Café de ville
The small cafe looked like any average cafe in any city in the world. With no overt influence from any one culture marking it. The traditional bristo tables were in the fenced off courtyard and accessable through a pretty metal arbor or from inside the small building. The terra cotta tiles were flat and intricately laid out. Pots of herbs, flowers and vines peeked out from ledges and unusable corners. Sculptures of animals like frogs, birds and deer hid amongst the greenery. The stucco building appeared to be a toffee color outside and a mocha shade inside on the walls. Warm golden light spilled out from the windows and glass door. From the smells this place also served some food and baked goods with their coffees and teas.
Charmed by its flowering plants, still open in the night air, Livia made her way to an outdoor table, waving happily as a waitress noted their arrival. The patio was empty, but that suited the italian just fine. It was a crisp balmy night with the small tea light's flame dancing within its glass.
Smiling up at her clanmate, she could not hide the obvious pleasure on her face.
"Thank you Nic, this is wonderful."
Since their table did not have any napkins or silver upon them, she folded her hands sedately in her lap. As they were alone she asked some of the questions she had held in earlier.
"Can you tell me of your 'hollywood days'? I simply adore movies."

So he was a little taken aback when she thanked him, and even took a few seconds to recognize what it was she seemed to be thanking him for.
"I'd say 'you're welcome' even though it is I who should be thanking you." And with a slight bit of flourish he raised her hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss on the back of it.
Holding the chair for her, Nic waited till she was seated before sitting in a chair he pulled closer to her. They had the place to themselves, but he saw no reason to sit clear across on the other side of the table.
The waiter appeared just after Livia had asked Nic a question, and but quickly asked if they were both ready to order, or if he should return momentarily. After Nic reminded the waiter that there were no menus, the man had the grace to look abashed, but quickly handed a menu to each of them. He then excused himself with a promise to return shortly.
"Maybe that's what happens when you have a slow night?" Nic offered in the man's defense, not that he needed to. Coming to another's defense was something Nic liked to think he did out of compassion, but in truth it was more a way of paying back the compassion and patience he'd received on occasion.
Deciding he really only wanted water, but feeling obligated to get something, Nic singled out an exotic blend of some South American blend, and then answered Livia's question.
"Hollywood was a grand mix of work that didn't seem much like work at all, and parties galore. I'd been acting for many years, but always on the stage before the invention of film, and while film made the acting process somewhat easier, it also was pretty much responsible for my demise in the business. It became rather difficult over a period of several years, to explain how it was that I didn't age."
The waiter reappeared, and got their order, then left them alone once again.
"But I learned a lot from Lon Chaney, and was able to convince a lot of people that I was good at makeup."
Nic chuckled, but there was a little tinge of sadness in his laugh. He really did love acting, and sometimes regret bubbled up when he talked about his relatively short lived career. Short-lived in the lifespan of a vampire anyway.
"But back then it was a totally different life from now days. Back then you worked for a specific studio, and they not only took pretty good care of you, but in that process they taught you everything. How to ride to dance...what clothes looked best on you...what women did too." Again Nic laughed at a random thought that sort of just came to him as he reminisced.
"Of course I had very little need of those teachings, having learned most of that a hundred years or so before. But I had to play that down, and at least give the appearance of learning. I think because I seemed to be such a quick study was another reason the studio heads liked me so much...less time to invest." And a casual wink ended that part of the conversation.
"But this must be terribly boring...the life of an actor is about as made up as the roles they play. We just make it appear glamorous to the outside, although there's not much of that being done these days...not when Brad Pitt is hanging out in Thailand, and Tom Cruise is seemingly taken leave of his senses...If I had tried any of that back in the forties I'd have been out on my ear so fast my career would have died long before I allowed it to."
Acting today was another world entirely, and one that Nic really didn't think he missed.

