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The Tikerak (Description)

"Work and play are two sides of the same coin. You need both in order to remain balanced. One cannot work and never leave time for play, nor should you discount the work entirely. Learning your duties and responsibilities is one thing, but you need to run and chase and relax. Whether on your own or with your friends, everyone must find some time to be free if they want to remain whole and healthy."

~Kanak, Kadzait Beta circa 1894~

As you turn off of the busy streets and highways of Nachton into the gravelled drive and through the wrought-iron gates of what appears to be a private institution of some sort, your identification is checked before you can continue further. The security guard either allows you through or tells you in polite but firm tones that you may not enter. If it is the latter, you would do well to get yourself gone quickly, by the look of the guard. If it is the former, however, you may continue on.

If you're in a vehicle, the drive will take you behind an immense stone building, into a lot at the side of what appears to be a lodge or rustic set of apartments. On foot, you may walk around the tall stand of pines immediately behind the entryway and emerge onto a well-manicured field, several football-fields in size.

This is called the Tikerak, the place of meeting, in Inuit. There's a large shed in one corner with all kinds of recreational equipment for games and sports, and the outer edges of the field are dotted with small gazebos made of log and stone, not delicate little Victorian things, but solidly built covered benches perfect for hanging out with friends or relaxing by yourself with a good book. These benches can be found all about the property, each one different and unique, some rustic, some more decorative, as if the builders were given free rein to excersize their creativity in as many ways as possible.