Better Reacquainted
The Lambchop Express turned off the main road and rumbled on down the gravel drive, leaving a large trail of dust in its wake. The directions Shannon had given Ezekiel had proven simple enough to follow.
The rig crawled to a halt outside the wrought iron gates and Ezekiel fair leapt out of the cabin. Stones scattered like startled ants, and two tiny puffs of dust indignantly shot up from the back of his work boots.
Ezekiel had taken the liberty of removing his worn leather flight jacket, and the simple cotton t-shirt did little to hide a muscular torso and arms that looked as though they had been carved out of marble. The t-shirt also revealed the nasty scarring around his neck where his Gifter, Shannon, had taken a sizable bite out of him.
Hopefully the guard in his little post, and the blinking security camera's would get a pretty fair indication of what Ezekiel was from the pattern of scarring alone.
Ezekiel rambled over to the guard and smiled.
"Hey there mister uniformed man. I came to get better reacquainted with my kinfolks. And if my knowing is right, this is the place where they's at. Can I get a welcoming permit or family discount pass?"
Ezekiel winked at the security camera and widened his smile, revealing a nice pair of pearly whites.

He was used to all sorts of unusual looking visitors and wasn't intimidated by the man's size or laconic grin.
"Name, please sir?"
The big man smiled. "Ezekiel Solomon Caine. That's C-a-i-n-e."
The Guard tapped away at the keyboard on his desk and waited while the computer did it's thing. Sure enough. Caine with a capital C. No priors, no suspicious warning flags. The computer said Mr. Caine was okay Family. And that was good enough for the Guard.
"I'll buzz you in Mr. Caine. Please take your truck around to the parking lot at the back main building. Welcome to Stafford Academy."
"Appreciate it." Ezekiel headed back to his rig and climbed back in the drivers seat.
The wrought iron gates swung silently open and the Guard watched as Mr. Caine drove through them onto the Academy grounds. Shrugging once, the Guard turned his attention back to the small television and sipped back on his soda.
((OOC - Ezekiel out - permission to play NPC Guard from Xeph))