"Poor thing, maybe he thought we were here for a late night dessert and knew what we wanted."
It was easy to find the drink of her choice but then she waivered on what snack to get. She was torn between the cranberry scones and beignets. Finally she threw caution to the wind and requested the later and a caffe mocha when the waiter returned.
Listening to Nic was facinating, as it exposed a whole world she never knew anything about. He tried to downplay it considerably but it sounded glamorous to her anyways.
"Amazing. I do not pay much attention to how actors live their lives today as they seem to have all gone insane. My favorite movies are more historical in nature, Gone with the Wind, Cassablanca, Elizabeth. Its always fun for me to see how the present depicts the past."
The waiter returned with their drinks and a plate with four square donuts upon it, each heavily coated in powdered sugar. They looked amazing. Providing both of them with a cloth napkin and silverware, the waiter then left them. After laying the deep rust colored cloth across her lap, Livia took up her fork and knife and carefully cut one of the beignets into four small pieces. Delicately she speared one quarter and carefully brought it to her lips. The sweet dough was crisply fried but airy and light with the burst of sugar to satisfy her late night meal needs. Patting her lips carefully after placing the silverware down she nodded happily.
"These are quite good and I would be more than happy to share if your so inclined. After travelling for so long in Scotland, its good to have something so American."
Leaning back she thought about her travels around the country. With a slight frown she laughed at herself. "Despite my many years of travelling, I do not recall ever going to Hollywood. New Mexico and Arizona yes but the famous California city? No. Silly isnt it?"

Later he found that if he met someone he was interested in, and they appeared interested in return, mentioning the Hollywood years was more just an act of disclosure, or conversation, and didn't change anything.
"Gone With The Wind...classic of course. I met Gable after I'd been in Hollywood for a while. He was in the service when I first arrived, but I was introduced to him and Carole at a party a year or so later. Both were really very nice, down to earth people...too bad about Carole, but Gable was lucky to find Kay too." Nic had always admired Clark Gable, and the way the man lived his life, even if Nic thought Gable went a bit overboard 'roughing' it. Nic wasn't really the outdoors type, except when it came to riding his bikes.
"Sorry, it's difficult for me to think of Hollywood from the standpoint of movies, and not the people I knew and worked with, though it makes sense to me why others would. Some people think about places they've been in their lives, in relation particular times in those lives. I think about the people I associated with."
Nic shrugged slightly. Right or wrong, he couldn't help but remember Audrey Able, Penny Forsythe, Jessica Presscott, and Elizabeth Taylor, when he thought about those Hollywood days. Sure, he'd had male friends as well, but it was always the ladies who left the truly indelible impressions behind.
He couldn't help but grin when the pastries Livia ordered had been placed before her and she began to eat them. The look or enjoyment was not something anyone could have missed. It occurred to him that a kiss from the lovely lady would be even sweeter now, if he could finagle one. Her offer to share was one he hated to pass on, but then he wasn't looking to share what she was currently offering.
"Thank you, but no...I like sweets on occasion..." Noticing a small bit of powdered sugar on the corner of her lip, Nic carefully reached over and rubbed it off with his finger, then bringing the sugar coated digit back to his own mouth.
"And that is very sweet." He grinned boyishly, attempting to lighten up on his desirous thoughts, and not scare the girl away. "I've never had beignets without meat day I'll have to try them your way."
He did have to admit he was surprised to hear that Livia had been as far west as Arizona, and New Mexico, but not California.
"Was it work or pleasure that took you as far west as you've been?"

As he touched her lip and pulled back sugar she blushed. All that work of trying to eat them neatly and she still ended up wearing some. Watching him lick the powdery goodness from his finger kept her blush going. He really had flirting down to an art form and she could greatly appreciate that.
"I have not eaten them with meat inside for many many years. I prefer the sweet donut version myself. It reminds me of a special treat my mother used to make, hers was dipped in honey though."
With a quick wipe of her napkin she hoped to clean up any lingering sugar as she thought back to her travels in this country.
"I was experimenting then, learning to spin and weave with cotton instead of wool. I wanted to see how the native americans had accomplished this so I travelled west. It was facinating, but I realized that I love wool more. Plants are so, impersonal. But sheep are lovely creatures and willingly give wool year after year. Silly of me because I did the same thing two centuries ago in China learning silk and came to the same conclusion."

