Bastian Romallo - Werewolf
Basic Information
Birth Name: Sebastian Leonardo Romallo
Aliases: Bastian, Lupo (but only one person ever called him that)
Place of Birth: Romallo, Italy
Age: Born 1976 - Turned at age 21 = 25.5 years
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: DVM
Past Occupation: Bastian's experiences were in running the family vineyards, and wine business, as well as working for a financial firm in New Orleans. While working for the company in New Orleans, he found the business of working with money gave him no satisfaction, and with his love of horses, decided to go into veternary medicine. Once he completed his education he knew he had made the right choice. Not only does he love animals, he finds them great companions, and that he also has a natual talent for making them well.
Hair Color: Very dark, rich, mahogany brown, with soft flecks of gold, and underlying almost black color. A very few flecks of grey are also now creeping in.
Length and Style: It is very thick, and he wears it down to his collar, combed straight back. There is an obnoxious bit that constantly falls forward into his face though.
Eye Color: Deep mahogany brown that almost matches his hair exactly, with gold flecks in the center. Skin Color: Latte coffee color
Height: 6'
Weight: 175
Nationality: Italian
Race: Werewolf
Body Type: Leaner than he was as a teen, he still runs, but also does some weight training...just not with any frequency to allow him to become too muscular.
Wolf Form: Reddish brown with black points, amber eyes, height 4'3", weight 200
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC) ( Please be as specific as possible, who your creator was, why he chose to change you, where is he/she now?): While at college, Bastian had cause to visit a cemetary one night for research on a project. While he was poking around there, he ran into a girl he knew from school - Kahlani. Though Bastian and Kahlani had never really gotten along, the girl had recently broke her ankle, and one thing led to another and they found themselves actually having a civil conversation there that night.
However, about an hour into the meeting a very large, wolf wandered into the cemetary, and appeared to threaten Kahlani. Because she was on crutches, and couldn't manuever well, Bastian tried to get between her and the wolf, in an effort to protect her. Unfortunately, the wolf attacked Bastian, with a vicious bite to his upper arm. Once Bastian was on the ground incapacitated, the wolf grabbed Kahlani, and drug her off into the woods. Not wanting to just let the wolf take off with Kahlani, Bastian got up and tried to run after her, but didn't make it far because of the amount of blood he was losing. He managed to get himself to a restaurant in town not far away, and was then transported to the school infirmary where he was treated and released.
It was later determined, through his own investigation, that the wolf had been Kahlani's boyfriend, Michael, and had thought Bastian was assaulting Kahlani. Bastian had gone back to the cemetary, found paw prints, and tracks showing clearly that a wolf had drug something into the woods, but the trail went cold when Bastian followed it to a more rockier terrain. He explained all this to the local authorities, who tried to locate the wolf, but were never able to. Kahlani refused to admit to any knowledge of the wolf, Michael, or the attack.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality:
Bastian is polite, and can be friendly, but is pretty much business like to most he knows. He doesn't party much, nor does he flirt. He's staunchly heterosexual, but dates little. Only rare occasions, mostly at the insistence of business acquaintances, will he date, and never the same woman more than once. For the most part, he's a loner. He's also quick tempered, but he never lets his temper get out of check. He does have a warm smile that can make women take notice, but rarely offers it.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger: He normally wears slacks and silk polo shirts, when dressing casual. His clothes are expensive, and of quality, but not flashy. He would appear proper and polite, and sometimes stiff, but not hard or brash.
3.What does your character like? He likes the Chicago Cubs. Expensive clothing. He also enjoys going on cruises...anywhere, and has been all over the world. He loves good wine, and chocolate - on anything, but especially chocolate cake. Women who smell good, but not an overbearing cologne smell, just a clean, woman smell. Though he often carries a pool cue around, using it as a mock cane, or staff, he doesn't play well.
He loves animals, obviously, and is a huge supporter of the SPCA, and even contributes to PETA, though he's not fanatical about it. He's quiet, and tends to stay to himself, or with his pets, rather than party.
4. Dislike? He's not fond of overly frilly women, or women who appear weak and submissive. He doesn't like underwear; or irrational demands made upon him. He doesn’t like cold weather much. Large groups of people.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned. NA
6. What are your fears? Bastian fears losing control of his life, and himself, and not having the ability to be self-sufficient. He also fears never again having love in his life, as he once did.
7. What are your character's strengths and weaknesses?
His love for his college girlfriend is his strongest weakness, and it has driven him to make almost all the decisions he has over the past many years, some good, and some bad. He has a short temper if he doesn't watch it, that has gotten him into minor skirmishes in the past, but which he constantly tries to be wary of. He also has an extreme weakness for infants and toddlers, and has found his judgement clouded with respect to anything having to do with them as well. He has always lived the good life, and has difficulty dealing with 'roughing it' when necessary.
