=( Roz you didn't have to hurt your ankle in sympathy for Annie. Should have made Alec do it!
Get better!
Hey I sprained my ankle and I'm on crutches this weekend. Mike's here with me at work hogging my laptop and helping me so i don't have to hobble around. I should be online this weekend maybe, but not as much. Sorry I got xeph tied up n a public thread, Annie =x I'll hurry up and post when I can.
later gaters

18 years ago

18 years ago
Ouch! Feel better soon.

18 years ago
You poor thing! relax and put that feet up doll /hug

18 years ago
Aw, Poor Roz. *gentle huggles*
Keep it iced and take the love pills the doctor gave you.
Keep it iced and take the love pills the doctor gave you.

Alec Devereaux
18 years ago
I'm more than happy to brutalize people in exchange for...um...happy thoughts. Yeah, I think that's the low end of my pay spectrum for this particular task. 
Feel bettah!

Feel bettah!

18 years ago
So okay...is hurting your ankle a new SA initiation pledge event no one told me about? I mean I did break one back when I was in seventh grade...does that count or do I need to have something 'fresher'? lol
Hope it gets better soon!
Hope it gets better soon!

18 years ago
*hugs* Damn you Roz.
I'm not having surgery no matter what you do in protest.
Get it better soon, and ffs don't worry bout tying up one of my characters you goober.

18 years ago
Montana offers hugs all around to the injured.

Dawn Ratana
18 years ago
*smacks Alec in the head with a mallet to get him on the injured list and see him blush*