"I guess maybe that could be caused by travelers exploring different countries and bringing their culture along, only to be interpreted by the culture they visit." Nic chuckled, not a what he'd said per se, but at the fact that he was looking beyond the surface at anything at all. It was not like him to delve into the whys or wherefores, but rather to just accept things as they were. He credited Livia and her overall sense of a very natural profoundness. Again a term that made him grin and shake his head when he thought it.
"Unfortunately, when it comes to wool, I can only wear it lined. I love the feel and warmth of it, but against my skin it can make me itch. Nothing better for blankets though." And he really was interested in seeing more of what she could do with the sheep 'hair'. He had often appreciated wool hangings he had seen in museums, but never really considered the work that went into creating them, from the time the wool was taken from the sheep, spun, dyed, and woven. Now, as he sort of saw it through Livia's eyes, he wanted to see more.
"Guess that makes me sound a little like a 'girly man'?" Nic laughed as he used his best 'Ahnald' impression when he used the description. He was completely kidding though, as he never had been one to be uncomfortable in his skin, and also never really considered what other people thought of him. Well, with the exception of people who were looking to hire him...or a pretty girl he was trying to impress...or a prospective investor he was looking to collar.
But Nic was one of those rare men who was very secure in his self, to not worry if someone's opinion of him was way off or not. As long as those who mattered saw his real side, he could deal with crazy labels.
"But you make clothing as well as your tapestries and artistic pieces? And, while I'm thinking about it, how is it you became interested in this type of work? Was it something your mother taught you, that you just really enjoyed, or had a knack for?"
That idea seemed logical, especially for one born in Livia's day. Maybe the more surprising aspect was that she continued to work in the old ways, instead of giving it up for something more modern.

Taking another few bites of her treat she could appreciate them for their deliciousness now but also miss her mother's famous dessert as well. It was such a shame that the recipe had died so long ago with her beloved mother. Livia had never found a cook that could duplicate it as she remembered it and since she had never wished to work in the kitchen herself she did not acquire the recipe. If nothing else it set the bar for her to measure how good things were in this day and age.
Wiping the last little bit of sugar from her face once more she nodded as Nic spoke of wearing wool. While she could comb it to the point of softness, getting the fiber to stay that way was a challenge. Nodding her head at his insistance of lining she completely agreed. His Shwarzeneger impression was funny and had her giggling into her mocha.
"Not at all. Wool is a fiber that is made up of tiny strands, they are prone to fray slightly and be itchy. I prefer to wear wool on top of softer fabric like silk, personally."
After a sip of her drink she briefly contemplated how her life had played out. While she was not stuck in the past like some vampires she had never completely left it.
"I showed a knack for weaving early in life and because both my parents were weavers it pleased them to teach me. I learned how to spin at a very early age to help them with their projects. I made cloth in my younger years and only got into tapestry making as a hobby. Something to do with the leftover yarns and keep my hands busy as a young lady, my father would always say. Though I think he simply did not want me to go out to find a husband and leave them at a young age."
Thinking back to then she was sad briefly. She had left her parents shortly after that, simply because she did not want them to find out she had changed. Their visits were infrequent and she could always fool them slightly when they did visit by claiming they always simply saw her as their baby and not the mature woman she was. Her father said he always saw her as a gangly youth on the cusp of womanhood and would never accept any changes.
"While I never developed the skills of a master tailor I did for many years make my own clothing, simply because I could not venture out in the day to visit one in person. Also I could no longer take fabric orders in the quantity I had prior. So I specialized in tapestries to explain the change. My parents sent me their spare threads at first until my supply grew. I never looked back honestly. Nor did I ever feel the need to change with the times. I had carved out my own niche and it has kept me safe and provided for. It is my last remaining connection to my parents as well. I dont know that I could stop."

