Hey Wesley!
I am sure there will be some people more than willing to hop into a thread with you. Perhaps if you start one with the notation of (Open) in the title people free would join up! Have fun with it! The battery thread was great, but now, is Wesley going to class or the library to work with said fixed laptop? Or perhaps a late night snack at the Qwerty cafe is in order or a walk through Vesper gardens. Step out and enjoy Nachton! People will come.
Wesley wantd
To play... any open threads he can join?

18 years ago

Ellis Duban
18 years ago
Actually we're not sure why people even put (OPEN) on their threads. We haven't made it a requirement, in fact the only time you have to label your thread is if it's private.
I said stop.
Don't make me smack you.
=D So yeah just jump in a thread, Wesley or pm someone in the thread if you have doubts.
I said stop.
Don't make me smack you.
=D So yeah just jump in a thread, Wesley or pm someone in the thread if you have doubts.

18 years ago
*laughs and hides from Ellis*
When I was new to Nachton, I felt better to note the (open) either in the title or at the bottom of the post. I tried to make my posts enticing and interesting so people would feel like joining.
You can do that Wes! Give it a try.
When I was new to Nachton, I felt better to note the (open) either in the title or at the bottom of the post. I tried to make my posts enticing and interesting so people would feel like joining.
You can do that Wes! Give it a try.

18 years ago
I'm in a thread in Nachton right now and since you can be in only one at a time and then in your clan i can't make one with you, but like Cyrus and Ellis said, just pm someone with a thread that isn't labelled closed or private and ask them if it's ok to join if you want to be sure you'd be welcome there 
I was very new not too long ago and it was very hard for me to get to know people but the people here are the sweetest there are (even if most of them bite

I was very new not too long ago and it was very hard for me to get to know people but the people here are the sweetest there are (even if most of them bite

Panos Mehalitsenos
18 years ago
we'll be hoping out shopping soon feel free to stick a foot out and trip us

18 years ago
Yep feel free to drop in and bump into Alex and Panos, we're the most friendly couple

Panos Mehalitsenos
18 years ago
alexandra i just noticed how delitfully creepy your avatar is!
its pretty!
its pretty!

18 years ago
Why thank you hun, I think it fits Alex as her creepy side is coming out more and more