All's Quiet at the Western Union (private)
Nova parked her car on the street and put a couple quarters into the meter, checking to make sure there was a reasonable amount of room for cars to pull out. It had been a tight fit but at least she got a spot close to the building.
A bum on the sidewalk gave her a thumbs up as she walked by, complimenting her on her parking job, and she tossed him a buck she had shoved into her pocket. He might make an okay snack once her business was done, if he wasn’t drinking Turkey Hill. She was a little too old for that shit.
She stepped into the Western Union and approached the counter. The waiting area was entirely devoid of customers besides her. The clerk handed her a stack of forms and waved her to a chair. Nova went compliantly enough, though she had to return to the counter seconds later, as she had forgotten to bring a pen.
She was oddly subdued tonight. Nervous and sad and second guessing this plan. Maybe she –should- just go to Arizona instead of sending money along. Maybe she should do both.
Frowning, she bent over her forms, trying to remember all the bits and pieces of information one needed to wire money across the country.
Here it goes.
Young had been watching Nova for the past couple of weeks and had discovered early on that she was a –tough- bird to follow. She had a way of looking up at the exact moment he was going to move closer or stopping dead in her tracks in the middle of walking somewhere, almost as if she heard him behind her.
Which was, of course, impossible.
She was just freakishly lucky, he supposed. Still, it made his job damn difficult, especially considering that at first he truly believed that Nova was a very dangerous woman and lived in fear that he would be caught. That was what he had been told; that he was dealing with a bad, bad person who deserved everything they were going to do to her.
Now he knew better, and frankly he was pissed off. Maybe that was why he standing outside the Western Union, where he’d guessed she would come eventually, getting ready to defect to the other side. He’d like to think that at least some of what he was about to do was because he was, underneath it all, a good guy, but mostly he just hated being lied to by con artists. He didn’t think Nova could pull a con to save her life – when he realized –that-, he started to figure out why this whole job didn’t make any sense at all.
Ernest Young was a good judge of character. One had to be in the detective business.
Dusting off his shirt, he opened the door, got himself a stack of forms from the counter, and sat down across from Nova.

Finally her senses got the better of her – she looked up to see a man in his mid forties with short bristly hair.
He had been staring at her, but the moment she looked up he whipped his neck down to examine the papers on his lap. Nova wasn’t fooled, and, feeling just a little ornery about this whole thing, wasn’t inclined to make a secret of her displeasure. She spoke, belligerently.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when Nova finally did look up, and furthermore seemed to know just what he was up to judging by her tone.
Bah, he was just being paranoid! She probably thought he was looking to pick her up. In any case he thought he played it off okay – gave her the ‘are you nuts?’ look and went back to his very important work of pretending to fill out forms.
After a pause, though, he muttered under his breath.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
If he’d gathered anything about her temper in the past few weeks, he knew to expect to have a chair thrown at his head for his trouble, but he’d take this one step at a time.

Well, maybe she cared a little…it would suck if he wanted to, say, blow up the building or something. She shifted uncomfortably at the thought, remembering how she –knew- something bad was about to go down at the Mayor’s Ball but being powerless to stop it. Being powerless blew.
Then she heard the jackass speak. Wouldn’t do what? Who the fuck was he? What did he want? Jesus Christ, could she run a simple fucking errand without that going wrong?
She vocalized her spectrum of concerns with a slow but succinct. “Fuck. Off.”
Oh well. He didn’t want to get too involved – his plan was to just give her a hint and then get the heck out of this whole mess. Damn the money.
He gave an indifferent shrug to her request and stood, heading for the door. He stopped right next to Nova, however, and spoke quietly, but loud enough that she could hear.
“Your father isn’t dead.”
That said, he walked out the door, heading on foot down the street and hoping to lose himself in the crowd.

At least she hoped so.
And then he had to go and mention her father. What in the holy freaking fuck was going on? Nova jumped out of her chair, spilling paperwork everywhere, and said the first thing that came to mind.
This simple utterance did nothing to slow the man’s motions – he left without another word and Nova found herself talking to an empty room.
“What the fuck?”
After another moments pause, she bolted for the door, shouting after the strange man to hold up or come back. In her haste, she kicked over an empty forty ounce sitting on the sidewalk nearby.
Hopefully she could take things from there.
As for himself, he was getting out of this city. He considered his options. Montreal? He liked that idea, though it seemed so far away. Wait, that was the idea, right?
He absently stepped off the sidewalk and onto the shoulder of the street, as there was construction in this part of the strip. Mexico City? Hmm, too damn hot for his tastes. He’d had enough of that in Arizona.
Caught up in his own thoughts, he never saw the black firebird coming.

Now she supposed it was up to her if she would let him. Was this just a random idiot looking to upset people? Maybe it was a coincidence that his offhand comment had hit a mark – maybe he told everyone their father was alive. She was reminded of a time in college when someone had followed her around in the local Goodwill, telling her not to drink the milk. Probably a random crazy dude but it had freaked her a little just the same, just like she was a little freaked now.
What had he said before? ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you.’ And then the business with her father…no, this was too strange to be a coincidence.
But weren’t coincidences strange by definition?
‘Fuck it’, she decided. ‘I’m going after him.’
Her choices were to steamroll through the crowd or to follow in her car – she decided she liked the car option better. She only got angrier as she slid into the seat and started her up – this guy had really worked her over and she was going to get to the bottom of this.
The firebird crawled along the strip, staying well behind the jerkoff for the moment. Mostly because in spite of a head full of steam, or perhaps because of it, Nova wasn’t sure what she would do once she caught up with him. Maybe it was better to just find out where he lived and do a confrontation once she’d cooled off?
Nah. She was pissed and she wanted to use that. Besides, the stupid tool didn’t look to be going home – he had slowed down a bit and looked to be just wandering along. Probably thought he’d managed to lose her.
Her opportunity came only a minute later, and she took it full throttle. Roadside construction had brought the pedestrian traffic down to nothing, and the dickweed was forced to walk on the street. Obviously thinking this was not the greatest way to travel, he looked over his shoulder, at the sidewalk rather than the street, then quickly slipped around the corner onto a side street.
A dark side street.
Nova turned hard and gunned it, giggling a little as she got her target in her sight once more. The asswipe had time to turn around and meet her slightly crazed stare with a look of stunned horror before he was flipping over the hood and flopping limply onto the pavement.
She pulled to a stop and got out, staring down at her victim, who was now face down on the ground. He was unconscious but breathing, and looked to only be bleeding a little. She lifted his head by the hair and frowned – blood leaked out of his mouth and dribbled on the asphalt. Not gushed, just a leak, but it probably meant internal injuries.
Nova guessed she should have thought this through a little more. She was going to get blood all over the inside of her car now. And if pressed she might admit that the whole situation was making her feel just a little queasy. Feeling unsure of herself, she bent down and picked up the fucker who had messed with her night and hauled him over to the firebird, dropping him unceremoniously to open the door.
Hell. She’d wanted to redo the interior anyway. She pulled back the passenger seat to open up the nearly nonexistent rear, and managed to shove the dorkwad headfirst inside. Then she turned back to the mess of blood on the pavement, trying to figure out her options. She didn’t want to leave the human filth alone in her car, even if he was unconscious, but it would be better if she didn’t leave evidence. Luckily for her, as she tentatively walked down she spotted a water tap attached to a large industrial hose.
She came back to her car soaking wet, but at least there was no visible blood.
As she pulled out into the strip, she picked up her cellphone. She was going to have to play it safe – now wasn’t the time to get pulled over – but she thought she might want a hand dealing with this ugly mother fucker.
/ooc Nova out