It had been a long time since he'd been with a woman, and though he was thoroughly enjoying getting to know Livia, old habits were difficult to break. So while part of his mind strove to listen and be attentive, other parts were warring to gain power over his body. So much was he aware of the battle going on, that he found he missed part of what she had said, and blinked while he tried to get back into the conversation.
Once he realized she was telling him a little of her history, he quickly regained his composure.
"Well, you're lucky there really is no reason for you to stop. I only know what I see on the occasionally times I get out to the stores, but I know anything handmade, and of such marvelous quality as your work, is in much demand, and garners a pretty penny. It's a good thing there will always be people who appreciate the products of the old ways, and realize the value there. Sure, machines are around that do what you do, but anyone with half a wit can see the difference. Not to mention the stuff made by machine tends to last about equally as long...things made by hand sometimes last centuries."
Nic recalled visiting many museums displaying artifacts from past years, and marveled at how a quilt made three hundred years ago could look better than a machine made one purchased just ten years ago.
"I'm certainly not an expert, but even I know when it's worth it to pay more for something. I would fathom a guess that your parents would be very proud of you today, if they could see how you've kept their art and trade alive."
Nic briefly wondered if his own parents would have been proud of what he had accomplished. It was an odd thought that hadn't crossed his mind in a couple centuries and he assumed it was just due to the brief trip down Livia's memory lane.
"It is nice to walk into a store and pick up a couple new shirts, and pairs of jeans, without waiting for a tailor to sew them up; however, those same shirts and jeans are not the kinds of things I concern myself with beyond necessity. If I wanted to make an impression, or just look really good for a special occasion, then the extra time required would be well worth it...right?
Another reason why I'd like one of your pieces for my would be a part of you there, that I could admire, but it would be something I'm sure I'd have for years to come."
Chuckling at his waxing a bit romantic, Nic sat up and leaned on arm on the table top, bringing himself closer to Livia again.
"No brothers or sisters? Any only child?"

"Thank you. I like to think that traditional hand made is better than modern machine cookie cutter made. There is no heart in products made today. No spirit or life. Craftsmen no longer love their work as everything is made by a machine and machines dont love."
Blushing at his comment of enjoying a small piece of 'her' in his apartment. Laughing for a moment she playfully slapped at his bicep.
"Trying to get me in your apartment already, you rake?"
Sipping her mocha she gracefully accepted the change in topic. With a sad smile she nodded.
"Yes, my parents had two children before me, both boys that did not survive infancy. They were thrilled to have me come along and thrive. I think a disease took them at the same time when they were too young to fight it off. Plus the medicine of the era was sorely lacking and could have contributed to their unfortunate demise. As I did not know them at all, it is hard to be upset by it, though the topic always distressed my parents."
"And you?"

" of the trade and product is a definite plus, and you seem to have them both in spades."
He chuckled again when she gave him a teasing tap on his arm. That she could kid about such things was encouraging. There might be hope for him with her yet, even if not tonight. The fact that her teasing was all to true didn't rattle Nic either, but he let it go without comment, beyond a quick wink.
When the topic changed to that of family, Nic thought he detected a slight change in Livia's demeanor, and hoped he hadn't touched on anything that might conjure up terrible memories. Growing up as they did, several hundred years ago, lives were often fraught with extreme hardships and death. Even though his family life hadn't been extraordinary, he had always been thankful that none of his family had been struck by anything more terrible than just normal, everyday living.
"I came from a large family...let see...there were six before me, and three after...six boys and four girls. We were also a working family, so unless you were the oldest, or youngest, you tended to get a little lost among the others out in the fields." Nic shrugged his shoulders. There was no animosity in his heart or tone, as it was something he'd learned to accept and live with very early on.
"But when I look back now, I can see my parents had just been trying to do the best with what they had, and I think they actually succeeded. Maybe if you were to get an answer from the others, they might not agree, yet, unless something awful happened later on in life, once I lost touch, I can't believe they would think any differently."
Finishing his coffee, Nic raised his mug in the direction of the waiter, and gestured for a refill.
"More, my dear?" Nic asked of Livia, when the waiter appeared at their sides. Once he had retreated yet again, Nic returned his gaze to the lovely lady.
"And how is it you're still footloose and fancy free to wander about this world without some 'rake' at your side?"
It seemed silly to pussyfoot around the issue, so Nic didn't. He could only hope her answer wasn't one of pain.

"I am sure your parents would be deliriously proud of how well you have done in life."
Looking at the waiter and then down into her cup she nodded. While it was not empty it had cooled off considerably. "Yes, please."
Toying briefly with the mug in her hand she smiled at the recollections of her life. While the outcome may not be seen as good, Livia had enjoyed every moment to its fullest.
"There was a rake of my very own for many years. He was a merchant, importing fiber and selling finished goods. We met at a party and instantly clicked. As our relationship grew he discovered my secret. While it did not repulse him, he had no desire to extend his own life. When he was forty we retired to the country until the end of his life thirty years later. We had a good life, comfortable, loving and full of acceptance. When he told me that he intended to die as humans do, I was heartbroken but he made me promise to enjoy each minute with him and each minute after him. He lived to a very old age for those years, probably because of me. But one night I awoke and he had passed in his sleep. I left the estate after the funeral and began travelling. Robert was wonderful, but all to brief companion."
She looked back with true fondness and love, something she had not found after that. She was smiling into her mug when the waiter brought them out new drinks. Thanking him politely she waited until she and Nic were alone again.
"Humans are lucky if they have one grand passion in their life. I think we are blessed with the gift of time to enjoy find a true love more than once. While I loved Robert dearly, he would not have taken to our lifestyle well, nor this century at all. He was quite a throwback in some ways despite his progressiveness in others."
Blowing on the hot mocha for a moment before sipping it carefully Livia enjoyed the moment. Life should be enjoyed, cherished and she strove to do just that.
"How is it such a gentleman like you is free to take long evenings at the museum and coffee dates till the wee hours?"

