Hey everybody

I'm sorry about my absence this week. Kate started school this week and it's a thirty minute commute one way to get her there ad back home. Then I managed to pick up some kind of bug. I'm working on catching up all of my characters right now then I will catch up on the rest of the board.


Alexandra 18 years ago
Hope you feel better soon hun, being sick is no fun at all /hug and awww the little one going to school
Fallon 18 years ago
So stop picking up bugs already
Missed ya, and glad to see you back
Jan 18 years ago
Was it a pretty bug? Put it in a display case and hang it on the wall!

Hope you feel better =)
Cyrus 18 years ago
Colds suck. Feel better soon!
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
We may forgive you some day. When the stars are right.

I mean...feel better? I get those confused sometimes. =x
Mathias 18 years ago
Ginnie 18 years ago
Boy will I be glad when I can just put Kate on the bus and come home. This drivig for two hours ever day is killing me and all my time. blech.

I'm going to try ad catch up today and stay caught up, but once a day posts may be all you get from me until she's fully integrated into the program. *sigh*
Dawn Ratana 18 years ago
Poor Alec. Looks like the Eisenhower Power Shower for him, what! :P

Np - family first! Gotta git them bebes edumuhcatid!