Jacob Moor (Evenhet)
Basic Information
Birth Name (Name Guidelines): Jacob Moor
Aliases: Benjamin Moor, Jacob Pierce
Place of Birth: outside of Albany, NY
Age:(real and apparent) (see the age breakdown here) 259, 51
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Public Relations
Past Occupation: (If different from above) Captive, Mail Rider, Barkeep, Social Worker
Hair Color: Peppered Brown with light gray at the temples
Length and Style: Medium short, wavy
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Color: White
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 175
Nationality: American
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Stocky, heavyset, somewhat overweight.
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC) ( Please be as specific as possible, who your creator was, why he chose to change you, where is he/she now?): Michael Pierce, an ex-clergyman, turned Jacob to preserve his altruism and positive outlook, hoping to have a long term assistant in his pursuit to cause vampires to realize that they are not damned, but only another aspect of the divine plan and have both a right and a responsibility to redemption as well as aid in endeavors to the betterment of humanity. Michael was killed during the Civil War near Charleston assisting newly freed slaves venture to the North.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality - Jacob is infectiously friendly. He just genuinely likes people, and likes seeing people happy. He is disappointed when people do hurtful things to each other, and seeks to set things to right. He deeply believes that people should pursue happiness as long as it doesn't hurt another. He is talkative, a good listener, and can put a positive spin on almost any situation.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) Jacob is the Favorite Uncle - receding hairline, graying hair in a pleasing pattern, laugh and smile lines visible on his round, jowly face. He is heavy set, but not exceptionally fat - he has a good belly. He tends to dress in whatever is expected in a situation, but prefers lighter clothes to darker ones. When nothing is planned, he defaults to cargo khakis and lightly colored work shirts.
3.What does your character like? Making people happy, making the best of situations, helping people through problems, food and drink, people in general.
4. Dislike? Large negative abstracts (war, disease, famine, torture), self-destructive behavior, violence
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? (please choose and explain 3 minimum) Jacob fears being captured or imprisoned in any way. This stems from his kidnapping at the hands of the Abenaki tribe in his youth. He fears hurting people, and is a pacifist, resulting from the years of war he grew up in. He fears war in general, and feels that it is not a necessary portion of diplomacy, and that anything can be worked out if like minded individuals keep an open dialog.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? (please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character)
Jacob is contagiously positive. He is an excellent speaker and listener. He is a skilled cook and brewer. All of these tie into his need to make people feel comfortable and increase the happiness of those around him. He is good at thinking outside the box, and a decent teacher. He is also good at research and organization.
Jacob is an unskilled combatant. He believes the best of people, sometimes even after they have proved otherwise. He doesn't believe in the stringent separation of vampirekind and humankind, and is sometimes less guarded than he should be. Sometimes he is inadvertently dishonest in his conversation, embellishing a story or exaggerating the good aspects of something in order to sway people to a more pleasant mode of thought.
Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read here) Cooking, reading, gardening, animal husbandry, farming, brewing, legal history, psychology, philosophy
Abilities (Listed here) Empathy, Suggestion, Glamour
Flaws (Listed here) Pacifist, Heavy Sleeper
Cosmetic Traits(Distinct, character defining physical attributes. These should be minor and offer no real power other than to make your character appear more interesting.) Jacob has very accentuated laugh and smile lines.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention
Jacob frequently rests his hands on his belly when seated. His face is very expressive, and generally he doesn't hide his emotional state. When he does, it is terribly obvious, as his face becomes rather plain.
Personal History 3rd person (1st is acceptable) but please be as detailed as possible, this can/will affect your rp with other players.
Jacob was born outside of Albany, New York in 1747 to Benjamin and Margaret Moor. He spent his first nine years helping on the horse ranch where his family lived, mostly taking care of chickens and learning about the herbs and spices that his mother grew special a little way away from the ranch. In 1757, the family (now including an infant girl) moved to Brattleboro to live with his grandfather (Captain Fairbanks Moor) and extended family on the new farm he'd purchased and built up. Within a year, the farm was hit by Abenaki raiders. His grandfather and father were slain, and he, his mother and infant sister were kidnapped. Separated from his mother, he was not terribly ill-treated by the Abenaki beyond the regular cruelty that boys inflict upon each other, but he learned of the treatment his mother was forced to endure. His mother and sister were eventually ransomed, but he was being held for some other purpose.
One spring night he managed to slip away in a small canoe and made his way down the Connecticut river. He never knew if there was any pursuit, as he made it during the night to a small fort. The soldiers, not knowing what to do with him, send him south and east on the next mail wagon, and he wound up in Boston. The mail runners on the route, impressed with the boy's cheerful nature and resourcefulness despite his ordeals, convinced the Postmaster to allow him to live in the communal rooms. At first, he helped sort and cook, later he became a rider along the Boston - New York route.
He kept an ear to the happenings of the small town he disappeared from, but it seems his mother and sister never returned there. He learned later that his mother had remarried, and his sister Captive was in a church school, but he never visited either of them. He thought it might upset them that he had been left behind, and since they had moved happily on without him he opted not to rock the boat. He had many of the experiences of young men performing both local and long distance courier services of the time, and eventually realized he was no longer a young man, and was spending more time doing the cooking than riding. Passing on the reins to the next generation, he relocated to Boston to work in a rather successful tavern he had familiarized himself with over the years.
Then all of that revolutionary nonsense started up. He didn't understand either side's position, but favored the Americans over the British. He didn't understand how someone could rule someplace they had never been. A lot of interesting things happened, there was a terrible row that made things absolutely awful for several years (during which he strongly considered relocating, but decided it would be too much trouble, besides, how long could it really last, and he wanted to help things get cleaned up).
Growing old in Boston had its benefits. He managed to save up a decent penny, and had a lovely little house near the tavern near one of the market squares. Everything was well within walking distance, and his life was generally content. When a long time friend gave him an offer of immortality, he thought it over. They talked about things, how life would change, how much good could be done with like minded individuals with all the time in the world, and after pondering for a year and a half, decided he wasn't getting any younger and took a chance.
For awhile, life continued on much as it had - just fewer walks to the market. Then things started stirring, and there was a clear opportunity to improve the world. His friend and mentor, Michael, had made contacts through various organizations to help with the freeing of slaves from plantations and wealthy landholders. At first they freed when opportunity presented itself, then later they became more organized. Eventually, it became a regular press of bodies moving North. There was another very unpleasant scuffle, and his friend was killed in a part of it, in South Carolina. Jacob had been considerably up the line in Massachusetts when he got the news. He continued the work in Michael's name until after the war, at which point he went into seclusion for several years, trying to puzzle out how people think.
The studies were fruitful, and eventually he returned to Brattleboro, now an official township in the state of Vermont, and worked on the Quaker run Asylum with the troubled men and women, helping them find more productive outlets for their disturbed energy. As the practices moved away from the Quaker ideal and began to take on a more penal feel, he left, disturbed that he could not best find a way to alter the system back to its original form.
For much of the current century, he has traveled and helped both his kind and humanity resolve their issues. He has mediated disputes, assisted in legal matters, given speeches, and intervened in conflicts. He is moving to Nachton to reenter the society of his kind after a decent spell in the human arena, and thought there would be no better place to put his finger on the pulse of his clan than their seat of power.
OOC Checklist
Player name (online is fine) J (Tor/Toranith online)
Other Characters you play Alec Devereaux, Dawn Ratana
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) Summoned!
Have you read all the Rules? Yes - no porn, illegal activities or bigotry and stuff! Y'all are in trouble!
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? I've heard that, yes, but surely everyone follows the rules provided!
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Very.