Her history with Robert was something Nic could now not only appreciate, but envy a little as well. For some other reason Nic also found himself feeling happy to hear Livia had been fortunate enough to have true love in her life. It seemed a little less natural to think of a woman going through years and years of solitude, than it did when thinking of himself doing the same. Obviously he was operating under some double standard of his own making, but he was still happy for her in any event.
"We are blessed, IF we find even one true love I feel. We have the opportunity to be more blessed though.
My maker, Iuliana was probably the closest I have come to that passion, and even then I was so young and so full of myself that I can't truly call what I felt love. Sometimes I think I'm Peter Pan and Hugh Hefner rolled into one man."
Nic laughed heartily at that picture, and was smart enough not to consider it a positive trait. But for all his faults, he had a pretty accurate picture of the kind of man he was, and saw no reason to delude himself into thinking otherwise.
"Honestly, it's only been since I came to Nachton that I started thinking I might not only want more out of a relationship, but that I might now be able to give more."
He noticed he'd been staring into his coffee cup as he conjured up mental photos of the women he'd met over the past year, drawing mental comparisons, and organizing them in his head in order of attributes he thought would match him best.
"I guess when you have some near misses with mortality, that will do it to you. I don't think anyone willingly wants to go through life without someone special to share it with. Up to now I just haven't been too discriminating."
He was being generous with himself, but truthfully did feel he'd progressed into a better man over the past few months.

"I never knew my maker but I do recall being young and too boastfully proud. Though, do not knock Peter and Hugh, women seem drawn to them like bees to flowers."
Sensing him moving into deeper thought she gently patted his knee. Speaking of mortality was not something she normally did because it simply did not seem to be a worry. She kept herself as safe as possible by moving frequently and not feeding on humans. Even her business was something she changed slightly over the years so it looked like students but not the same artist. Hopefully Nic's brief brush with danger was past and he could concentrate on living life safely and happily.
"Well, I for one am glad you are who you are. I think you make quite the gallant knight and a terrific friend as well."
Sipping her drink slightly she contemplated life briefly and their town longer. Before removing her hand from his knee she gave it a slight rub then sat back.
"I think Nachton can be a very safe haven, with the clan and towers one can always be surrounded by friends, commrades. Plus with all the familiars and clan sponsored businesses, politicians and the like. Its simply a matter of finding that niche that is comfortable enough to allow you to grow while being safely within the protection of the clan. Though, I have always done things with safety in mind. Not since my turning have I acted excessively reckless or foolishly. At that time I fear, I was young and suffering from false pride. Maturity can come quickly or slowly but that does not mean you have to grow up."

