In and out..
Finally! Amberelle breathed a sigh of relief when she pulled into the parking lot. Louis' constant cries as he paced around on the seat beside her turning little circles was starting to really get to her. OK OK.. enough already! Hopefully this one will have the brand you like. Stay put! 'Yeah like HE will get out in this pouring rain if he doesn't have to.' she grumbled to herself and climbed out quickly, dashing inside the store. Just inside she stopped and shook and brushed off the rain. Her hair was a mess now, damp and starting to curl some from the humidity. She brushed it back over her shoulders and pulled all of the clinging strands off her arms and face. Humming softly to herself she started down the aisles looking first for the elusive cat food for her pet then after victory she made her way to the candy aisle to stock up.

((Amby out!))