alec and not assaulting Clan. Beyond that she can and will do just about anything. She does not think twice about killing or using any means necessary to get what she needs/wants.
A great many of us are like that, predators with little compunction about killing. There are a few that never have and never will, but I feel like they are the majority. I think that because they can not survive outside of human blood that they become twisted and the turn changed them, bring out the evil that was already there.
Of course this could all be because Ginnie has that whole holy relic superstition thing.
Oh Look! A debate. ;)
Panos Mehalitsenos
18 years ago
18 years ago
Yay Panos is evil too and yes hungy, cabbie was around.. not our fault!!
Alex West
18 years ago
As the new snowflake on the block I agree.
There is no good.
There is no evil.
There is only action or inaction.
Humans are cattle. Granted some of them may be prettier and smarter than the average bovine and certainly have their uses and can prove amusing. But at the end of the day, to my Alex, a human's primary function is as a walking meal. Although Alex won't eat veal, but that's another story.
We do what is necessary. That is balance. It is neither good nor evil.
And that is how Mai sees herself, neither good nor evil.
As the new snowflake on the block I agree.
There is no good.
There is no evil.
There is only action or inaction.
Humans are cattle. Granted some of them may be prettier and smarter than the average bovine and certainly have their uses and can prove amusing. But at the end of the day, to my Alex, a human's primary function is as a walking meal. Although Alex won't eat veal, but that's another story.
Chryseis Angelique
18 years ago
oh how i do agree. Welcome to the clan brother
But at the end of the day, to my Alex, a human's primary function is as a walking meal.
oh how i do agree. Welcome to the clan brother
Alex West
18 years ago
Thank you, honoured sister.