His strengths are his dedication and loyalty to Reign, his affinity for animals, and ability to deal well with almost any kind, and his strong sense of responsibility.
(2)Canine Empathy
(10)Lunar Savant
(2)Sonic Detector
One point remaining.
(5)Bloodless Menu
(2)City Slicker
One point remaining.
Hobbies & Skills:Likes to perform in triathlons; he rides horses well, and owns
several; anything thrilling...skydiving, bungee jumping, flying glider planes, mountain
Cosmetic Traits: Bastian has a long scar that runs from his left ear, down along his jaw, onto his neck. His left ear is pierced, and he always wears a small gold stud in it. He has a small tattoo of a cross on his right shoulder blade, and a brown eagle over his heart.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention:
Personal History:
Bastian was born into wealth. His family owned several vineyards in Italy, and produced internationally renowned wines. However, as he was the last child born to this couple - an unexpected mistake, and they were busy with the business and the older children - Bastian was given whatever material things he wanted, but was emotionally neglected, and not show much physical love or tenderness. The next child before him, was already 10 years old when Bastian was born.
His grandmother, who died when Bastian was 10, was the only person who showed him any tenderness, but he rarely was able to visit her, as she lived in the United States with one of Bastian's aunts.
Being the youngest child of seven, and accustomed to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it, it came as quite a shock when he was refused things in the real world. He developed a pretty nasty temper as a means of fighting back.
At the age of eleven, he got into an argument with a fellow student over a trivial issue, and during a fit of anger, Bastian chased the boy on horseback, and because he misjudged a jump, was thrown into a barbed wire fence, where he was terribly injured. He even lost enough blood to require a transfusion at the hospital where he underwent surgery to close the wound.
It was at that age he decided there was very little a temper could resolve, and began to learn how to resolve things in other ways .
Bastian had many girlfriends, mainly because of his good looks and financial background. He never became serious over any though, finding none of them held his interest longer than a month or so. He basically saw women as objects - and not for emotional use.
However, that all changed when he went away to school at the age of twenty.
As unlikely a match that might have been made, Bastian met and fell in love with Reign Sorenson, a girl from Chicago. He considered it to be the first good thing to come into his life since his grandmother had left it, and he set out to convince Reign that he was the man for her. It wasn't an easy road, but ultimately she did fall in love with him as well.
Unfortunately, Bastian really was at a point in his life when he needed to be making his way in the world, and not attending school. He had learned all the practical things school was good for, but needed experience and to find out what he could do that he would enjoy, but that would also allow him to continue to live in the manner he had grown up in.
Though Bastian began changing the full moon immediately preceding the bite, he didn't truly understand, or even remember the change for a few months after. Initially he found himself out on the beach, or in the woods when he awoke the next morning, and after a while began locking himself in his dorm room. Fortunately his roommate, Dylan, had left school a few months prior, and he hadn't been given a new roommate. Also fortunate that his dorm mates were into very loud music, and partied pretty good into the wee hours, so any noises coming from Bastian's room were ignored.
Once he had a good idea as to what was going on in his body, Bastian left school, with the thought of possibly hurting his girlfriend beyond comprehension. He couldn't believe she would want anything to do with him under the circumstances, and truly felt everyone would be better off if he just disappeared. Seeking a way to come to terms with what he had become was his secondary consideration.
So he fled school, without even a note to Reign, and made it his goal to learn how to master the disease, and become the man he thought she needed. He wasn't sure if he could make it work, but he knew he had to try. Without Reign, his life had little meaning. But he was able to focus entirely on learning about his werebeast, and also became interested in animal physiology then. Bastian assumed it was the transfusion he received as a child that gave him the intial 'gift', that was later activated by the werewolf Michael. All this information was based on research Bastian had done when he left school.
A tragic airplane accident that wiped out his mother, father, and brothers, put the family business into Bastian's unwilling hands. His sole decision with that was to divide the equity in the business between the sisters and sisters-in-law, and then buy them out. They were all quite relieved to not have the headaches of the business to deal with, and were all financially secure enough to go on with their lives in the directions they chose.
Needing to not only find a way to support himself, beyond his inheritance, Bastian settled in New Orleans initially. Through some connections provided by his favorite teacher, and good friend Sabine Beauchamp, Bastian did well in the financial industry until he grew dissatisfied, and moved on to find a career he enjoyed more.
It was the request of a wealthy horseowner that now brought Bastian to Nachton, but it was the rumor that his lady love was in Nachton as well, that now kept him there.
OOC Checklist
Player name: Den
Other Characters you play: Shay, Fallon, and Nic
How you came to SA: Friend
Have you read all the Rules?: Si
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and
violent in nature)?: Si
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18?: Si, grazie.