He smiled when he felt her hand on his knee. It was purely a friendly gesture, but it both touched and excited him. Jeez but it had been a long time. To prevent himself from doing something foolish, he didn't pursue any more thoughts along that route, but was a little relieved when she removed her hand.
Nodding and bowing as best as he could while still sitting, Nic appreciated her compliment. Being called a knight was a bit of a stretch, but being a gentleman was something he'd learned early in life, and one of the few things he still remembered his father attempting to instill in all the boys. Though their lives hadn't been grandly spent at court, his father always said you didn't need to be born a prince to act a prince. He grinned at that long lost memory.
"Thank you, you are much too kind, but I am glad you consider me a friend...for now." His eyes twinkled as he flirted, even if somewhat covertly. He wasn't sure why he felt so at ease in her presence, but he wasn't going to analyze it either. It was what it was, and it was good.
"It feels like a haven to me as well, though not for the reasons of safety. I can't say I've often felt less than safe, fortunately, so I guess that must be one of the ways we differ. I hope this doesn't sound sexist, but maybe that's because you're a woman and I'm a man? No...correct're a very beautiful, and desirable looking young woman." Yes, Nic could readily imagine how someone like Livia could easily be stalked, or even, god forbid, assaulted. He might have shuddered at the thought, if it had been a new or fresh idea. But when one lived as long as they did, they experienced many horrors, along with many pleasures. Being Nic, he simply tried to blot out the horrors, but that didn't stop him from carrying some kind of residual effect from them.
"Having Evenhet brethren here does give me pleasure, and has been a source of familial comfort. But they are both new to me, as I've been a loner most of my life. You'd think by now that would be how I would continue to live, yet I find the more I'm around people I can call family, the more I want it, and see how much I've missed out on by not living this way. For someone like you, who's probably lived in the bosom of loving arms your whole life, it may be a little difficult to comprehend." But as he spoke and watched Livia's face, he could see what he thought was empathy, along with compassion. "No...for some reason I think you can understand." And Kem...not only did Nic believe Kem would understand, but as was becoming usual, Nic had to mentally thank Kem for his part in bringing Nic around to a more responsible way of thinking.
But he really did hope that eventually Kem would get out of his head. While Nic would forever be grateful to the man, he found his presence in his thoughts a tad annoying these days, if only because they were so prevalent.
"Grow up? Nah...I think I'll stay here at the mansion in Neverland forever."
Continuing his earlier reference, Nic let go of the seriousness, and brought back his more 'devil may care' attitude, hoping to see Livia smile again. That smile, even in the short time he'd come to know it, was starting to do 'nice' things to his libido. In fact, his eyes were straying to her lips more and more, and his hands were growing impatient with the desire to touch.
"Have you ever thought about buying a ranch...raising your own sheep?"
It must have been all the talk about settling down that now had Nic thinking more along those lines.

His flirting made her feel special, noticed and attractive. To feel that way by a clanmate was good, she knew he was likely not to die on her anytime soon. Which was a large drawback to human spouses in her eyes. As he described his thoughts on Nachton she contemplated the differences and enjoyed the added compliment.
"Perhaps it is because I was so sheltered from violence. My two short brushes with it, turning and the first feeding were enough to convince me that it was not for me. I was protected as a weaver during a renisance. I dont have any self defence at all, so I stay as safe as possible."
Nodding in agreement she understood exactly. The clan was family and being home ment acceptance and protection as only family can provide. She knew that safe feeling quite well. Laughing out loud at his determination to stay young almost upended her cup but luckily she only jostled it slightly, none of the warm mocha spilled. Taking a sip she brightened at his sheep raising comment.
"I actually have land and sheep outside Nachton. But after raising sheep for over 200 years, I now leave it to caretakers. The towers are my home and I can visit my wooly friends anytime I'm in town. Would you be interested in making a visit yourself?"

"It's those people who enjoy violence that worry me...I've never been able to understand that...much like those paintings we saw earlier. You'd have to assume that whoever painted them must have had some pleasure from creating them, or would they have to begin with? No...even if I have an eternity here on earth, I'd much rather spend it ... loving." His sentiment was sincere, but he couldn't help a slight leer, and a quick raise of his eyebrows. Teasing Livia in such a manner was becoming easier and more fun with each moment. And too, there was the growing matter of his raging hormones. He had made that pact with himself not to jump another woman the way he had Alexandra, but that didn't mean it was a pact he didn't constantly try to find reasons to break.
"If you ever 'need' defense...just give me a call. That thought isn't one I want to dwell on, but as long as I'm around, I'll certainly take care of anyone out there who would just try to harm you." All traces of flirting left Nic then, if for just a few moments. He couldn't have been any more serious, and wanted Livia to believe he would be there for her if she ever had need of him. Too often these days women tried to take care of themselves in that way, and many were quite successful; however, Nic always felt drawn to those who were slightly less 'tough', and seeing that in Livia made him like her even more.
Her invitation almost bowled him over. In all the time he'd been to Nachton, he couldn't recall anyone inviting him to their home, let alone someone like her. At least not voluntarily...without his suggestive powers. He had to stop himself from emphatically jumping out of his chair, grabbing her up, and tossing her back on the bike to ride out to the place now.
"I 'would' like seeing your place, and appreciate the invitation. Whenever you plan on making your next trip, just yell." Taking his card from the wallet he extracted, Nic held it to Livia. "The cell is there, and the address, though you already have that." He chuckled. " me any time...even if just to shoot the breeze. Like I said before...I don't sleep all that much, so chances of you waking me, or taking me away from anything more important would be slim."
Now he thought he sounded a tad more than desperate, and considered what he could say to lessen that feeling. One look into her open, friendly face, and Nic let those ideas pass. So far Livia seemed like the type who didn't judge, one main reason he found her so appealing, so he doubted she would start now.
Tilting his cup towards him, he noticed it was empty again.
"I don't know about you, but I think I've hit my limit. Shall we climb back on the bike and head home, or did you have other plans?" Heading home, both back to the Towers, had a nice ring to it even though they were going to separate suites.

