Aother heads up

I've had the world's worst migraine for the last three days that put me in bed at six and asleep by eight last night. I'm still a bit hung over from it so I'm not going to be around much today, not to mention that on top of that my youngest has three doctors' appointments today.

However, that's not what my heads up is for. :2thumbsup My cousin is finally getting married on Saturday. She's the oldest of eight grandchildren and is finally tieing the knot, so I'll be up there celebrating.

I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon and I'll be home on Sunday evening, Not that it matters that much sice I don't usually post on weekends, but I wanted to let you all know incase anyone started looking for me and wondered if I'd dropped off the face of the earth.

I will make sure that I post to all of my threads once or twice more before I leave. I hope you all have a great weekend!

~Sarah (AKA Ginnie, Meegan, Will and Wren. ;) )

Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
bleh, sorry about the migraine. Weather related maybe? I've had one too, sucks . But gratz on the wedding, hope you have a lovely time and are feeling better for it!
Cyrus 18 years ago
Feel better, have a great time at the wedding! Bring back some nip.
Alexandra 18 years ago
Feel better hun and have mucho fun at the wedding /hug
Shay 18 years ago
Poor sweetie - migraines suck. Take care and enjoy the fun.

*Side note - I'm leaving tonight for So Cal - my daughter's b'day is next week and we're celebrating this weekend, so I too will be gone till late Sunday.*
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
The Exodus of the Wimminz. Have fun and be safe!
Aishe 18 years ago
You guys have a good time!