At his mention of defense it was her turn to flirt. "I am quite sure that a big strong gentleman like yourself is quite adept at defense. But I do have some subterfuge skills."
Her last comment ended with her blending into the background slightly. While she did not use any glamour upon him it was enough to make her form slightly fuzzy and out of focus even with his eyes upon her. With an impish grin she dropped her playing and reached for her warm mug. It was mostly full and she found herself feeling that way as well. Taking a very small sip she savored the rich flavor and simply held the cup in her hands.
Livia was quite shocked at his enthusiastic reaction to her invitation to the sheep farm. Very few people were interested in her wooly critters and would typically turn up their noses at the offer. Offering Nic a shyly happy smile she nodded and assured him that she would be inviting him soon as she slipped the card into her handbag.
"Since I have been gone so long, I need to stop by soon. I shall let you know what night."
Looking into her mug she could only nod in agreement. "Yes, I have no more room for more."
On the table was the last pastery that she put her mostly full mug near. It was a shame that she could not finish it but she had no desire to make herself ill on sugar and caffine. The mention of his bike frightened her slightly.
"Home sounds lovely though I believe a cab is in my future. I would have no clue how to ride a bike even as a passenger, let alone in an evening gown."
Pulling open her purse she hoped their waiter would get the idea to hurry over with their check. The idea of heading home sounded lovely to her. She would have time to work on her current tapestry, though she considered inviting Nic up to enjoy a movie with her she was sure he would have better things to do.

"That helps some, knowing you have abilities that can protect you."
Nic literally did a 'palm to forehead' move, when Livia uttered the words 'evening gown'. But it still didn't quell the image of her being so close, and holding him in her arms.
"Ah then, another time...for certainly there will be more, thanks to your invitation in part. That aside, I would really like to continue seeing you Livia...if you would be agreeable."
Suddenly Nic seemed a young teen in his lack of confidence. Perhaps it was her perceived innocence that spilled onto Nic, he didn't know for sure. All he knew was he enjoyed her company too much to just sit by and wait for things to fall into place.
On the other hand, being that they were yet virtually strangers, and Livia still didn't know the full story behind his initial arrival in Nachton, Nic could only hope she would remain as accepting when she did. And until that had all been revealed, he would try his damndest to go slow.
When the waiter showed up, Nic took the offered check with ease, before it was even placed on the table. Shaking his head at Livia, he pressed a few bills back into the waiters hand, and stood up. The waiter nodded, and turned, walked a few feet before checking his hand. A sudden whipping of his head back in Nic's direction, and the smile on the waiter's face showed he approved of his tip.
Pulling Livia's chair back slowly, Nic held his hand towards his new lady friend.
"Shall we?"

"Thank you Nic. I greatly enjoyed sharring a cup of coffee with you and I look forward to next time."
Taking a moment to smooth her dress down she soon found herself ready to go. Accepting her clanmates hand she gladly followed him to the curb. Once there he whistled piercingly, which must work for a cab pulled over immediately for them. Galantly he opened the door for her and handed her in like the true gentleman that he was. Livia was shocked but pleased as he gave directions and money to the cab driver to see her safely home.
She waved slightly as the cab pulled off, quite amazed at his boundless courtesy and old world manners. With a vow to call him soon she peered at the card he had given her earlier and committed the number to memory. Perhaps in a few days she would arrange to visit the farm with him in tow.
((Livia & Nic out, all actions with permission and advice))